Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1204 Great Way to Simple

"Junior brother Jiang..." Everyone's eyes lit up suddenly, and everyone's breathing became tight!

The lonely mood quickly became active again, making their hearts beat faster and their blood surging!

Jiang Tian's blood was also surging, and he drank proudly!

"You and I are both warriors. We have received all kinds of teachings from our elders since we were young, such as sailing against the current, perseverance, where there is a will, there is a way, freezing three feet, water dripping through stone, etc. Did you think deeply about it? Have you tasted it?"

"I..." Everyone opened their mouths, but they couldn't speak for a long time. The corners of their mouths twitched, as if thousands of words were stuck in their voices.

What Jiang Tian said is indeed very reasonable. Everyone has heard it countless times, and they have never questioned these things.

But almost without exception, they all regard these as a kind of formal encouragement, or a kind of hope from their elders, and they have not really thought about it deeply. These simple and familiar words can be memorized even by a three-year-old child. Among them, the profound truth contained in it!

He has never even seen the ultimate mystery hidden behind all kinds of truths!

When Jiang Tian mentioned it at this time, it seemed as if a bell was ringing in their hearts, making their blood surge, but they always felt that they still didn't have the feeling of being suddenly enlightened and enlightened!

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, as if there were thousands of thoughts stuck in their hearts, but they just couldn't find a clear one. This feeling is really uncomfortable!

Some people were a little sober just now, but now their kung fu has become even more confused, even more confused than when they didn't hear these words.

Jiang Tian had a panoramic view of everyone's reactions, took a deep breath, and said coldly: "Everyone, you should know that the truth is as simple as it is! The most profound truth in the world is often contained in these things that seem so simple that they cannot be simpler and ordinary. In ordinary words!" "Imagine which strong man can grow without perseverance, and which genius can rise without day-to-day hard work? You have never seriously thought about it. The teachings of the elders have not been put into practice, and they have been complaining about themselves, self-exile, and blaming themselves

The qualifications are not good and the opportunities are not good, but have you ever thought about the reasons for this situation? "

There was a dead silence in the venue, everyone was silent, and no one responded, except for Jiang Tian's voice echoing, there were only heavy breathing sounds!

"Is it depressed? Is it bitter? That's right!" Jiang Tian looked cold and stern, his brows were radiant, and he raised his arms and shouted!

"Let me tell you why! You have never put in real effort, and when you encounter a little difficulty and setback, you get discouraged and complain, instead of trying your best to solve the problem..."

Speaking of this, the crowd suddenly looked at Jiang Tian with a few angry eyes, and there was even some kind of anger deep in the pupils of these disciples!

Who said they didn't try hard?

Who says they haven't thought about it?

Who says they haven't tried it?

But what about the final result?

After harvesting all kinds of setbacks, is it different or a failure?

Jiang Tian naturally noticed these angry eyes, and did not choose to avoid them, but his eyes flickered, and he stared at them coldly!

He raised his voice and shouted proudly: "Some people may have worked hard, tried, and overcome all kinds of difficulties to move forward, but after overcoming all kinds of obstacles, they finally fell in front of a bigger obstacle!"


These words were like a thunderbolt, suddenly crashing into the hearts of the hosts with angry eyes, breaking down their defenses in an instant, making the corners of their eyes tremble wildly, and their hearts trembling!

Yes, why haven't they tried hard?

Why didn't they try their best to solve the problem, but in the end, they all encountered insurmountable obstacles and stopped in front of a certain "big mountain", feeling daunted and helpless to stop.

Those "big mountains" are so majestic in their eyes, so high that they can't even see where the peak is, and they don't even have the courage to climb it.

Faced with such difficulties, what is the use of trying harder?

Everyone understands the truth, but those difficulties will not be reduced by your courage. Faced with this situation, what can you do?

The few people looked at each other, shook their heads and sighed, feeling helpless in their hearts.

But the next moment, they heard Jiang Tian shouting again, this time, there was even anger in that high-pitched voice! "Practice one is sailing against the current. If you have to stop moving forward when encountering difficulties and obstacles, it would be better to abandon your cultivation and become a mediocre person! If you do that, at least you don't have to live in fear all day long, and you don't have to worry about it. Worrying about my shrinking, no need to move forward

I still feel ashamed for choosing to retreat, and I don’t have to envy the geniuses around me anymore! "

"If a certain 'big mountain' is your end point, if that towering mountain peak is your obstacle, then what is the scorching sun high above? What is the existence of the vast and boundless sky? What's the point in that?"


A series of words blasted into everyone's minds like a series of thunderbolts, shocking their minds, and lightning flashed wildly in their minds.

Many disciples who were originally gloomy and depressed, their eyes shrank at this moment, and their blood was surging!

Some people's eyes brightened, and their spiritual temperament suddenly changed, as if they had been reborn!

Boom boom boom!

A dull roar suddenly sounded, but this time it didn't ring in everyone's hearts, but came from a few disciples who were not weak in breath!

Accompanied by these roars, several tyrannical auras swayed, and even stunned the disciples who were caught off guard.

Everyone exclaimed, turned their heads to look, and couldn't help being shocked!

"Hiss! What's the situation?"

"What happened?"

Everyone was in shock for a while, but there was one person who was extremely calm, and this person was naturally Jiang Tian.

At this moment, he stared at those fellow disciples with turbulent breaths in his eyes, his brows were full of light, and the corners of his mouth revealed a joyful smile.

"Hahahaha! My cultivation bottleneck has finally been broken, happy, happy!"

"Huh! The cultivation barrier that has troubled me for many years has finally broken through!"

"Thank you Junior Brother Jiang, you opened my heart knot and let me see the hope of moving forward. You... are my guiding light!"

"Junior brother Jiang, you are the benchmark for me to move forward! There is no way to repay this kindness, thank you!"

"Hahahaha! Happy! I have never been so happy like today!"

Some people laughed wildly, and even their eye sockets were a little wet because of the excessive flow.

In fact, these people are not bad in aptitude, and their cultivation bases are not weak, but they have stayed in the outer door for a long time but have been stuck in the quasi-xuan realm and have been unable to break through. Dust's heart door suddenly opened wide. The cultivation base that had been stagnant for a long time broke through, and some people who were stuck on the bottleneck even broke out in one fell swoop, breaking through to the level of Xuanyue Realm in an instant!

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