Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1211 Severe punishment

Jiang Tian not only dared to question them, but also became more and more imposing. This kid's arrogance was simply beyond their imagination!

"Good boy! You really didn't take inner disciples seriously!"

"You... You said that apprentices who come out from everyone are trash?"

"Boy, I'm afraid this is what you really mean?"

The three of them questioned sharply with livid faces, and their voices spread in all directions, immediately attracting many inner disciples to surround them.

Everyone probed their heads to observe the situation here. At first, they were a little strange, who would dare to contradict the elders of the inner sect, but after seeing clearly that it was Jiang Tian, ​​they were immediately relieved.

Di Feng and others who had just had a dispute with Jiang Tian even came forward and took the opportunity to make a fuss!

"My God! Who is that? Who is so bold to disrespect our inner sect elders?"

"Let me see? It's Jiang Tian!"

"It's him? Huh, it's not surprising. This kid has always been arrogant and never takes our inner disciples seriously!"

"Hmph! It's fine for him to be rude to us, we can bear it, but how dare he be so disrespectful to the elders of the inner sect? Does he still have sect rules in his eyes?"

"Bold madman! Why don't you kneel down and apologize?"

"Elder, please punish this wicked person severely!"

Everyone raised their arms and shouted, which immediately aroused the anger of a group of inner disciples who didn't know the truth, and they all spoke loudly.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Jiang Tian was completely speechless.

No matter what he says, the other party will recognize him as a disrespectful lunatic, so what else is there to say?

"It's not speculative, so let's not waste time!" Jiang Tian smiled coldly, a bit of disdain flashed in his eyes.

Turning around to look at Elder Su, he saluted respectfully: "Whether I am strong or weak, I will know when I compete in the ring. Elder Su don't have to embarrass me, this disciple resigns!"

"This... alright!" Elder Su shook his head and sighed, but also helplessly.

Even though he admired Jiang Tian very much, he couldn't help that his companions looked down on him, and even labeled him "arrogant and rude" preconceivedly, which was really infuriating.

However, the situation in front of them is really not suitable for further entanglement, otherwise, with the tempers of Elder Guan, Elder Che, and Elder Mu, the anger will definitely become more and more intense.

"Don't go, kid..." Several elders glared and scolded angrily, preparing to stop Jiang Tian.

"Hey! A few elders, forget it. What does a junior from the outer sect care about with him? After all, he is a young man. Don't say that he didn't say anything exaggerated. Are you really going to argue with him?"

Elder Su was worried that the situation would get out of control, so he hurriedly stepped forward to stop a few people, and comforted them with a smile.

"Hmph! This kid is really arrogant, but you should stop him, otherwise he must look good today!"

"Elder Su, I didn't mean you, such an arrogant and rude boy, I really don't know why you have such a good impression of him?"

Elder Guan and Elder Che frowned coldly, and even complained to Elder Su, as if the other party owed them a lot.

"Just such an arrogant guy, I don't believe how capable he really is! Inner sect disciples, give me a good test of his quality in today's martial arts competition, do you hear me?"

Elder Mu was even more furious, he waved his sleeves and ordered many inner disciples.

"Elder, don't worry, this kid will be handed over to us, and we will deal with him properly!"

"Listen up, everyone, when you get into the ring, don't be soft!" Someone raised his arms and shouted, as if everyone couldn't hear clearly.

"Elder, brother, please rest assured, if we don't beat him out of shit, we will have no face to go back to the inner sect to practice!"

"Hahahaha! Well said!"

Everyone laughed wildly and glared at Jiang Tian one after another, as if everyone was shouting and beating him.

Jiang Tian walked forward calmly with cold eyes like sharp arrows, and was about to walk out of the crowd, but at this moment, Di Feng suddenly flashed in front of him.

"Stop!" Di Feng's face was gloomy, his arms directly blocked the way, his eyes were cold and his expression was slightly ferocious.

"Why, do you want to do it?" Jiang Tian frowned, and his face sank immediately.

Di Feng sneered proudly: "Do it? Hmph, even if you want to do it, you have to go to the ring, but you offend the elder and want to leave, isn't it too cheap?"

"What do you want?" Jiang Tian's eyes shrank, he took a deep breath, his eyes became colder and colder.

The elders of the inner sect didn't say anything, but Di Feng ran out to block the way, apparently to seek Jiang Tian's bad luck, and hate him to death!

"How is it? Humph!" Di Feng sneered and shouted at the top of his voice.

"This rampant outsider offended the elder by being rude, so let's just forget it? Everyone said, what should we do?"

As the words spread, the crowd fell silent for a while.

The three elders had no intention of pursuing it anymore, but Di Feng actually wanted to stop him, of course there was no need to say more about his intentions.

After a moment's hesitation, someone in the depths of the crowd immediately raised their arms and shouted, with incomparable anger in their voice!

"A small outer disciple who dares to offend the elder should be punished heavily according to the sect's rules!"

"For the sake of the dignity of the inner sect, the elders are requested to enforce the sect's rules and punish this arrogant person!"

"If this matter is not severely punished, there will be more disciples from the outer sect to follow suit in the future. Please elders strictly enforce the laws, carry forward the sect's laws and discipline, and punish Jiang Tian severely!"

"Yes! Severely punish Jiang Tian!"

"Severely punish Jiang Tian!"

The disciples of the inner sect started booing one after another, the voices became louder and louder, and the scene gradually became uncontrollable.

Elder Su frowned, his face was very ugly, and his heart was full of worry.

He managed to suppress the situation just now, but he didn't want to be disturbed by Di Feng again, which is really a headache!

But with so many disciples pleading for orders, and the fact that the three colleagues were really suppressing their anger, it was obvious that this matter was beyond what he alone could stop.

This is how to do?

"Elder Su, you see, this is the 'genius' of the outer sect you admire!"

"His behavior has already made many inner disciples look down on it. Elder Su, do you still want to defend him now?"

"Hmph! Even if we want to let him go, it's impossible. So many eyes are staring at us. If Jiang Tian is not severely punished, wouldn't the sect's rules become a trifle?"

The three inner sect elders sullenly complained to Elder Su one after another.

"You..." Elder Su's mouth twitched, his face extremely ugly, and he wanted to try to dissuade him, but was coldly interrupted by the other party.

"Okay! No matter how good your impression of him is, today's matter cannot be left alone!" Elder Guan interrupted the other party and stepped out coldly.

Elder Che smiled: "Don't worry, it's just a slight punishment for him, and it's not a severe torture. After our punishment is over, it won't be too late for you, Elder Su, to go up and comfort him!"

"What kind of punishment? Since you want to punish, you must follow the sect's rules to the letter. I don't think he needs to participate in this sect martial arts meeting!" Elder Mu stared fiercely at the big eyes like cowbells With a flick of the green robe, the two deacon disciples quickly walked towards this side.

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