Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1223 Additional Regulations

"Okay! Very good!" Mu Dayan looked at Chu Tianhua bitterly, gritted his teeth and reprimanded him, his eyes were extremely cold.

The words of the Elder of the Law Enforcement Palace made him completely furious, but he had to suppress it as much as possible.

"Lord Suzerain! Even if Mu Bingfeng deserves what he deserves, he should be handed over to the Law Enforcement Hall. How could it not be her turn to Yun Xianghan?"

"This matter..." Chu Tianhua frowned slightly, hesitating.

The elder of the Law Enforcement Hall shook his head and said: "Peak Master Yun's actions are not inappropriate. Although there is no such thing stated in the Zongmen's laws and regulations, the powers and responsibilities of the elders have specified that when a disciple is violated, the peak master and elders of the peak he belongs to shall have The right to pursue responsibility when the evidence is convincing!"

"You..." Mu Dayan burst into anger when he heard the words, his breath was restless, and he was almost full of old blood.

"Okay! You are fine!" Mu Dayan's face was extremely gloomy, and he pointed at the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall and Yun Xianghan, as if he was being squeezed.

"Even if you don't mention this matter, Yun Xianghan severely injured the old man, how can you not justify it? May I ask which rule of the sect gives her this kind of power? What qualifications does she have to do this?"

Mu Dayan roared sharply, his face turned purple, and he was completely out of anger.

At this moment, he felt that he was being targeted by everyone, coupled with the hatred of his nephew's cultivation base being abolished, the fury in his heart can be imagined!

"So what should we do about this matter?" Chu Tianhua frowned, this was the real headache for him.

The matter of Mu Bingfeng is easy to talk about, but it is indisputable that Yun Xianghan severely injured Mu Dayan. Even if Mu Dayan offended Yun Xianghan, he would not be seriously injured.

However, he was also aware of Yun Xianghan's temperament. There were elders who had suffered this kind of loss before, but they didn't let it go in the end.

The three elders of the Hall of Law Enforcement frowned and discussed for a while, and the leader said in a deep voice: "What Master Yunfeng did was indeed inappropriate, according to the sect's rules, the suzerain should be the master to persuade and discipline!"

"Well, not bad!" Hearing this, Chu Tianhua couldn't help but feel relieved. Fortunately, the sect's rules are relatively "gentle", otherwise, if they were stricter, he really didn't know how Yun Xianghan would react.

Even so, this stunningly beautiful peak master still reacted with a deadpan expression, completely devoid of the kind of joyful look of letting it go.

"What? She injured Mu twice, and it's all just persuasion and admonishment? Whose family's rules are this!"

Mu Dayan's breath soared, he cursed angrily, and suddenly became furious, like a ignited firecracker, making people avoid him.

Injured and injured, nephews and grandchildren were also abolished, and they have suffered enough, but in the end they were treated like this, is there any reason?

Chu Tianhua glanced at the elder of the Hall of Law Enforcement, his brows were tightly frowned, and his face was deep.

The three of them shook their heads and sighed. After discussing for a while, they frowned again and said, "In addition to this, there is an additional regulation, but it has never been used before, I don't know..."

"Damn it! Since there are additional regulations, hurry up and announce them, Mu can't wait!" Mu Dayan roared furiously.

The three law enforcement elders looked at each other with weird expressions. The leading old man frowned and said: "According to the additional conditions, the peak master and the elders will fight privately...well, the party who refuses to accept can propose a public challenge. The Hall of Law Enforcement and the Presbyterian Council will oversee it!"

"Cough...cough!" Chu Tianhua's throat was itchy, and he tried not to laugh out loud.

If you really want to do this, won't you kill Mu Dayan?

He was not Yun Xianghan's opponent in the first place, and now he was seriously injured. Even if he recovered from his injuries, he was no match for the opponent. Wouldn't he be humiliated in public and make himself ugly if he challenged again?

"No more? Is that all?" Chu Tianhua asked with a frown.

The elder of the Hall of Law Enforcement nodded his head, confirming it without a doubt.

Chu Tianhua turned to Mu Dayan, frowned and said, "Elder Mu, you heard what the elders of the Law Enforcement Hall said. I wonder if you are satisfied with the result of this disposition?"

"Satisfied? I am satisfied with his grandma!"

Mu Dayan roared furiously, the anger in his heart erupted like a volcano.

He looked at Chu Tianhua, Yun Xianghan, the elders of the Law Enforcement Hall and others with extremely resentful eyes, and even the elders of the Presbyterian Council hated them extremely.

At this point, he is undoubtedly a complete loser, let alone asking for justice, he is even more wronged and useless than before!

"You guys... did a great job!" Mu Dayan gritted his teeth and scolded, slowly scanning the crowd with his cold eyes, which were full of threats.

This gesture annoyed Chu Tianhua, the Presbyterian Council and everyone in the Hall of Law Enforcement, but considering his situation, they didn't bother with him.

After all, he was humiliated in public, and his nephew and grandson were abolished, so it is only natural to vent.

"Yun Xianghan, Mu has written down what happened today! One day, I will double it back to you!"

"Okay, if Elder Mu is not convinced, you can come and challenge me at any time." Yun Xianghan said coldly without changing his expression.


Mu Dayan yelled angrily, flicked his sleeves and pushed away the suzerain Chu Tianhua, mentioning that Mu Bingfeng, who had been abolished, strode away from the square.

But before leaving, he turned his head and looked back, leaving an extremely cold gaze!

And after this gaze swept across Yun Xianghan, it turned suddenly and fell on Jiang Tian again!

Immediately afterwards, a sound transmission of spiritual power quietly flew into Jiang Tian's ears.

"Jiang Tian, ​​no matter what relationship you have with that stinky bitch Yun Xianghan, in short, you are dead! Hmph!"

After leaving a sentence full of murderous threats, Mu Dayan didn't stay any longer, stepped into the air in a flash, and flew back to the inner door with Mu Bingfeng.


"It hurts! It hurts...Uncle, give me a good time!"

In a certain hall deep in the inner gate, Mu Bingfeng was writhing in pain, his breathing was messy.

Mu Da acted out of good intentions, sending him spiritual power and feeding him various rare elixirs, trying to keep his cultivation.

Unexpectedly, Yun Xianghan made a move without reservation, directly cutting off all possibility of him recovering his strength.

As a result, Mu Dayan's spiritual power and the violent power of the pill surged violently in his body, making him in unbearable pain like ten thousand ants devouring his body, and at one point even wanted to hit a pillar to die!

"Hold on! Hold on!" Mu Dayan roared angrily, his eyes widened.

But seeing that Mu Bingfeng was about to be unable to withstand the double impact of spiritual power and medicinal power, he was about to die!

"Damn! Damn!"


At the critical moment, Mu Dayan had no choice but to make a move, knocked him unconscious with a palm, and quickly cast a spell to force out the medicine, which managed to save him and his life.

"It's over, it's over!"

Mu Dayan shook his head and sighed bitterly, then sat down on the ground slumped.

Although Mu Bingfeng saved his life, his physical body was injured again due to the attempt just now, and now it is impossible to even be a normal person.

From now on, he is doomed to be weak and his lifespan will be greatly shortened, time is numbered! After sitting there for a long time, Mu Dayan took out a few pills and stuffed them into his mouth, calming down his injuries silently.

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