"Hmph! What's so great about Gao Hanyang? No matter how powerful he is, he's only the number one in the outer sect. Can he still turn the world upside down in front of me?"

The yellow-robed disciple Chang Qian smiled coldly, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, and he looked very domineering!

"This Gao Hanyang, it is said that when he first entered the Zhunxuan Realm, he had beheaded a bandit in the Xuanyue Realm. His strength should not be underestimated. Junior Brother Chang, it is better not to be too careless!" A tall green-robed inner sect The disciple said solemnly.

"Don't worry, no matter how careless I am, Chang Qian, I won't capsize in the gutter. In fact, I already know the name of this person. It's good to meet him now. Let me experience the so-called number one person in the outer sect. How capable? Hmph!"

Chang Qian snorted coldly, flew up with a flick of his sleeves, and flew straight onto the ring under the watchful eyes of several companions.

"Will Chang Qian underestimate the enemy?"

"Underestimate the enemy? Hehe, Gao Hanyang actually made you so nervous, you are so speechless! Don't forget, we are inner disciples, even if we are nervous, it should be Gao Hanyang who is nervous!"

"That's right! Although Chang Qian was promoted to the inner sect a year or two later than us, his overall strength is comparable to ours, and even slightly higher than us!" A white-robed disciple looked at Chang Qian. There was a hint of jealousy in his eyes.

He is also an inner sect disciple, Chang Qian was promoted later than them, and he is also a year or two younger than them, but his overall strength is already better than theirs, and now he is doing well in the inner sect. , has considerable popularity and prestige.

In comparison, these veteran inner disciples are inevitably a little envious, but compared to the strength of Gao Hanyang and Chang Qian, they are still more optimistic about Chang Qian.

After all, one is an inner genius who has lived in Xuanyue Realm for a long time, and the other is just the number one outer sect in Zhunxuan Realm.

As for the title of "No. 1 person in the outer sect", they actually have doubts about how valuable it is.

"Hmph! No matter how powerful the outer sect disciple is, he is still an outer sect disciple after all. Just look at it, Gao Hanyang is absolutely impossible to be Chang Qian's opponent!"

A stout inner disciple roared in a muffled voice, the tyrannical breath dissipated, and everyone's expressions were slightly condensed, and they all looked at the ring.

At the same time, several arenas ended their competitions one after another, the elders of the sect shouted their names one after another, and pairs of disciples quickly appeared on the stage.

"No. 991, get on the stage!"

As the words spread, no one responded in the square!

This weird situation surprised many disciples who watched the battle, and they even criticized it.

"It's unreasonable! The elders have called their names, why are you pretending to be deep?"

"Who is so bold that the called number has not yet responded?"

After waiting for a while, many disciples frowned and scolded, expressing their dissatisfaction.

However, most people ignored this little episode, and their eyes were firmly locked on the ring where Gao Hanyang was, watching the exciting duel that was about to unfold.

Among the crowd of outer disciples, Qi Yurou and others were surrounding Jiang Tian, ​​looking forward to it.

"Junior Brother Jiang, it's finally your turn!"

"Why are you still in a daze, hurry up!"

The companions couldn't hold back anymore, but Jiang Tian looked calm, smiled and said nothing, he looked at Di Feng faintly, and had already noticed their reactions.

Di Feng and a few companions stared at Jiang Tian's direction suspiciously, each of them frowned slightly and whispered.

After a short wait, the elder of the Zongmen yelled again, but his voice was a little harsher!

"Number nine hundred and ninety-one, come on stage quickly, or you will be abstained!"

The majestic words spread in all directions, and the corners of the eyes of a red-robed disciple beside Di Feng twitched, and finally he couldn't hold back anymore.

"Looks like it's not that kid, I'll go up first!"

The red-robed disciple nodded to his companion, then strode up to the arena, and handed over the lottery to the elder's slightly impatient eyes.

"How unreasonable! Why is the reaction so slow? There is another one, come up!" The elder glared at the red-robed disciple with a sullen face, and sternly reprimanded.

"What a pity!" Seeing this scene, Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, he nodded to his companion, and then walked towards the ring.

"Keep the elder waiting for a long time!" Jiang Tian jumped onto the ring, smiled leisurely, and handed over the lottery.

"Outer disciple? Huh!" The elder of the sect frowned and glanced at Jiang Tian, ​​but did not blame him too much.

With a junior from the outer sect who is about to be eliminated, what is there to care about? Although this kid is a little slow to react, as an elder of the sect, he must have a certain amount of courage.

The sect elder shook his head and sighed, gave Jiang Tian a slightly similar look, and stepped aside.

But when Jiang Tian came to the stage, there were people below the ring with a gloomy expression, gritting their teeth and cursing angrily.

This person is none other than Di Feng.

"That's unreasonable! This kid is so fucking cunning!" Di Feng gritted his teeth and scolded angrily, his face extremely gloomy.

"Senior Brother Di, it seems that this kid has a guilty conscience and guessed our plan, otherwise he wouldn't be so cautious!"

"That's right! It's a good thing you didn't exchange numbers and play rashly, otherwise this kid will definitely find a way to avoid it!"

"Senior Brother Di, don't worry, if you don't meet him this time, you may not be able to meet him next time!"

"That's right! On the contrary, there is no limit to the number of rounds in this round of martial arts. Before the top 64 places are formed, lots will be drawn repeatedly. This kid can't be so lucky all the time!"

Several companions shook their heads and sneered, and tried to comfort Di Feng one after another.

Almost every time the elders call out, they are observing Jiang Tian's reaction. Once there is a slight sign of appearance, Di Feng will try his best to find the number lottery to fight against him, but unfortunately he has not been able to do so.

This time, there was a chance to give the opponent a head-on blow, but Jiang Tian slyly avoided it, thinking about it would make him angry.

"Hmph! To put it bluntly, he may not be able to survive this round, so what are you talking about in the top 64? Don't you think it's a little funny?"

Di Feng grimaced and complained dissatisfiedly.

"Huh? You're right!"

"Damn it! Really let this kid escape!"

"But brother Di, don't worry, Shi Kun is not a vegetarian. We have already told him hello, and we will definitely not hold back against Jiang Tian!"

"Hmph! It's really a huge pity that I can't teach this kid myself!"

Di Feng gritted his teeth and cursed secretly, annoyed for missing this opportunity.

But there is no way, Jiang Tian is already on the stage, so he can't run to the stage to grab Shi Kun's number lottery, right?

And on the ring, with the elder's order, the fight between the two officially started!

"Jiang Tian, ​​do you know what relationship I have with Di Feng?"

Shi Kun was not in a hurry to make a move, but wrapped his arms around him and looked at Jiang Tian with a condescending look, exuding incomparable arrogance all over his body. In his opinion, crushing Jiang Tian is just a matter of gestures, and there is no need to worry about this completely suspenseful competition.

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