Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1231 Is there anything wrong with your eyes?

In this way, it made her feel a little embarrassed, especially when she saw everyone's strange eyes sweeping over again, her slightly round and plump cheeks couldn't help but feel a little hot. "Hmph, since junior sister doesn't deny it, let's talk about it! One of these two is an inner disciple with mediocre strength, and the other is an outer disciple with shallow cultivation. Why don't you pay attention to the contest between Xiuyunfeng disciples? But they care so much about their confrontation? I really don’t know what’s wrong with such a confrontation

Very concerned! "

Yu Chunrou shook her head and sneered, with a look of disdain, since the other party didn't shy away from it, she didn't care much.

That's good too, so you don't have to go around and be covered in clouds and fog.

Yun Xianghan still didn't look back, but she didn't agree with the words of the elder Xiuyunfeng behind her.

"The strength is mediocre? The cultivation base is shallow? Hmph, Senior Sister Yu is a bit loud, isn't she?"

"What? With the strength of the two of them, even our Xiuyun Peak can't be regarded as top-notch. Could it be that Junior Sister Yun really treats him...well, treats them two differently?"

Yu Chunrou rolled her eyes, and suddenly changed her words when she reached the edge of her mouth, subtly embellishing her original intention, but the sneer at the corner of her mouth became more and more intense.

The elders of the sect next to them were not fools, and immediately heard some unusual flavors mixed in Yu Chunrou's words, and couldn't help but look at each other with strange expressions in their eyes!

Lines of sight swept back and forth between Yu Chunrou and Yun Xianghan, and everyone's minds gradually became active.

Yun Xianghan's expression did not change at all, and he said coldly: "Shi Kun's cultivation base is there, and he still loses when he tries his best. Needless to say, his strength! As for Jiang Tian..."

"How about Jiang Tian?" Yu Chunrou's sneer grew stronger, and the sarcasm in his eyes became more obvious.

Gently shaking the plump bust, the eyes of several sect elders involuntarily shifted to her side.

Yun Xianghan's eyes were slightly cold, and he snorted softly: "If there is nothing wrong with Senior Sister Yu's eyes, you should be able to tell that he didn't use all his strength."

"You..." Yu Chunrou's face darkened, and she was suddenly annoyed.

In front of all the senior sect leaders, Yun Xianghan didn't show any sympathy, which really hurt her face and made her face dull.

But it's no wonder Yun Xianghan, who asked her to deliberately take the opportunity to provoke trouble and speak sarcastically?

But Yu Chunrou herself didn't think so. Instead, she blindly blamed Yun Xianghan for her excessive words and not saving face for her, an elder of the sect, which made her even more angry.

"Junior Sister Yun!" After a moment of depression, Yu Chunrou's face darkened, and her eyes became cold.

"How?" Yun Xianghan replied calmly with a blank face.

Yu Chunrou took a deep breath, and said coldly: "Since you became the peak master, you have become more and more rude to us senior sisters!"

As the words spread, the male elders of the other peaks all frowned. Unexpectedly, Yu Chunrou would dare to accuse Yun Xianghan openly on this occasion.

Although the other female elders of Xiuyunfeng did not speak, their expressions more or less showed a trace of dissatisfaction, especially when Yu Chunrou said this, they looked at each other and made eye contact, and the corners of their mouths curled up. A sneer.

As the elders of Xiuyun Peak, they were once favored by the previous generation of peak masters, but ever since Yun Xianghan emerged and shined brightly, they have tasted the feeling of being "in the cold".

From the day Yun Xianghan's bloodline awakened, they lost the attention of the old peak master overnight.

From then on, all the thoughts of the old peak master seemed to be spent on Yun Xianghan, this little junior sister who was once regarded as a pistachio by them!

And Yun Xianghan lived up to the high expectations. Since the awakening of the bloodline, his cultivation base has been advancing by leaps and bounds, growing strongly at an astonishing speed, and finally became the unique genius of Xiuyunfeng.

At the same time, her temperament was no longer as obedient as before, as if she had her own ideas overnight, and she became cold and aloof.

Although she was still very courteous to her seniors, she was no longer the little girl who let them tease and tease her, and she had a faint detached temperament.

This made many senior sisters who were already full of jealousy feel even more upset.

And when the old peak master announced his abdication and handed over the power of Xiu Yunfeng to the young Yun Xianghan, this emotion reached its peak!

At that time, everyone was very dissatisfied. If the old peak master hadn't insisted on this, Xiu Yunfeng might have fallen into a power struggle long ago.

But at this time, Yun Xianghan showed a strong method, without saying a word, he directly used his cultivation to crush a group of senior sisters, so that even if they refused to accept, they had nothing to say.

So far, the old peak master has just abdicated safely, but he is not without concerns about Yun Xianghan's strength.

Fortunately, since Yun Xianghan came to power, he has made Embroidery Yunfeng more prosperous with his strong style, and the momentum of development has continued unabated. This made many people dispel their worries and extinguished everyone's eagerness to move.

However, the grievances from that day were not so easy to eliminate after all, and at this time Yu Chunrou suddenly got into trouble, and that was where it came from.

Following Yu Chunrou's complaints and accusations, all eyes quickly turned to Yun Xianghan, expecting her reaction.

Yun Xianghan frowned slightly, and said coldly: "Senior Sister Yu, you seem to have misunderstood a question. It is obvious that you asked me for no reason with a gun and a stick. Why did you blame me for being rude instead?"

"Hmph! Junior Sister Yun is indeed the master of Xiuyun Peak, she is so majestic!" Yu Chunrou's face was livid, and her chest was already trembling with anger.

She really wanted to see what else Yun Xianghan could explain, and how she could appease everyone's doubts?

But what she got was destined to be disappointed. Instead of explaining much, the other party smiled coldly, his eyes full of disdain.

"Since Elder Yu knows that I am the Peak Master, don't do those excessive things! Elders here, who else is dissatisfied with me?"

When Yun Xianghan's voice changed, there was a trace of coldness, which made Yu Chunrou's face stiffen, and a mouthful of anger stuck in his chest.

There was an icy atmosphere in the spectator seats. Upon hearing this, the expressions of the other female elders changed slightly, and they dared not respond at all.

"Hmph! Even if there is, you shouldn't say it here! Either you go back to Xiuyunfeng to propose to me, or impeach the suzerain or the elders after the martial arts is over. It is not only against the elders' demeanor to make use of it now, but also against the elders. Breaking the rules set by the old peak master!"

As the words lingered, everyone's hearts trembled, and they all felt uneasy!

They have learned a lot about Yun Xianghan's style, and I'm afraid this matter will not end so easily.

Sure enough, after a moment of silence, Yun Xianghan moved his lips slightly, and silently transmitted a voice to Yu Chunrou. I don't know what Yun Xianghan said. The latter shrank the corners of his eyes and showed a bit of anger on his face. After a while, he let out a sigh of relief, with a look of extreme annoyance. Obviously, he didn't get any advantage. There may have been some kind of blame or even punishment.

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