Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1239: An Astonishing Scene

"Senior Brother Gao might as well throw another punch!" Jiang Tian said with a leisurely smile.

"Punch again?" Gao Hanyang frowned slightly, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

After a moment of hesitation, the spiritual power in his body suddenly surged, and he used the same trick against Angel Jiang.


The violent roar exploded again, and the blue palm knife took shape in an instant, and the five fingers suddenly flipped over, and then suddenly struck out like lightning.

Exactly the same move, this time even more powerful, but less murderous and angry.

After punching out, Gao Hanyang frowned and waited to see what Jiang Tian's plan was.

The next moment, his eyes narrowed sharply, and his face suddenly changed!

I saw Jiang Tian yelled, and cut out his right palm like lightning, and a purple palm print took shape in an instant!

Immediately afterwards, he stretched out horizontally without any delay, and his five fingers clenched into a fist with a lot of spiritual power, and he greeted the giant cyan fist like lightning!

"How is it possible?" Gao Hanyang couldn't help exclaiming, his eyes filled with horror!

Jiang Tian used exactly the same trick as him, and it was also "Qinggang Sword Fist"!

Around the arena, everyone was even more dumbfounded, and the corners of their eyes jumped wildly, extremely shocked!

"This...isn't this Senior Brother Gao's exercise?"

"Jiang Tian, ​​how could he do it?"

"Hiss! What is the origin of this outer disciple?"

"How could he have the same skills as Gao Hanyang?"

Both the outer disciples and the inner disciples were all shocked!

Seeing the two people using the same method at the same time in the ring, they all feel incredible.

The attacking moves may be imitated, but the spiritual power control and the explosive power cannot be completely consistent, but there are almost no flaws in the scene before him.

Jiang Tian reflected Gao Hanyang's attack almost like a mirror, the two's techniques were exactly the same, even the fluctuations of spiritual power between the flipping of the giant palms were very similar!

"Good boy!" Chu Tianhua's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but let out a low cry!

"This... what's the situation?"

"Peak Master Tang, have you ever taught him "Qinggang Sword Fist"?"

Several elders in the spectator seats had different expressions, some were shocked, while others questioned Tang Xiao coldly.

As the master of Tianxu Peak, it is not surprising to get this set of exercises, but there is often an agreement among the top sects that once certain special exercises are occupied, other peaks cannot practice in principle.

Although there are not too many exercises with such restrictions, it is unfortunate that "Qinggang Sword Fist" is one of them.

Tang Xiao didn't blink his eyes when he heard the words, and said flatly: "There is absolutely no such thing."

No one doubts his words, because everyone knows that he has a dull temperament, hardly participates in any conflicts of sect interests, and will not lie about such matters.

But how did Jiang Tian know this kind of exercise?

Could it be that he only learned Gao Hanyang's performance once?

Even if he can imitate its shape, it is impossible to calculate and understand the skills and formulas in an instant, right?

Everyone was very puzzled, and they couldn't figure out the reason.

Suddenly someone spoke, but it was Yun Xianghan from Embroidered Yunfeng!

"Huh! What's so great about guessing one by one? After all, isn't this just turning a palm into a fist, as long as the spiritual power is mastered enough, it is not impossible to imitate!"

When the words fell apart, everyone frowned and pondered, and they thought it made sense after thinking about it.

At least with their strength, it is not difficult to do this.

But after all, Jiang Tian was just a disciple of Chongyang Foreign Sect, so it would be a bit shocking for this kind of thing to happen to him!

Gao Hanyang's offensive can be imitated with every gesture. Has Jiang Tian's spiritual control really reached this level?


Under Gao Hanyang's shocked eyes, two shadows of cyan and purple fists collided with each other, dazzling light burst out suddenly, and the violent spiritual power scattered wildly.

In this fight, Jiang Tian still had the upper hand, the purple spiritual power showed amazing strength, and the cyan giant fist was almost about to collapse at the touch of a touch, and it burst apart in a blink of an eye.

But this time, Gao Hanyang didn't react with much anger and annoyance. Instead, he observed the exploding spiritual power intently, and carefully recalled the situation of Jiang Tian's attack before, with strange lights in his eyes, thoughtful!

"Didn't you look carefully? Then do it again!"

Jiang Tian didn't wait for the response to the words, gave a long drink, and shot suddenly.


The purple light soared, and the giant palm turned into a fist and punched out violently.

Gao Hanyang's heart was shocked, but he was not to be outdone, he stepped back two steps in a flash, and used his spiritual power to strike suddenly!


A violent roar resounded in an instant, and this time, the attacks of the two even faintly reached an even level, and neither of them had a clear upper hand!


Before the dull roar dissipated, Gao Hanyang showed excited eyes, took a deep breath, and nodded.

"I get it! I get it!"

"Senior brother Gao is really enlightened!" Jiang Tian laughed loudly, and shot Gao Hanyang from another direction while his body was shaking.

Gao Hanyang laughed loudly, his body swayed to meet the attack, the same move was still used, but this time it was three palm strikes in a row.


The three palm prints instantly turned into three giant fists, scrambling to punch Jiang Tian.

At the same time, Jiang Tianchu blasted three purple fists to confront him head-on.

Boom, boom, boom!

Three explosions exploded in an instant, and the attacks of the two were evenly divided!


To be precise, it should be that the power of Gao Hanyang's attack has increased to some extent. Compared with the first time he used it, the power has improved a lot!

"Hahahaha! I understand. I used to be too attached to the form and didn't understand the essence of this set of exercises. Now I can discard the form and go straight to the root!"

Gao Hanyang laughed loudly but stopped making shots. Instead, he returned to the center of the ring in a swaying figure and looked at Jiang Tian quietly.

"Being able to see such a practice has benefited me a lot!" Jiang Tian nodded slowly and smiled leisurely.

Gao Hanyang let out a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Junior Brother Jiang, if you are interested in "Qinggang Sword Fist", I can show you the formula for you to understand!"

As the words spread, everyone around the arena was shocked by it!

Although the exercises and formulas are not some shocking secrets, they can be regarded as the secrets of warriors, but Gao Hanyang has no secrets, and he bluntly said that he let the other party understand, which is really surprising!

But after thinking about it, it's nothing. After all, Jiang Tian has already mastered the same method, so what loss can he cause if he refers to the exercises again?

But to everyone's surprise, Jiang Tian did not accept the other party's kindness. "No need! Although this set of exercises is extraordinary, it doesn't mean much to me. It is enough to experience it personally. However, there should be room for improvement in this set of exercises. If you thoroughly understand the follow-up formulas, I think it will be powerful. It can be improved to a higher level!" Jiang Tian waved his hand and smiled, rejecting the challenge.

Fang's proposal.

Gao Hanyang nodded slowly, but his face became serious. What Jiang Tian said is indeed right. He has only practiced this set of exercises initially, and he has not practiced the follow-up part yet.

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