Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1245 Admit defeat


The sound of howling swords gradually dissipated, Jiang Tiandang let go of the remaining fluctuations of spiritual power and appeared, standing proudly in the void with a smile on his face.

Gao Hanyang shook his still stinging palm, and looked at Jiang Tian with a face of shame.

Although he was extremely unwilling in his heart, the facts were unquestionable. His strength was obviously inferior to Jiang Tian's, and he didn't even see through Jiang Tian's reality.

Under such a situation, what is there to talk about winning?

What else to pass?

"Junior Brother Jiang..." Gao Hanyang frowned, he hesitated to speak, his face was extremely embarrassed, and the arrogance he had always been had long since disappeared.

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled: "Senior Brother Gao needn't say much, winning or losing is a common thing, and no one dares to say that he will definitely win, just take it lightly."

"Ashamed...haha, ashamed!" Gao Hanyang shook his head and smiled wryly, his face was full of shame, and he hardly dared to look Jiang Tian directly in the eyes.

He was afraid of exposing the cowardice and fear deep in his heart, and he was even more afraid of seeing the other party's humble but disdainful eyes.

But Jiang Tian is not like this, nor is he the kind of person who is arrogant and arrogant.

Looking at Gao Hanyang, who looked disappointed and slumped, he raised his hand and patted the other person's shoulder.

"Senior Brother Gao, don't be like this, the road of martial arts has no end, no one dares to say who will be defeated, and we must not use the momentary victory as a conclusion!"

"What?" Gao Hanyang was startled when he heard the words, and suddenly raised his head to look at Jiang Tian, ​​with a strange light in his eyes!

Jiang Tian nodded and smiled, his eyes were frank: "If the temporary victory or defeat is regarded as the end point, then except for a very small number of powerful and powerful people, others don't need to practice, just give up martial arts. Suffering any failure, why not do it?"

Jiang Tian's rhetorical question made Gao Hanyang wake up suddenly!

For a long time, he has been accustomed to victory and aloofness, he has almost never tasted the taste of failure, and has never experienced the hardship and bitterness of the weak.

It wasn't until he met Jiang Tian at this time that he realized that as a weak person, as a loser, his inner feelings were so painful!

And this scene, in the eyes of everyone, felt weird!

"What is Jiang Tian doing?"

"He actually... put his hand on Gao Hanyang's shoulder! Did I read it right?"

"How dare he point fingers at Gao Hanyang with an attitude of a master! Is there anything wrong with this kid?"

Everyone exclaimed, especially some inner disciples, who were even more inconceivable.

Although there are some twists and turns in the competition up to here, neither side has been obviously injured, and the competition has not yet been decided, so the competition should continue!

Why did the two of them talk calmly?

What did they do to the Zongmenhui Wudang?

If Jiang Tian was arrogant and self-righteous, then what happened to Gao Hanyang?

Why didn't he get angry or resist, and let Jiang Tian pat him on the shoulder like a senior expert?

What the hell is going on?

Although many people are puzzled, there are also some people who have seen the void, but it is difficult to accept it for a while.

Among the inner disciples, there were a few geniuses with deep breaths staring at the ring and whispering, their eyes shining brightly!

And on the viewing platform at the edge of the square, a few geniuses from the inner sect who had no chance to participate in the martial arts competition stood with their legs crossed, watching calmly with smiles on their faces.

These three people were wearing different costumes, one of them had the logo of "Qifeng Cangyun" embroidered on his chest, and he was an inner disciple who was promoted from the main peak.

The other two have a white robe and a red robe, and their cultivation bases are extremely deep!

"Hehe, I didn't expect Gao Hanyang to lose!"

"What's so strange about this, don't you guys see that Jiang Tian hasn't tried his best, maybe he just wants to play with Gao Hanyang."

"The position of the first person in the outer sect seems to be changing hands."

The three smiled at each other and chatted leisurely. Although they were a little surprised, they didn't react in shock, as if everything was expected.

They chatted for a while, and the inner sect genius who was promoted from the main peak in the center shook his head and smiled: "The guys in the inner sect should be under pressure now."

The two people beside him shook their heads and smiled, noncommittal.


"That's unreasonable! What the hell are the two of them doing?"

A cold snort sounded from the spectator seats, but it was Elder Meng who had a gloomy face and couldn't help scolding angrily.

Looking at Jiang Tian and Gao Hanyang who stopped talking, he was extremely annoyed.

"What the hell? Hmph!"

"Hehe, didn't Elder Meng see that Gao Hanyang has already lost!"

The two elders in white robes shook their heads and sneered, their faces speechless, taking the opportunity to mock.

"Joke! How could Gao Hanyang..."

Before the words fell, the two people on the stage both fell.

Gao Hanyang shook his head and smiled bitterly, took two steps back and bowed to Jiang Tian!

"This..." The corners of Elder Meng's eyes twitched violently, even though he didn't want to accept it, he understood that Gao Hanyang had indeed been defeated.

"Junior Brother Jiang, your words have benefited me a lot, and also let me know how to face setbacks! Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is losing the courage to move forward in the face of failure!"

"Well said!" Jiang Tian nodded and smiled.

"I lost this competition!"

I lost!

When the words spread, everyone was taken aback!

Especially the many supporters of Gao Hanyang, they are still waiting for the number one outsider to get rid of his passivity, counterattack strongly, and defeat Jiang Tian severely!

Why did he take the initiative to admit defeat in the blink of an eye?

This made them a little unacceptable, their faces were gloomy, and their eyes were full of resentment!

"Senior brother Gao, you obviously didn't lose, why did you take the initiative to admit defeat?"

"The competition is not over yet, why don't you fight?"

"Isn't Jiang Tian just taking advantage of it for a while, can it stop your counterattack?"

"That's right Senior Brother Gao, why did you take the initiative to admit defeat?"

Everyone gritted their teeth and drank coldly, not to mention how uncomfortable they felt.

For them, Gao Hanyang is not only the number one outsider, but also their spiritual pillar for a long time!

Now that this spiritual pillar has collapsed by itself, it really makes them feel humiliated and incomprehensible.

Jiang Tian looked at those outer disciples, and what he saw were hateful faces and furious eyes!

He shook his head and sighed softly, letting out a sigh of relief.

Gao Hanyang took a deep breath, took a step forward, and saluted those people.

"I can understand everyone's feelings, but today's competition... I really lost!"


"Brother Gao, are you kidding me?"

"You are not injured, you can still fight back!"

"With your strength, I don't believe you can't beat him?"

Hearing Gao Hanyang's personal confession, everyone couldn't help but burst into tears, and their emotions became even more agitated. Many people trembled a little when they spoke, and their voices changed, and they tried not to cry.

A strong man just fell down like this?

The first person in the dignified outer sect ended in such a bleak way?

What a dark time for them! Gao Hanyang sighed silently, but his eyes became extremely determined.

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