Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1261 Becoming a Top Genius

After a series of bitter battles, his spiritual power was consumed too much. Even though he swallowed a few pills hastily before going on stage, it could not make up for the loss of spiritual power at this time.


Accompanied by a dull roar, Chu Yun decisively shot the opponent out of the ring.


Pang Ning's opponent was a red-robed inner disciple.

The two sides were also not wordy, and fought with all their strength as soon as they took the stage. Although the red-robed disciple was not weak in strength and his spiritual power was quite strong, Pang Ning showed superior strength.

His spiritual power seemed to be endless, and there was no sign of consumption at all. As soon as the fight started, he stepped towards the opponent without saying a word, and with a flip of his right palm, he blasted the opponent out of the ring.


Xuanpeng was facing a powerful opponent, one of the top among the inner sect, but he was obviously a little timid, and seemed to be very afraid of Xuanpeng.

Although Xuanpeng was not aggressive, but with any superior strength, he only used two or three moves to blast the opponent out of the ring.


In the other arenas, several top experts from the inner sect displayed their might one after another, and passed smoothly.

Senior Brother Huang, Junior Brother Ke, and several other top experts defeated their opponents almost without any suspense.

However, there are still a few arenas where the fights are a bit fierce, because these people are all top disciples of the inner sect, and their strength is comparable, and there is no way out at this moment.

The two sides fought with all their strength, and the scene was once very tragic. Although the winner was decided in the end, it was still within a hair's breadth.

Although the losers are extremely regrettable, the winners are not very happy.

Because this kind of confrontation consumes a lot of energy for them, and it will definitely have an impact on the subsequent competitions.

Fortunately, the martial arts competition has reached the final stage, as long as you grit your teeth and persevere, you might be able to breathe a sigh of relief soon!



Accompanied by a dull roar, Jiang Tian used "Qinggang Sword Fist" again, and the purple shadow of the fist erupted with astonishing power, sending a yellow-robed inner disciple flying away.

There was an exclamation around the arena, and everyone looked at Jiang Tian in surprise, their faces full of disbelief!

The inner sect disciple who was blown away by him was also one of the top inner sect masters.

"It makes no sense!"

After the yellow robe disciple landed on the ground, his face was full of anger and annoyance.

But what really annoyed him was not the defeat itself, but Jiang Tian's strength really made him feel unfathomable!

He walked all the way, defeated Gao Hanyang, defeated Di Feng, severely injured Fu Yan, and severely injured Ouyang Ming with one finger. Although each of these competitions was more surprising than the last, they were not too serious in general. too bizarre.

This yellow-robed disciple thought he could suppress Jiang Tian, ​​no matter how difficult it was, it was nothing more than a little more effort.

However, the final result made him very angry. He had overestimated Jiang Tian's strength as much as possible, but he still lost!

"Jiang Tian, ​​is it interesting for you to play like this?" The yellow robe disciple stood under the ring and pointed at Jiang Tian angrily, his face was ashen.

"What do you mean, brother?" Jiang Tian raised his eyebrows and smiled leisurely.

"You are so strong, but you have been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. Don't you think it's too much?" the yellow robe disciple scolded angrily.

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, with a calm look on his face: "It's up to me how much strength we use in the ring fight. May I ask you inner geniuses, which one of you has all the cards in his hand as soon as he enters the court, without reservation?"

The words left the other party speechless and embarrassed.

"My God! Brother Jiang's strength has no limit!"

"Let me just say, Junior Brother Jiang will definitely pass the test all the way and create another miracle!"

"I'm looking forward to it now, what will he do next?"

"We can't be too optimistic. After all, by this time, all the rest are top geniuses with astonishing cultivation!" A slightly older disciple let out a breath slowly, with a serious face, and said in a deep voice.

As the words spread, everyone nodded their heads one after another, and the atmosphere became more dignified.

None of the disciples who can make it to this round is a genius with amazing strength. Although the number is getting smaller and smaller, the challenge is getting bigger and bigger. Can Jiang Tian really continue to move forward?

Everyone looked at each other, and the atmosphere was inexplicably low and depressing.

Qi Yurou shook his head and said, "Everyone, worry too much! Brother Jiang's ability to reach this point shows that he already possesses the strength of a top expert in the inner sect. What else do we have to worry about?"

"Eh? Yes!"

"That's right! My God, Junior Brother Jiang already possesses the strength of a top genius in the inner sect just by cultivating at the Chongyang Realm!"

"Senior Sister Qi really awakened the dreamer with one word!"

Everyone was startled when they heard the words, and then they all patted their heads and shook their heads and laughed.

It can be said that Jiang Tian's ability to go so far has exceeded everyone's expectations, and it seems that there is nothing to regret even if he stops here.

After all, he is still an outer sect disciple, and he can be on an equal footing with these inner sect top geniuses only with his cultivation in the late stage of Chongyang Realm. The future of martial arts can be described as bright!


Next, more than 20 disciples who passed the test drew lots again.

This time, everyone's expressions were not so relaxed.

Because the strength of these people is almost the same, and after being consumed layer by layer, even the top inner sect masters like Senior Brother Huang, Junior Brother Ke, and Xuan Peng feel some kind of invisible pressure.

But after the lottery ended, everyone discovered a small situation!

Since the number of people was already small, they could already know who their opponents were without having to step into the ring. They looked at each other with their numbers, but couldn't help but mutter.

This round has a total of 14 teams, and there should be 28 pairs, but the total number of disciples who drew lots is only 27.

That is to say, if there are two matches, there will be one bye in the end!

"how so?"

"What about the person who has the bye? Does he want to win without a fight and pass the level easily?"

"Who drew the lottery fourteen?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and couldn't help but stare at each other with wide-eyed eyes, all of them frowning.

After a while, everyone's eyes fell on the disciple holding lottery No. 14 at the edge at the same time, but their expressions became weird!

"It turned out to be..."

"Hehe, it turned out to be Junior Sister Chu, congratulations!"

"If someone else has a bye, I will naturally not accept it, but since it is Junior Sister Chu, I have no objection!"

"Well, everyone knows Junior Sister Chu's strength. Even if you have an opponent, you shouldn't be too sad. Since you have a bye, let's take this opportunity to rest!"

Everyone looked at Chu Yun, and the depression quickly dissipated. They all couldn't wait to congratulate Chu Yun, and flattered him courteously.

Just kidding, there is only this female disciple among the twenty-seven disciples, and she is also outstanding in appearance and aptitude. Of course, such an existence can only be friendly and not offended. After all, among the inner sect, there are very few geniuses like Chu Yun. If they can win her heart, it will certainly be a great thing for these male disciples.

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