Several inner sect elders all lowered their faces and were very displeased.

Yun Xianghan shook his head and sneered: "Am I wrong? Don't you think it's unfair to compare a senior inner disciple with an outer disciple who has been in the door for less than a year?"

Hearing her questioning, not only did the people on the opposite side not blush, they even spoke plausibly and became more excited.

"What... is this unfair?"

"Isn't Jiang Tian amazing? Can't he beat inner geniuses? Since his strength is so strong, why not compare it with senior disciples?"

"Hahaha, if he is really capable, will he challenge those senior geniuses?"

"No no! Elders, calm down, Jiang Tian can't even beat Ke Jiu, how can he have the qualifications to challenge those senior geniuses?"

"Hehe, you're right, Jiang Tian will be kicked out of the ring soon, Master Yunfeng, just wait and see!"

Everyone glanced at Yun Xianghan coldly, but they couldn't help but whisper in their hearts.

Even the elders of many sects don't pretend to be this beautiful peak master who is indifferent and arrogant by nature, and he is more vigorous and resolute on weekdays. Why does he have such favor for Jiang Tian, ​​an outer disciple?

Could it be because of his outstanding aptitude and amazing fighting power?

Well, his combat strength is indeed far superior to that of the same level, but the fact that he has caught a lot of people who are stronger than him in the inner sect, doesn't it seem to be enough to be the reason why Yun Xianghan attaches so much importance to it?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, making eye contact with each other, and the atmosphere was a little weird.

Yun Xianghan stared at the ring, shook his head and sneered: "Don't be too happy, elders, how dare you conclude that Ke Jiu will definitely defeat Jiang Tian?"

"What?" The people on the opposite side shook their heads and sighed, speechless!

"Hmph! Master Yunfeng, even if you 'love' Jiang Tian, ​​you won't open your eyes and talk nonsense, right?"

"See, Jiang Tian's proud technique has been broken by Ke Jiu. What chance does he have to challenge him?"

"I understand! Master Yunfeng will only concede defeat if he sees Jiang Tian being blasted out of the ring and landing in embarrassment!"

"Hey, I'm curious, Master Yunfeng valued Jiang Tian so much, did he teach him in private?"

"Huh?" Everyone was refreshed when they heard the words, their eyes lit up, they looked at each other, their faces were full of curiosity!

"Hehe, it's no wonder Master Yunfeng likes this junior from the outer sect so much, and after a long time of trouble, it turned out to be like this!"

"Hahahaha! It's nothing to think about it. After all, Jiang Tian's aptitude is indeed unique in the outer sect. Even Gao Hanyang, the former number one outer sect and the genius of the main peak, was overwhelmed by him. It is also possible to win the favor of our master Yunfeng." It’s a matter of course.”

"Hehe, what a pity! Xiu Yunfeng only accepts female disciples and not male disciples. Even if Lord Yunfeng 'likes' Jiang Tian, ​​I'm afraid he will only have regrets!" "Hehehe! Elder Qi, don't say that, The rule is that the dead are alive, although Master Yunfeng cannot recruit Jiang Tian to Xiuyun Peak, it does not affect their private contacts and exchanges with each other!" A triangular-eyed sect elder smiled, with a strange look on his face Blinking constantly, words pass through

A bit obscene.

When several colleagues heard the words, their eyes lit up and their spirits lifted!

"Elder Fu is right! Of course, that's his private matter, and we may never know some details! Hehehe!"

Another elder took the opportunity to tease, and even had a strange look in his eyes. He licked his tongue excitedly, his fiery gaze lingered on Yun Xianghan's face for a while, and after noticing the sudden coldness in the other's eyebrows, he withdrew it like an electric shock. line of sight.

Hearing the ridicule from several colleagues, the suzerain Chu Tianhua frowned slightly, but remained silent.

After all, there are some jokes between colleagues, as long as it is not too much, he is inconvenient to interfere.

After all, he is the master of the sect. If he has to intervene in trivial matters, the atmosphere of the sect will only become oppressive and dull, even lifeless.

That kind of situation is definitely not a good thing for the entire sect.

Therefore, even though he was slightly annoyed by the obscene meaning in the words of these inner sect elders, he did not speak out to reprimand them.

In fact, he was actually quite curious about Yun Xianghan's actions!

Yun Xianghan's reaction was somewhat unexpected!

She neither refuted nor explained, and always remained calm and calm.

"Hmph! The elders should spend less time worrying about the competition and pay more attention to the competition. I don't think Ke Jiu can last a cup of tea... No, it would be an overestimation of him if he can last half a cup of tea!"

Yun Xianghan shook his head and sneered, his cold eyes slowly swept across the few people opposite, with a bit of disdain mixed in his eyes.

After all, these people are also inner sect elders, and it is ridiculous that they disdain Jiang Tian so much because of selfishness and jealousy!

"Hmph, Master Yunfeng's words are too full!"

"The old man wants to see how Jiang Tian defeated Ke Jiu in less than half a cup of tea?"

Everyone shook their heads and sneered, with extremely contemptuous expressions on their faces. Seeing that Yun Xianghan ignored their teasing, he also felt bored, so they turned their eyes to the ring with cold faces.

At this moment, Jiang Tian looked coldly at the blue hurricane that Ke Jiu had transformed into, his brows were full of light, and his aura rose rapidly!

"To be able to combine bodywork and legwork so exquisitely, and to control spiritual power so freely, Ke Jiu's aptitude is indeed impressive, but it's a pity that he is overconfident after all!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Standing in place without moving, he just turned his right palm, and a dazzling purple light suddenly shot out.

"Reverse Sword!"


Following his palm strike, piercing sword howls resounded through the void!

The purple sword intent burst out with dazzling light and slashed upwards, piercing the defense of the cyan hurricane in one fell swoop, rushing into the hurricane and slashing backwards towards Ke Jiu from bottom to bottom!

Boom boom boom!

With the rapid advance of the sword intent, the originally mighty cyan hurricane suddenly began to vibrate violently, and there was a series of violent explosions from inside, which sounded amazing!

"Hmph! You want to destroy my 'Tianlong Kuangxuan' with just one sword intent, Jiang Tian, ​​you overestimate yourself... Huh?"

Ke Jiu laughed wildly, but his voice suddenly changed after he said a word, appearing panicked.

"Hiss! Not good!"

A moment later, a roar of shock and anger shot up from the blue hurricane, rippling rapidly over the square.

The purple sword intent slashed down quickly, bursting out with dazzling purple light all the way, and the blue hurricane quickly disintegrated where it passed, revealing Ke Jiu's figure in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, he was not as calm as before, but became very embarrassed!

The speed of the purple sword was astonishing, it broke through the hurricane's defense in a blink of an eye, and flew to his feet, if he didn't dodge, he would be cut straight!

If it is easier to talk about the oncoming sword intent, or if it is easier to deal with the sword intent from top to bottom, he has at least a few ways to get rid of it. But the offensive in front of him is exactly the most uncomfortable way for him.

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