Chu Tianhua shook his head and sighed softly, the meaning was very obvious, Ke Jiuneng burned his blood, and obviously had the intention of severely injuring Jiang Tian.

In this case, even if Jiang Tian hit harder, there is nothing wrong with it.

But at this time, Yun Xianghan sneered, and said leisurely: "Jiang Tian didn't even use the blood vision, and Ke Jiu lost so badly. What confidence do you have to argue for him?"

The faces of the inner sect elders were stiff when they heard this, and they were completely speechless!

Yun Xianghan didn't say that they really didn't take it seriously, but thinking about it like this immediately felt humiliated!

Jiang Tianxiu's realm is relatively low, but he didn't even use the blood vision. Ke Jiu was in vain a master in the late stage of the Xuanyue realm, and burning the blood was useless. This is really a great irony!

In this way, no matter how unwilling they are, they can't say anything to refute.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, their faces stiffened, and they remained silent.

"Junior brother Jiang is amazing!"

"Congratulations to Junior Brother Jiang for passing the test!"

Jiang Tian walked off the ring in a burst of exclamation. He was greeted by a group of elated outer disciples. The crowd cheered around him, attracting many inner disciples to stare blankly.

But Jiang Tian didn't care about these, he completely ignored those cold eyes, and communicated with the outer disciples.

In the other five arenas, except for Chu Yun who had already passed, everyone else was fighting hard.

These five matches were almost evenly matched, and no one side could easily win.

Seeing the fierce fighting in the arena, the elders in the spectator seats finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This kind of situation is what they most want to see, otherwise, if they all easily decide the winner, it will appear that the level of the disciples is uneven.



The dull roar continued to sound, and the gazes of many spectator disciples jumped back and forth between the rings, and they were simply overwhelmed.

After a while, the winners and losers were decided in these arenas.

Following Chu Yun and Jiang Tianzhi, Senior Brother Huang, Xuan Peng, Pang Ning and two other inner geniuses defeated their opponents successively and advanced to the top seven!

At the same time, there was a heated discussion in the square!

"See, these seven people are the peak combat power of this sect martial arts meeting!"

"Chu Yun, Jiang Tian, ​​Huang Yu, Xuan Peng, Pang Ning... Hey, who is that person next to Brother Pastor?" Several outer disciples stared intently at the disciples who passed the test, and their eyes fell on the last one, feeling puzzled .

Like Mu Yun, this person is covered in a white robe, but his expression is quite low-key, his eyes are calm and expressionless, which makes everyone feel very strange.

As the words spread, several inner disciples standing nearby immediately shook their heads and sneered, with arrogant expressions on their faces.

"Hmph! Even he doesn't know, you outsiders are really ignorant!"

"Hehe, among the disciples in the inner sect, only Senior Brother Lou Qingyan can stand on an equal footing with geniuses like Huang Yu, Xuan Peng, and Brother Priest!"

"What? He is Lou Qingyan!"

The expressions of the older outer disciples changed when they heard the words, and a bit of shock flashed in their eyes.

Although they are not familiar with this person, many people have heard of this name, but they have never seen the real person.

It is said that a few years ago, when Lou Qingyan was just promoted to the inner sect, he easily defeated several senior disciples in a competition, and his performance was amazing!

"I see!"

"No wonder he made it to this round!"

"Sure enough, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the inner gate!"

Everyone took a deep breath, forced to suppress the shock in their hearts, and couldn't help but look at Lou Qingyan a few more times.

In fact, this person has played many times since Huiwu, but he has always kept a low profile, and his style is somewhat similar to Pang Ning.

It's just that in comparison, Pang Ning looks a little rough, and even exudes a certain slump from time to time, but Lou Qingyan is dressed brightly, but his whole personality is hidden and not revealed, so he is not so eye-catching.

Coupled with the many previous rounds, he did not perform too strongly, nor did he make much noise, so he did not attract everyone's attention.

It wasn't until this time that many outer disciples suddenly discovered that among the top seven, there was such a low-key genius!

Not to mention these outer disciples, in fact, even many inner disciples were not familiar with this person, they looked at him for a long time, and only guessed his identity after being reminded by some companions who knew the situation.

"Chu Yun, Jiang Tian, ​​Huang Yu, Xuan Peng, Pang Ning, Mu Yun, Lou Qingyan, congratulations!"

On the stage, the elders of the Zongmen stood proudly and congratulated them loudly, which drew warm cheers from the entire square.

"Thank you, elder!" Everyone dared not neglect, and bowed to salute.

However, amidst the cheers of the disciples, the few of them looked at each other with puzzled expressions.

Except for Jiang Tian who was relatively calm, the other six people frowned slightly, looking puzzled.

The reason is very simple. There are only seven disciples who have passed the level. If there are two pairs, it is inevitable that someone will be singled out. Does that mean that the singled out person will automatically be promoted because of a bye?

This is too childish, right?

At this time of the Zongmen martial arts meeting, everyone has exhausted a lot, relying on the foundation of their cultivation to forcefully support it. If someone is automatically promoted because of a bye, it will definitely be a big injustice!

If you can really become this bye, it is certainly something to be happy about, but these people are obviously very sober.

There can only be one lucky person among the seven people, which is of course difficult for the other six people to accept.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, their brows furrowed tighter and tighter. After a brief eye contact, the inner disciple Huang Yu finally lost his composure.

"Everyone must also understand that no matter who has a bye in the next match, it will be a huge injustice to others. Don't you have any doubts?"

Everyone frowned and sighed when they heard the words, Xuan Peng shook his head and smiled wryly: "We don't need you to tell us, but this is a problem that the elders of the sect should consider. What can we do?"

Mu Yun said in a deep voice: "I also feel that the martial arts rules of this meeting have left people speechless from the very beginning. I have never done this before. It's just... hmph, it's just playing the piano randomly!"

"Hmph, it's useless for everyone to think so much. How can the high-level sect overlook such a big matter?" Chu Yun shook her head and sneered, with a self-deprecating look on her face.

Lou Qingyan, who had been keeping a low profile, moved his eyes slightly and spoke suddenly.

"That's right, the sect's senior management must have made a plan. Judging from the current situation, it is more likely that the seven of us will challenge together!"

"What? Mixed challenge!" Huang Yu's face darkened when he heard this, and a hint of annoyance flashed between his brows.

Although everyone's strength is similar, if there is a mixed challenge, the situation will undoubtedly become very complicated.

In that case, not only will the consumption of spiritual power suddenly increase, but the relationship between the winners and losers will also be restrained by each other, and it is easy to fall into a complicated situation of chains. If everyone has one win and one loss, that is to say, the record is the same, and at this time, as long as one person can win one more game, he can take the top spot, thinking about it will make people angry!

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