Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1279 Mu Yun makes a move

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"Oh My God!"


The surroundings of the arena were filled with amazement, exclamations came and went, and before everyone could see what was going on, Pang Ning groaned and flew out of the arena!


Duanmu Yunqi folded his arms behind his back, and the broken spiritual power on the ring dissipated. He watched Pang Ning's figure fall to the ground coldly, and nodded slowly, revealing a haughty smile.

"I have to say, your performance somewhat surprised me!"

For him, this is already a high evaluation.

Originally, in his opinion, no matter who these seven people were, it was impossible for him to be moved.

But he didn't expect that Pang Ning, who was the first to appear, surprised him. It seemed that the strength of this group of disciples was not as unbearable as he had imagined.

It can even be said that he is stronger but not weaker than he was three years ago!

"Nine breaths, two moves lost!"

The eyes of the elders of the Zongmen slowly faded away, and they loudly announced and recorded the result of this fight.

After all the seven disciples have fought against each other, this is the basis for judging their strength.

After Pang Ning landed, he clenched his fists tightly, and before the blood spiritual power he had just aroused had time to burn, he was forcibly suppressed by Duanmu Yunqi.

Although a little lonely, but for him, this is also a good thing.

If he really does not hesitate to burn his blood to fight against the opponent, he may be able to last longer, but his foundation will inevitably be impacted, which will inevitably affect his performance in the Canglan Country Martial Arts Conference.

But judging from his indomitable performance just now, it seems that he doesn't care about these at all.

Perhaps in his opinion, carrying a sea of ​​blood-like hatred on his body is far more important than the results of any martial arts conference!

After a moment of silence, Pang Ning suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and slowly let go of his tightly clenched fists. The astonishing aura exuding from his body gradually disappeared, and he quietly walked back to the ring with his head down.

"Next!" The sect elder said loudly.

"I come!"

As soon as the words fell, a white-robed disciple rushed onto the ring.

"Mu Yunyun!" Duanmu Yunqi's eyes brightened slightly, and he looked at the other party leisurely, with a faint smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.

Because Mu Yun often assisted the elders of the inner sect to deal with some affairs, his status was undoubtedly half a rank higher than that of ordinary inner sect geniuses, and because of this, Duanmu Yunqi looked at him somewhat differently.

But identity and status are one thing, but strength is another.

"Senior brother Duanmu, offended!"

Mu Yun cupped his hands and smiled, nodded and said.

"You don't have to be polite, pastor, just do it, but I won't let you!" Duanmu Yunqi glanced at the elder of the sect lightly from the corner of his eye, with a mocking expression on his face.

"Hahahaha!" Mu Yun shook his head and laughed, naturally understanding what the other party meant.

In front of the senior sect and countless fellow sects, it is impossible for Duanmu Yunqi to hold back even if he wants to, because he will only be accused of being unfair, and he will also do bad things in his heart to cause unnecessary negative impact on Mu Yun.

"Senior brother Duanmu was joking, martial arts competition in the sect is just a joke, we should fight with all our strength, without reservation, without talking nonsense, here I come!"


Mu Yunyun shouted loudly, and the breath in his body rose rapidly!

Streaks of white cloud-like spiritual light shot up from him, causing the sky above to instantly transform into a huge white Xuanyue in a violent tremor.

The astonishing martial arts will spread wantonly, not inferior to Pang Ning at all, even more profound and vigorous!

"Not bad! This kind of strength is indeed worthy of the favor of the elders of the sect!"

Duanmu Yunqi nodded and smiled, showing a bit of admiration. He still didn't make a direct move like he did with Pang Ning, but just relied on his cultivation to crush and attack.


Accompanied by a deep roar, streaks of red spiritual power surged out, sweeping towards Mu Yun. Countless inner sect disciples were shocked by this tyrannical aura. The crushing of this aura alone was enough to blow any of them into the air, but for masters like Pang Ning and Mu Yun, they could still face it directly, even He can also fight back, I have to say that the gap in cultivation is really impressive.

Nothing to do!

"Well done!"

Mu Yun shouted loudly, the light in his eyes soared, and the white light all over his body rolled wildly!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh... A piercing scream suddenly sounded, and driven by his spiritual power, Duanmu Yunqi's coercion was quickly dissipated, and the impact force was reduced by nearly half in an instant.

However, there was still a huge force directly hitting Mu Yun's body through the blocking of the white aura.

Teng Teng Teng... Mu Yun's face darkened, and he couldn't help but retreat a few steps, but after gritting his teeth and shaking his arms, he forced himself to stand still.

In a blink of an eye, he yelled again, and steadily pressed towards the opponent with steps that seemed to weigh a thousand catties. Every step made the whole ring tremble, as if there was an earth-shaking power!

"Not bad!" Duanmu Yunqi's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but nodded slowly.

He had known for a long time that Mu Yunyun was strong, otherwise he would not have been able to get into the sight of the elders of the inner sect and become their trusted right-hand man.

But Mu Yun's cultivation level is still inferior after all, and it is still impossible to shake Duanmu Yunqi!

However, at the moment when Duanmu Yunqi was concentrating on contemplation, Mu Yun's spiritual power suddenly surged on his legs, and his pace suddenly increased several times!

"Brother Duanmu, be careful!"


Mu Yun yelled wildly, his eyes burst into sharp colors, and he raised his arms and clapped wildly.

A series of dull roars followed, and more than a dozen thick white giant palms condensed in an instant, and they couldn't help but roar towards the opponent densely.

Each palm print creates a layer of spiritual power fluctuations in the void, and more than a dozen palm prints are connected together. Not only are the layers stacked, but the spiritual power fluctuations are also dazzling and surprising!

"Huh?" Duanmu Yunqi narrowed his eyes slightly, then smiled coldly, raised his right palm forward and cut out.

Bang bang bang bang!

His movement seemed to be only one palm, but after cutting out, he split into more than a dozen fiery palm prints in an instant, each of which exuded astonishing power, and cut into the white palm prints like destructive.

Boom... Boom!

Amidst the dull explosion, more than a dozen white palm prints collapsed together, turned into a messy torrent and scattered away, but did not cause any impact on Duanmu Yunqi.

"Hiss!" The corners of Mu Yun's eyes contracted, and he was shocked.

Although he knew that the other party was powerful, he didn't really understand until now that this feeling was like a mortal facing a mountain, a feeling of having more than enough energy but not enough energy.

"If the pastor brother only has this level of strength, I will not be polite!"

Duanmu Yunqi sneered proudly, with a surge of breath in his body, he wanted to use his means to knock his opponent away. "Senior Brother Duanmu, don't be too careless, this competition is not over yet!"

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