Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1282 Blame me?

Obviously, he is the strongest among the four who have already played, and he deserves the respect of others!

"It's my turn..." Chu Yun glanced around, and found that only Huang Yu and Jiang Tian were left beside her, and she was about to leave the stage as soon as she moved.

"Junior Sister Chu, don't worry, let me come first!" Huang Yu walked ahead, nodded and smiled at Chu Yun, but glanced at Jiang Tian with contemptuous eyes.

"Hehe, how can Huang, a majestic seven-foot man, shrink behind Junior Sister Chu?"

These words obviously meant something, and after finishing speaking, Huang Yu jumped onto the ring with a proud face.

Chu Yun naturally heard something, and subconsciously turned her head to look at Jiang Tian, ​​with a slightly weird expression.

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, and didn't care about these quarrels at first, but seeing Chu Yun's strange appearance, he couldn't help but wanted to say something, but before he could speak, Chu Yun smiled and looked away silently.

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, feeling speechless in his heart, so he simply stopped talking.

Just at this time, Xuan Peng came over, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Junior Brother Jiang, we are all at the Xuanyue Realm, so don't worry, let Junior Sister Chu appear first, and you will be honest." Just wait till the end!"

Xuan Peng didn't have any special intentions in what he said, but it inevitably sounded weird when he said it at this time.

If he hadn't shown kindness several times, Jiang Tian might have misunderstood him.

"Hehe, it's up to you to say that? How can the majestic inner disciples rank behind the outer disciples!"

Chu Yun shook her head and sneered, and gave Jiang Tian a cold look.

Jiang Tian shook his head: "No, there is no need for that! Duanmu Yunqi's strength will not deteriorate even if I play last. Instead of this, it is better for me to appear first. After all, there is only one female disciple, Senior Sister Chu, among the top seven. You can't take advantage of her."

"This..." Xuan Peng's eyes moved slightly, looking over Jiang Tian to Chu Yun beside him.

Unexpectedly, this woman didn't appreciate it at all, she shook her head and sneered: "Don't say it so nicely, my advantage is not something anyone can take advantage of if they want to, didn't you say it, Duanmu Yunqi's strength will not change, In this case, how can I be behind you?"

Xuan Peng nodded and smiled: "Hehe, since Junior Brother Jiang doesn't want to take advantage of Junior Sister Chu, let Junior Sister Chu play first, I think it's settled!"

"It should be so!" Jiang Tian nodded and smiled, not caring at all.

"Okay! What are you taking advantage of... don't talk about it!" Chu Yun frowned slightly when she heard this, her eyes flashed strangely, and a faint blush appeared on her pretty face.

Xuanpeng couldn't help but smile awkwardly when he heard the words, but Jiang Tian didn't think much about it, and shook his head slowly, still maintaining his composure.



At this moment, a dull roar suddenly sounded, and Huang Yu flew out of the ring in surprise. He rolled several times in the air and landed embarrassingly, almost fell into the mud.

"Nine breaths, two moves lost!"

As the words spread, there was a burst of surprised murmurs from around the ring.

Everyone seemed not to have expected this result, because in their opinion, Huang Yu's reputation was still higher than Xuan Peng's, but why his performance was only comparable to Pang Ning's.

"Huh? It's the same nine breaths, two moves lost, who is stronger and who is weaker, he or Pang Ning?"

"Could it be...do you want to have an extra trial?"

Everyone suddenly realized this problem. Huang Yu and Pang Ning had the same result, so who came first and how would they be ranked?

Not only them, but even Mu Yun, Xuan Peng and others were puzzled.

But at this moment, the sect elder waved his hand, frowned and said, "Huang Yu! Although the results are the same, your performance is obviously inferior to Pang Ning's, ranking behind him!"

"This..." Huang Yu's face turned red, he hesitated to speak, feeling extremely annoyed.

But I have to say that he himself is a little guilty. After all, he knows what he did just now, and he is indeed slightly inferior to Pang Ning.

The elders of the sect said so, but he was also powerless to refute.

"Hehe, how about Huang Yu, is my judgment correct?" Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, remembering the depressed situation just now, he couldn't help but tease him.

Huang Yu's face was livid, and he looked at Jiang Tian coldly, he was depressed for a moment and said angrily, "Hmph! It's all you!"

"Me?" Jiang Tian looked stunned, raised his finger and pointed at himself, speechless.

What does it matter to him whether the other party's performance is good or bad?

"Yes! It's you! If you didn't disturb my state of mind, how could I perform so poorly, at least I can survive ten breaths and three moves before I lose!"

Huang Yu gritted his teeth and scolded angrily, glaring at Jiang Tian angrily, and attributed all the behavior just now to Jiang Tian.

When Xuan Peng heard this, he couldn't help frowning, and stopped talking.

Chu Yun also had a look of astonishment, slandering endlessly.

It's totally inexplicable for Huang Yu to say that. If he is a master of the late Xuanyue realm, if Jiang Tian's words really messed up his mind, wouldn't he be too fragile?

"Hmph! My lack of strength and poor performance have nothing to do with me. It can all be blamed on me. The forest is really big and there are all kinds of birds!"

Jiang Tian was merciless and scolded back coldly.

"What did you say?" Huang Yu was already in a bad mood, but now he couldn't help being even more annoyed.

Among the five players on the stage, his grades were already at the bottom, and the only hope was that Chu Yun and Jiang Tian would be behind him to support him.

When Jiang Tian said that, he was really humiliated and humiliated.

"Hmph! If you don't perform well, blame me. If I don't perform well, who will you blame? Are you to blame?" Jiang Tian countered coldly, mercilessly.

"You..." Huang Yu's mouth twitched, he had nothing to say.

Yes, if he wanted to blame Jiang Tian, ​​who would Jiang Tian blame?

If Chu Yun behaved badly, who would she blame?

These words made him speechless, and he didn't know how to refute.

However, he was depressed for a moment, still gritted his teeth and sneered, showing disdain again.

"Jiang Tian, ​​it seems that you are very self-aware. You know that you will be at the bottom, and you have already found an excuse in advance. Hmph, you are indeed a 'genius' of the outer sect!" Huang Yu sneered and mocked fiercely.

Jiang Tian smiled indifferently: "Huh, I think you really think too much. If you don't perform well, you have to hope that others will perform worse. If you have this kind of mentality, you should stop practicing as soon as possible!"

Huang Yu widened his eyes and wanted to refute again, but Chu Yun could no longer listen.

"Okay!" Chu Yun's face darkened, and she said coldly: "I'm about to go on stage, both of you shut up, and put aside what you really want to say, don't make noise here!"

"Hehe, it's alright!" Xuan Peng took the opportunity to step forward to appease the two of them.

"Senior Brother Huang and Junior Brother Jiang, we will all be working together in the inner sect in the future, so why bother to compete for superiors and inferior ones, let's see Junior Sister Chu's performance first!"

"Hmph! This kid is really too arrogant. If it wasn't for the sect's martial arts competition today, I would have to fight him and let him know that the sky is high and the earth is strong!" Huang Yu gritted his teeth and reprimanded coldly, with a fierce look on his face.

Jiang Tian smiled indifferently: "Yes, if it weren't for the sect's martial arts competition, I'm afraid someone would make a fool of themselves in public!"

"Hmph! Even if someone makes a fool of himself, that person is you——Jiang Tian!" Huang Yu stared and scolded coldly.

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