Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1292 Wait a minute!

"Cough, suzerain..." The leading inner sect elder coughed dryly, with a look of self-blame on his face.

"No need to say more!" Chu Tianhua waved his hand lightly, without any expression of blame, and even seemed very excited.

"My suzerain doesn't mean to blame you, on the contrary, if it weren't for this coincidence, we might not see Jiang Tian's current performance!"


Hearing these words, everyone couldn't help but looked at each other thoughtfully.

Chu Tianhua was right. If Duanmu Yunqi was replaced by the even more terrifying Yue Zheng, then even if Jiang Tian showed strength beyond the others, he would not be able to come up with such an astonishing method.

After all, in front of an opponent whose strength is far superior to his own, if he has no hope of winning at all, he will definitely not inspire any blood vision, as long as he guarantees to win the first place is enough.

In other words, such an arrangement accidentally contributed to Jiang Tian's outbreak, allowing everyone to see this rare scene!

"Okay, it's time for the Zongmen martial arts meeting to come to an end!"

Chu Tianhua nodded and laughed, obviously very satisfied with the situation in front of him.

Regardless of others, Jiang Tian alone is enough to make him feel ecstatic.

Without this person, Cangyun Sect's top disciples would at most be on par with Tianluo Sect and Jin Yuanzong, but the appearance of Jiang Tian gave him the hope of surpassing Tianluo and Jinyuan Sects!

If it is too far away, let's talk about next year's Canglan Nation Martial Arts Conference.

As long as he devotes himself to cultivating Jiang Tian, ​​let him grow up quickly, and step into the level of Xuanyue Realm as soon as possible, he will definitely shock a group of people at this grand event!

He could even imagine that when the arrogant geniuses Tianluo and Jin Yuanzong met Jiang Tian, ​​they would be shocked by him in one fell swoop!

Chu Tianhua took a deep breath, his mood was agitated for a while, but suddenly his smile faded away, and his expression became solemn and fierce.

"Everyone in the sect, listen up!" Chu Tianhua's face darkened, and he shouted in a deep voice with sufficient spiritual power, the majestic voice suddenly spread, reverberating in the Azure Cloud Sect, the momentum was overwhelming!

Countless disciples were heartbroken, and they all looked at the spectator seats, each with a dignified expression,

"Huh?" The elders in the spectator seats looked at each other, puzzled by the sudden change.

Chu Tianhua's deep eyes slowly scanned the entire square, and said coldly: "The details of this sect's martial arts meeting, especially the final round of competition, no one is allowed to leak, otherwise there will be severe punishment!"

The rumble of the words spread out, shocking the minds of countless disciples, and they all understood what it meant.

Jiang Tian's aptitude is really strong. A talented seedling like him would definitely be an extremely dazzling pearl even in Tianluozong and Jinyuanzong.

As the saying goes, a big tree attracts the wind and harbors its crimes. Once the news spreads, it is hard to guarantee that no one will take action to solicit it, and some people with ulterior motives may even secretly plot black hands to kill this immortal genius in the cradle!

Chu Tianhua's face was deep and his eyes were sharp, but he didn't mean to be joking at all. The spiritual power in his voice was surging, making the whole square and even the Cangyun Nine Peaks linger with a deep breath, which made people feel very depressed!

They have no doubt at all, once they say something they shouldn't say, they will be punished like thunder!

"Hmph!" Somewhere in the spectator seats, just as the voice echoed in the void, Elder Yinpao Meng sneered secretly, and a cold light flashed between his brows.

Jiang Tian's performance was so amazing, and he was witnessed by countless disciples from all over the sect, it is absolutely impossible to keep it a secret!

After pondering for a while, he suddenly turned his eyes and silently transmitted a voice to a certain inner sect elder.

And after hearing his voice transmission, the senior elder with a considerable status in the inner sect had a cloudy expression on his face, and even reacted a little annoyed.

The elder Yu Chunrou of Xiuyun Peak also had a look of disdain and contempt at this time, if one looked carefully, one could even see some kind of jealousy in her eyes.

Chu Tianhua scanned the square slowly, the rumbling voice gradually fell back and finally dispersed slowly.

Only then did many disciples feel relieved, and they were no longer so depressed.


"Wait a moment!"

A domineering voice sounded suddenly, but it was the senior elder of the inner sect who spoke.

"Oh! Elder Ge has something to say?" Chu Tianhua raised his brows slightly, and turned his head to look.

Elder Ge shook his white robe sleeves, and said in a deep voice: "I think Jiang Tian's strength is not exhausted, and Duanmu Yunqi is also unwilling..."

Before the other party finished speaking, Chu Tianhua frowned and said, "You mean, let them continue the competition?"

"Of course it's impossible! Although Duanmu Yunqi is not reconciled, after all, it is too exhausting after all the hard work." Elder Ge sneered and forcefully argued.

"Then what do you mean?" Chu Tianhua frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

Elder Ge shook his head and smiled: "Jiang Tian has the ability to fight against the peak powerhouse of Xuanyue Realm at the late stage of Chongyang Realm. It can be called a miracle in the sect. I think he still has potential to be tapped. I think the elders are also very interested in seeing the limit of his strength, right?"

"Huh?" Chu Tianhua's deep eyes flashed strangely, and he keenly grasped a certain meaning.

Although this elder Ge is a senior and powerful elder of the inner sect, he has never said a word since the martial arts meeting, and his performance is quite low-key and calm. Why did he suddenly speak out at this time?

Here, of course, there are other articles!

"Elder Ge, are you thinking too much, Jiang Tian has already shown such aptitude, what strength limit do you need to see?"

"Hehe, isn't his strength amazing enough?"

"Elder Ge, do you think the performance of the inner disciples is not bad enough, do you want to find a few more people to let Jiang Tian crush?"

Before Chu Tianhua could make a sound, the elders of several sects beside him looked at each other in blank dismay, and quickly opened their mouths to refute.

There are some things that Chu Tianhua is not easy to say as suzerain, and they have no scruples.

If they didn't even have this bit of insight, it would be impossible for them to hang out in the high-level sect for so long and win the trust of the sect master.

Chu Tianhua smiled slightly when he heard the words, admiring the performance of these people, what is needed at this time is this kind of voice!

However, he was very aware of Elder Ge's temperament, there was no need to never speak, but once he spoke, he would never take it back.

Elder Ge snorted coldly, a look of annoyance flashed between his brows, he gave them a cold look, and then looked firmly at Chu Tianhua again.

"Sovereign Lord, the inner sect is the core of the sect, and it is also the representative of our sect's martial arts level. Facing Jiang Tian's strong challenge, if we can't respond positively, wouldn't it be the sect's sorrow?"


As soon as the words fell, the faces of the other people became stiff, and they did not dare to speak nonsense anymore.

Elder Ge's words are so serious, it is obvious that he has risen to the level of the sect's majesty. At this time, except for Chu Tianhua who can respond, they dare not judge rashly.

"Hmph, to put it nicely, it's nothing more than that Jiang Tian defeated the inner genius, you are not convinced, you just want to save face!" Yun Xianghan shook his head and sneered, his face was full of disdain, and he had no scruples to refute the other party.

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