Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1295 Strong Offensive

However, after a while, purple light flowed all over Jiang Tian's body, the crackling sound disappeared quickly, and his body gradually stopped shaking, and he forcibly stood up, standing upright proudly!

"I have to say that Brother Yue's strength is really strong, but unfortunately, at the level of Xuanyang Realm, your absolute strength is not too amazing!"

"What did you say?" Yue Zheng's face darkened when he heard that, he was very annoyed.

Just when he was about to attack, he suddenly found that Jiang Tian's breath had changed, and he couldn't help being surprised, even a little surprised!

"How is it possible? He actually forcibly held my martial arts will!" Yue Zheng took a deep breath, his eyes full of surprise and confusion.

Not to mention a junior in Chongyang Realm, even Duanmu Yunqi, who was at the peak of Xuanyue Realm, could not have such a tough performance.

But with a flash of thought, he suddenly realized that he had underestimated Jiang Tian. After all, this outer disciple had just defeated Duanmu Yunqi with an indisputable performance. It would be inappropriate to compare the two at this time.

"Hmph! A mere junior at the Chongyang Realm dares to talk about a strong person at the Xuanyang Realm, as if you have met a few masters at the Xuanyang Realm!"

Yue Zheng shook his head and snorted coldly, his face full of disdain.

Jiang Tian's tone was a little too loud. From what he said, it seemed that he had felt the coercion of a strong person in the Xuanyang realm?

What are you kidding?

If he had really fought against Xuanyang Realm powerhouses, how could he have survived to this day!

Yue Zheng shook his head and smiled with disdain on his face. Naturally, he didn't know that Jiang Tian had experienced the scouring of a strong martial arts will when he lit the Xuanyang Monument, and after that he had experienced the baptism of Tang Xiao's martial arts will. Coercion has long had a considerable understanding and a certain amount of resistance.

"Boy! I just used a little trick just now, don't be too happy!"

Yue Zheng sneered coldly, bowed his arms, and the breath in his body suddenly rose!


Accompanied by a dull roar, an even more astonishing aura rose from his body, and the tyrannical fluctuations of spiritual power involuntarily spread in all directions, creating a terrifying storm of spiritual power!


As the storm dissipated, exclamations erupted from all around the ring, and many disciples who watched the battle retreated back again, far away from the scope of the storm.

"It's too arrogant to want to blow me away like this!"

Jiang Tian snorted coldly, the purple light all over his body rose again, and the body of the tyrannical dragon moved rapidly, forcibly dissolving the opponent's oppression again.


A wave of terrible force came to him, but was scattered by the flickering purple light in a row. Only half of them actually fell on Jiang Tian, ​​but naturally it did not have much impact on the strong body he was proud of. .

"It makes no sense!"

The corners of Yue Zheng's eyes contracted, and the brows sparkled. He was once again surprised by Jiang Tian's performance.

"Hmph! If you can't even subdue a junior in Chongyang Realm, what kind of Xuanyang Realm powerhouse is Yuemou?"

Yue Zheng roared angrily, and the breath in his body rose again.

This time, it was different from just now, his martial arts will no longer just swept forward blindly, but changed the way of attack.


Accompanied by an ear-piercing explosion, a glaring white light quickly circled around Yue Zheng, rolling towards Jiang Tiankuang with a strong martial arts will.

Wherever he went, the void shook violently, as if a huge tornado rolled towards Jiang Tian involuntarily.

The incomparably hard basalt rock countertop was even blown up by the hurricane, and there was a rattling sound, which made people feel palpitating!

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian yelled, and the purple light around him also circled up, spinning in the same direction as the oncoming whirlwind of white spiritual power, bursting out with tyrannical power!


As soon as the two forces came into contact, the white spiritual power was instantly released by the rapidly rotating purple light, and rushed to the side indiscriminately.

From a distance, it seems that this force turned around before it touched Jiang Tian. No matter how powerful it is, it still can't really exert it on Jiang Tian!

"Hiss! How is it possible?"

The corner of Yue Zheng's eyes twitched, he was startled.

If the other party was a Xuanyue-level martial artist, he would not be too surprised to have such a method, but Jiang Tian is only a junior in the late Chongyang-level, how could he have such an astonishing method?

Naturally, he didn't know that this was the unique benefit of the body of the tyrannical dragon and the blood of the savage dragon. It was this blood that gave Jiang Tian enough confidence to cope with the oppression of the strong in the Xuanyang realm.

The momentary absence slowed down Bai Lingli's offensive, and taking advantage of this rare opportunity, Jiang Tian responded decisively!


With a shake of his arms, the purple aura suddenly rolled back. Amidst the dull roar, the purple light burst out with an astonishing power, and it flicked the white whirlwind away, and rolled back towards Yue Zheng!

"Hiss! How unreasonable!"

The corners of Yue Zheng's eyes twitched violently, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Jiang Tian's performance just now had already taken him by surprise, but the scene at this time really shocked him!

The mere juniors at Chongyang Realm also want to use this method to fight back against him, it is simply arrogant and stupid!

After a moment of shock, Yue Zheng shook his head and sneered, with deep disdain flashing in his eyes.

With a shake of his right arm, the white whirlwind that bounced back disintegrated immediately, but after a moment, it turned into a violent storm and rolled towards Jiang Tiankuang!


This storm, stronger than the previous whirlwind of spiritual power, fell on Jiang Tian without any explanation.

Although Jiang Tian forcibly resisted, the terrifying power still made his body tremble, and he couldn't help but backed away!

"not good!"

"Junior Brother Jiang is in danger!"

"Oh my god! If this goes on like this, he will definitely be kicked out of the ring!"

There was a burst of exclamation in the square, and Qi Yurou's many outer disciples were full of fear, watching Jiang Tian retreat to the edge of the ring, but there was nothing he could do.


Jiang Tian gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, the purple light all over his body twirled crazily, swinging away the oncoming terrifying force again and again, but Yue Zheng's offensive was too tyrannical, and the martial arts will of the Xuanyang realm attacked him wave after wave, making him He can barely maintain an effective defense.

Drum, pedal, pedal!

Jiang Tian retreated again and again and saw that he had already retreated to the edge of the ring, and he was about to be blown out the next moment.

"A strong Xuanyang realm should not be underestimated. Although my physical body is strong and bloody, but with my current cultivation level, I still have no strength to confront him head-on!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, a trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes, but this defeat was naturally unacceptable.

There was a flash of lightning in his mind, Jiang Tian yelled violently, and the purple light all over his body suddenly rose, and the amazing blood aura spread rapidly, forcing a space to open up, allowing him to stabilize his figure.

In this situation, he can no longer hesitate, he must take the initiative to resolve Yue Zheng's crushing, otherwise he may be blown off the ring in a blink of an eye.

"Swallowing the sky finger!" Jiang Tian shouted angrily, raised his right arm and pointed sharply. Dozens of purple halos suddenly bloomed against the crazy impact of white spiritual power, and instantly condensed into a dazzling finger shadow and slammed out.

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