Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1342 Thunder and Fire Dual Forces

"Hiss! It's really scary!"

Despite the protection of the body with fire spiritual power, Jiang Tian still felt that the chill was unbearable, the blood spiritual power was greatly suppressed, and the speed of operation began to slow down involuntarily.

Suppressing the distracting thoughts in his mind, he looked forward through the densely packed ice crystals floating in the void, and was immediately shocked again!

The situation here is very different from the previous cave hall. There are only three icicles in the huge cave hall, but each one is larger than the thickness of the millstone. It's even thicker together!

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes twitched in surprise.

The lowest of the three icicles, that is, the one on the left is about nine feet high, and the one on the right is about fifteen feet high, which is much simpler than the cave hall in front.

But he is very clear that this seemingly "simple" arrangement is actually not simple.

For him, it is a new test!

Although he had mobilized all his fire spirit power to fight against the cold invasion, he still felt that it was too much to bear. Just standing on the ground for a while, the speed of the blood spirit power had dropped significantly.

"It's unreasonable!" Jiang Tian's face darkened, and he gritted his teeth and drank coldly.

The decrease in the speed of bloodline spiritual power means that the speed of absorbing spiritual power is greatly reduced, which means that the efficiency of cultivation is greatly reduced. In this way, although he enters the seventh cave, the effect is actually greatly reduced.

Of course this is not in line with his original intention!

After a short period of contemplation, he grabbed the 9-foot-high icicle without hesitation, used his blood vision with all his strength, and cooperated with the protection of the fire spirit power to absorb the cold spirit power here.

However, after less than half an hour, his body was already covered with cold, and the circulation of blood and spiritual power became more and more sluggish.

If this goes on like this, the effect of cultivation cannot be guaranteed at all, if not done, he will even be bitten back by the terrible cold, and his body will be injured!

"Isn't even the fire spirit power going to help?"

Jiang Tian frowned, and the hot air he exhaled with every breath quickly condensed into frost, and then formed thin hexagonal ice crystals suspended under the strong chill.

After contemplating for a moment, his palms hit each other again, and he pushed hard with concentration, and the aura around him suddenly changed!


Accompanied by a dull roar, Jiang Tian's body shook violently, and powerful thunder spirit power gushed out from the depths of his dantian, and quickly rippled in the sea of ​​air.

At the same time, he gave a cold shout, and lightning flashed out, gathering on his arms like spirit snakes, making crackling thunder!

Lei Lingli is manic and violent, extremely destructive, good at attacking, and its power is even stronger than Huo Lingli.

Using it to resist the invasion of cold, it really has an unexpected effect!

Where the thunder force permeated, the chill receded one after another, Jiang Tian felt itchy all over his body, and the spiritual power of his blood soon returned to normal, and the speed of operation was greatly accelerated!

"Very good!" Feeling the obvious changes in his body, Jiang Tian's spirit was greatly lifted, and his heart was ecstatic.

He silently calculated the situation in front of him. With the help of Huo Lingli and Lei Lingli, he is very hopeful that in the last two days or so, he can climb the giant 20-foot-tall icicle and feel the peak of the cold cave. chill.


Jiang Tian tried his best to activate the vision of the blood vessels, and the huge purple blazing sun hovered rapidly in the void, continuously releasing astonishing spiritual coercion.

At the same time, the dual spiritual powers of thunder and fire raged wildly in his body, constantly devouring the chill that entered his body.

Under such full exertion, his cultivation speed even increased instead of decreasing, slightly faster than in the sixth cave!

But as time went by, Jiang Tian gradually frowned.

"Huh? No! The seventh cave hall is so rich in spiritual power, it is said that the cultivation speed should be more than double that of the previous one. Why is it only a little faster?"

Jiang Tian frowned and pondered, silently sensing the situation in his body. The blood vision and the operation of thunder and fire spiritual power were normal, and there was nothing abnormal.

And after a lot of tossing, he has also adapted to the chill here, so it shouldn't be so slow!

Jiang Tian was puzzled, and after a while, he could only attribute the reason to the fact that his own bloodline spiritual power had been filled to a relatively perfect level. No matter how pure and rich the cold spirit power here is, the cultivation effect cannot be improved without limit .

This is not a big problem, but if it goes on like this, then the harvest of this retreat will still not satisfy him.

At the current speed, until the end of the retreat, his bloodline spiritual power will not be able to fill up to the tenth floor, and even at most it will reach about eight floors, less than nine floors.

Jiang Tian shook his head slowly, his face was extremely deep, and he felt very depressed in his heart!

The whole sect admired the Cold Lingdong very much, and all kinds of rumors were coveted. If there was only this effect, the contrast would be too great, wouldn't it?

He might be able to accept it if it's just a little discounted effect, but the situation in front of him is obviously not that simple.

If it continues like this, what is the difference between practicing in the sixth cave hall?

And in the sixth cave hall, he doesn't need to expend so much effort, and he can get a similar improvement in cultivation base, so why bother to come here?

The more Jiang Tian thought about it, the more depressed he became. After a while, he suddenly turned his attention to the second icicle on the right.

The chill is stronger there, and the spiritual power is more pure and rich, presumably the effect of cultivation will be improved a lot.

"It seems that I can only try it!"

After a brief hesitation, Jiang Tian decisively swept down the 9-foot-high icicle, bypassed the 20-foot-high giant icicle in the middle, and jumped onto the 15-foot-high icicle.

But as soon as his feet hit the ground, the corners of his eyes twitched and his expression changed!

"Hiss! Not good!"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Tian was shrouded in a terrible chill, and there was a "click" sound all over his body, which was instantly covered with a layer of white ice crystals!

For a moment, Jiang Tian couldn't even move, only his mind was still moving.

This annoyed him a lot, but fortunately, the dual spiritual powers of thunder and fire bloomed crazily, which made him regain his self-control.

Immediately after he gave a cold shout, the breath around him suddenly swayed, and the ice crystals covering his body exploded instantly with a loud bang.

But the terrible chill didn't subside, and it still rushed towards him endlessly, running up and down his heels, making a "sizzling" sound, forming a terrible suppression on the bloodline spiritual power.

"Damn! I was too careless!"

In desperation, Jiang Tian had to grit his teeth and sigh, and left the icicle.

This fifteen-foot-high icicle was much colder than expected, and he couldn't get used to it for the time being.

Although it is possible to forcibly practice on it, but the effect will be even worse, which is really not a wise move.

In desperation, he had no choice but to jump up with depression, and returned to the nine-foot-high icicle again.

And at this time, he noticed that a crystal ice dragon seemed to be engraved on the surface of the giant icicle in the middle. It was only because the ice crystals floating in the void disturbed his vision that he was not satisfied before.

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