
Purple light flashed all over Jiang Tian's body, exuding a tyrannical aura, he just blocked Elder Mu's coercion back!

"Hiss! How is it possible?" Kuang Yujiao stood still, shocked.

The Sixth Elder and the Seventh Elder were also stunned for a moment, looking at Jiang Tian in a daze, feeling incredible.

This kid who is only at the quasi-xuan realm has resisted the pressure of a strong man at the Xuanyang realm!

Is it too exaggerated?

"Good boy! I really underestimated you!" Elder Mu had a gloomy face, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.


The next moment, as soon as he raised his right palm, he grabbed Jiang Tian fiercely, and the breath in his body soared and there was a dull loud noise.

Dots of blood-colored spiritual power rose from his palm, and strange roars erupted. His palm seemed to turn into a huge blood clamp, and he couldn't help but want to clamp Jiang Tian's neck.

"Be careful!" Kuang Yujiao exclaimed in shock and anger, her expression changed drastically.

The corners of the sixth and seventh elders' eyes twitched, and they knew that something was wrong after a moment of stupefaction, and it was too late to make a move now.

As the bloody pincer-like palm took down Jiang Tian, ​​Elder Mu seemed to have seen the scene of Jiang Tian's death in an instant, and a ferocious smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth!

But the next moment, he was stunned!

The purple light in front of his eyes suddenly brightened, Jiang Tian raised his right arm like lightning, and pointed his right hand out quickly.

There was a loud bang!

Dozens of purple halos flashed away, and after a short while, a purple giant pointed at him and bombarded him fiercely!

"It makes no sense!"

Deacon Mu's expression changed, he was very surprised!

This giant finger gave him a certain sense of clear threat, which made him dare not be too negligent.

The iron claw-like blood palm suddenly trembled, drawing a semicircle in the air, and the blood light suddenly rose in the void, as if a bloody scorching sun rose instantly!


The next moment, the giant purple finger slammed towards the bloody sun, making an astonishingly loud noise!

"Oh? A junior in the Quasi-Profound Realm actually has such strength!"

In front of the five-story hall, the master of the whole hall had a look of surprise in his eyes, shook his head and sneered.

Although this junior in the Quasi-Profound Realm displayed combat power far beyond his cultivation level, it was limited to that, and he didn't react much other than being a little surprised.

The master of the whole hall still had a sneer on his face, calmly looking down at the situation below, and taking control of the overall situation.

It looked like a high-ranking guest who had nothing to do with the matter, watching a scene of a special drama, calm and calm, calm and calm.

"Jiang Tian! You..." Kuang Yujiao looked shocked and looked at Jiang Tian in amazement, his face full of puzzlement.

She really couldn't imagine that a quasi-xuan-level martial artist would have such power when making a move, and even made the opposite Xuanyang-level strong man have to treat it seriously.

This is too exaggerated!

The Sixth Elder and Seventh Elder next to each other looked at each other subconsciously, their eyes twitched uncontrollably, and their expressions became extremely shocked.


"His strength...why..."

The two were tongue-tied, their hearts were filled with shock, and they froze in place for a moment.

"What are you still doing in a daze, get out of here!" Suddenly, he shouted angrily, but Jiang Tian shouted at them without looking back.


Opposite him was a strong man in the Xuanyang realm, even if he tried his best, he was still not sure enough, Kuang Yujiao and the others standing here couldn't help at all, and they would even get in the way and drag him back.

However, before they could react, the face of Elder Mu on the opposite side darkened, and the aura around him suddenly rose!


The dull roar suddenly swayed, and a wave of spiritual power far superior to the previous one instantly enveloped Jiang Tian, ​​Kuang Yujiao and the other four, causing their faces to sink and the corners of their eyes to twitch wildly!

At this moment, except for Jiang Tian who was relatively calm, the expressions of the other three changed drastically, and they were shocked!

This coercion is really terrifying, it contains the powerful martial arts will of the Xuanyang realm, which makes their breathing tight, and their blood and spiritual power become greatly sluggish, the situation is really extremely dangerous!

"Why are you still in a daze? Quick! Find a chance to get out of here!"

Jiang Tian yelled violently, purple light flashed all over his body, and he couldn't help but send the three people behind him flying out.

"Ah..." Kuang Yujiao exclaimed, and the purple light flashed in front of her eyes, and she was shocked out of the four-story hall.

"It's unreasonable!" The Sixth Elder shouted angrily.

"Jiang Tian... what are you doing?"

The seventh elder's eyes twitched wildly, and he gritted his teeth angrily.

In the blink of an eye, the three of them landed directly on the open space in front of the main hall on the first floor.

"Jiang Tian, ​​don't be impulsive!" Kuang Yujiao's face changed drastically, she was completely shocked.

Although Jiang Tian's strength is not weak, but after all, his cultivation is limited, and the result of wanting to confront a Xuanyang realm head-on can be imagined!

But just when she was about to stand up again, Jiang Tian's sound transmission suddenly sounded in her ears.

"Third Elder, don't panic, I'm here to hold this person back, you guys retreat quickly, don't hesitate, hurry up!"

Jiang Tian's voice was full of determination, as if it was beyond doubt.

Kuang Yujiao felt very disturbed, and was extremely worried about his situation: "But..."

"It's nothing! Listen to me, hurry up!" Jiang Tian yelled angrily, but there was no sound transmission, and the domineering words suddenly resounded, and the powerful spiritual power contained made the void buzz!

Kuang Yujiao was still a little hesitant at first, but for some reason, under the shock of the other party's domineering tone, she couldn't say anything to refute for a while!

"Do you want to be a hero? Boy, you don't have the qualifications yet!"

Deacon Mu narrowed his eyes sharply, and his face became extremely gloomy.

The breath in his body rose sharply, and with a wave of his arms, two iron palms like blood forceps grabbed out at the same time.


The ten fingers swept the air, making a violent friction sound, and a series of ear-piercing sonic booms, the momentum was extremely terrifying!

Jiang Tian snorted coldly, his eyes brightened!

With the right hand pointing at the same time, the billowing spiritual power rushed out.


The violent roar resounded through the void, and the two giant purple fingers struck out again, hitting Deacon Mu's two iron palms impartially.

"Damn it!"

Deacon Mu gritted his teeth and cursed with a gloomy face, but he had no choice but to defend himself.

Although Jiang Tian's realm is far inferior to his, but for some reason, the exercises he uses are so powerful that even a strong Xuanyang realm dare not take it lightly.

Although it was not too strenuous for him to resist this kind of attack, this shocking feeling coupled with the gap in cultivation between the two sides really annoyed him greatly, his heart was furious, and his whole body was full of murderous aura!

"Aren't you leaving soon?"


The sound of angry shouting accompanied by a dull roar exploded into the void.

Jiang Tian's furious voice woke up Kuang Yujiao's mind!

After a moment's weighing, she immediately gritted her teeth and turned around, rushing out with the sixth and seventh elders who were stunned and hadn't recovered yet.

Although Jiang Tian's cultivation was far inferior to his opponent's, judging from these two fights, it seemed that he would not lose for a while.

"Jiang Tian, ​​hurry up and follow!"

After escaping for tens of feet, Kuang Yujiao couldn't wait to scream loudly, signaling Jiang Tian to get away. However, the situation over there made her very uneasy!

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