He is a junior in the quasi-xuan realm, without using magic weapons, he actually fought inextricably with the strong opponent in the Xuanyang realm on the opposite side, and even after such a while, his kung fu did not fall into the net, which is really shocking !

For a moment, there was even a glimmer of hope in Kuang Yujiao's heart!

If Jiang Tian's performance can be stronger, maybe they can really create a miracle!

But this kind of thought only disappeared in a flash, and then disappeared.

What are you kidding?

For a junior at the Quasi-Profound Realm to defeat a strong person at the Profound Yang Realm, this is something that cannot happen even in a dream.

This is too unbelievable!

This situation is simply impossible!

Kuang Yujiao shook her head and smiled wryly, with deep despair mixed in her smile.

Even Peng Yue and Tai Xuan were firmly suppressed by their opponents, so can Jiang Tian be expected to perform miracles?

After a moment of contemplation, she completely suppressed her distracting thoughts, and suddenly turned around to join the battle group of the sixth and seventh elders.

Although she really wanted to help Jiang Tian, ​​she also knew that if it really passed, not only would it not be of much help, it would even become a burden.

Under such circumstances, she could only help the Sixth Elder and the Seventh Elder.

Boom boom boom!

The violent roar spread crazily in the night sky. Deacon Mu shot one after another. After more than a dozen moves, he still couldn't take Jiang Tian down.

"Is this kid really only at the Quasi-Profound Realm?" The corners of Deacon Mu's eyes twitched, his face extremely ugly.

The situation in front of me is too incredible!

For any opponent, let alone a junior in the quasi-xuan realm, even a martial artist at the peak of the Xuanyue realm has already been severely injured by him.

However, the two fought for a long time, and Jiang Tian on the opposite side was still attacking and defending in an orderly manner, and the strength he showed often shocked him. This is too exaggerated!

"How unreasonable! If you can't even take down a junior in the Quasi-Profound Realm, what face does this old man have?"

Deacon Mu shouted angrily, the cold light in his eyes instantly shot up, and the gesture of his attack became violent.

At this time, he is no longer limited to ordinary attacks, but uses both fists and palms, and the power of his shots has increased significantly.

Jiang Tian's response was not as easy as before. Although the sky-swallowing finger is powerful, it can't really threaten the opponent.

Every time it seemed like he was going to hit his opponent, he was calmly resolved by Deacon Mu. If the fight continued like this, it would just be a waste of spiritual energy and time.

Even if he can deal with the opponent, the other companions will definitely not have any good results.

However, what really made him afraid was not the deacon Mu in front of him, but the master of the whole hall who had been watching the battle calmly before the five-story hall!

Fortunately, this person has not yet made a move. If the other party makes a move, the six of them will be useless.

Fortunately, his spiritual power has skyrocketed after the cruel experience in the Cold Spirit Cave, and his strength has also improved a lot compared to when the Zongmen met martial arts, otherwise it would be impossible to stop the attack of this Deacon Mu.

Thoughts roiled in his mind for a moment, Jiang Tian's face sank, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes!

With a shake of his right arm, he pointed out one after another wildly.

Boom boom boom!

Several sky-swallowing fingers blasted out one after another, forcing Elder Mu on the opposite side to fight back to defend.

Taking advantage of this brief opportunity, Jiang Tian flickered, turned around and ran away without hesitation!

"Want to escape? It's not that easy!" Executive Mu was startled for a moment, but then he was overjoyed.

This junior in the quasi-xuan realm was so eager to escape, it seemed that his spiritual power was almost exhausted, and his confidence was gone!

"Hahahaha! Kid, if you die obediently, you will save yourself some suffering, otherwise you will regret coming to this world!"


Deacon Mu's aura soared, and he stepped on it as if disappearing out of thin air. The next moment, he appeared tens of feet away with a violent aura.

Without hesitation, Jiang Tian used his "Purple Light Tenglong Step" with all his strength, and with a sway of his figure, he rushed to the side of Kuang Yujiao and the other three.

"Let's go!" Jiang Tian yelled angrily from a distance of more than ten feet.

"How to go?" Hearing his voice, the Seventh Elder gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, but he didn't dare to turn his head to deal with the frontal attack.

"Hmph! To put it bluntly!" The Sixth Elder's face was gloomy.

The dozen or so black-robed warriors on the opposite side made it extremely difficult for him to deal with, and he couldn't see any hope at all.

Kuang Yujiao gritted her teeth and said angrily: "Jiang Tian, ​​break through quickly and bring the situation back to Kuang's house!"

"Don't be so desperate, we still have a chance!" Jiang Tian sternly reprimanded, before speaking, he quickly approached at an astonishingly fast speed.

"What other fucking chances are there?" The Seventh Elder cursed angrily. He was about to die anyway, so he no longer suppressed the resentment in his heart at this moment.

"It sounds good, how can this situation go..." the Sixth Elder shook his head angrily.

But before they finished speaking, they saw an astonishing scene!


Following Jiang Tian's rush, a purple light pierced the night sky, and with a violent sword intent, he slashed into the formation of black-robed warriors on the opposite side.


The violent roar resounded through the void, and after the purple sword intent exploded, there was a shrill scream!




There were more than a dozen black-robed warriors on the opposite side, but under the attack of this purple sword intent, three of them died instantly.


"what happened?"

The expressions of the Seventh Elder and the Sixth Elder changed, and they were shocked!

How could three opponents who were difficult to kill even them die at once? Who has such terrifying strength?

Could it be that Peng Yue and Tai Xuan came to support?


The two of them were still fighting with Deacon Jiao and Deacon Che on the other side, and it was impossible to escape, and besides, they were separated by nearly a hundred feet, even if they wanted to make a move, it would be too late!

"Jiang Tian! It's Jiang Tian!"

Kuang Yujiao, on the other hand, was sober-minded, and without even thinking about it, she knew that Jiang Tian was making the move, and a burst of ecstasy immediately surged in her heart.


"It's him?"

The Sixth Elder and the Seventh Elder suddenly woke up, and suddenly turned their heads to look back, but only saw a purple afterimage of the tail.

In an instant, Jiang Tian had already passed over them, and before they could react, he shot again furiously.

Hearing Jiang Tian's violent shout, the void began to vibrate violently!


There was a violent roar, and dozens of purple halos flashed away, condensing into two dazzling finger shadows and striking out.



Boom boom boom!

The shrill screams resounded through the night sky, but they were completely drowned out by the terrifying roar in an instant.

Jiang Tian pointed both hands together, and after hitting the two sky-swallowing fingers, he killed five more black-robed warriors in an instant!

Because the three of them were standing too close, they were pierced by the purple finger shadow as if they were wearing candied haws, and their bodies all burst open. The scene was extremely horrifying!

"Hiss! How is that possible?" The corners of the Seventh Elder's eyes twitched wildly, extremely shocked.

"Why is he so strong?" The Sixth Elder was shocked, feeling incredible. With just these two shots, Jiang Tian's strength has far exceeded their imagination!

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