Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1414 The Way Is Blocked


The expressions of the third elder of the Tao family and the third elder of the Ba family sank, greatly annoyed.

However, they calmed down quickly and looked at each other with ferocious smiles.

"Once today's matter is leaked by the Kuang family, the Cangyun sect will definitely trouble our family!" said the third elder of the Tao family coldly.

"Then why are you hesitating?" The third elder of the Ba family snorted coldly, and stepped out as soon as he finished speaking.


There was a dull roar in the void, and the third elder of the Ba family stood in the air, blocking the way of the elder of the Kuang family.


Two more bangs sounded, and the third elder of the Tao family and the fourth elder of the Xun family rushed over at the same time, completely cutting off the way of the three of the Kuang family.

"You are not from the Black Moon Kingdom!" The Seventh Elder of the Kuang Family had a dark expression, frowning angrily, his expression extremely ugly.

"This martial robe, why does it look a little familiar, as if I've seen it somewhere before?" The Sixth Elder frowned, with a puzzled look on his face.

Although the martial robe in front of him seemed familiar to him, he couldn't remember where he had seen it before.

Kuang Yujiao's footsteps were empty, and she stared intently at the other party for a moment, her expression changed: "It's the Xun family!"

"What! Is it the Xun family from Cangjing?" The Sixth Elder's expression changed, and he finally remembered the scene he had seen in Cangjing many years ago.

At that time, the elders of a certain family wore this kind of martial robe, and this family was none other than the famous Xun family around Cangjing!

"How could they... get mixed up with the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom?" The Seventh Elder had a gloomy face, and a trace of despair flashed in his eyes.

Just now I saw a glimmer of hope but it was extinguished in an instant. It has to be said that this huge psychological fluctuation made it difficult for them, who are Xuanyue realm warriors, to bear it.

Hearing what they said, the faces of the three white-robed warriors on the opposite side darkened, and murderous intent appeared between their brows!

"Hmph! You actually recognized us, so we can't let you leave alive!"

"A small Kuang family dares to confront the mighty Black Moon Kingdom stronghold, it's just looking for death!"

"Hehe, you deserve to be unlucky today!"

The three of them sneered, but they didn't make a move for a long time, as if they were waiting for something.

At this moment, more than 20 black-robed warriors on the top of the mountain rushed over together, completely blocking the way for Kuang Yujiao and others to escape.

"Three elders, isn't your target Jiang Tian? Leave these three to us!" The leader, a black-robed evil man, said with a ferocious smile and waved his hands.

"Hehe, there is Elder Lao Yin! These three people have already recognized our identity, and we must not let them leave alive!"

"Please Elder Yin, be sure to kill them on the spot, and there must be no mistakes!"

"Otherwise, not only will our three families be in big trouble, but you may also suffer revenge from the Azure Cloud Sect!"

The faces of the three were solemn, and their words were full of weight.

"Hmph! How do you do it? Do you still need to teach Yin?" Elder Yin in the black robe darkened his face, obviously very annoyed.

He only obeys the orders of the masters of the palace, but he is not subordinate to these three people. The other party's words made him feel a certain kind of humiliation.

"Don't dare!"

"Elder Yin, don't misunderstand!"

"The purpose of our coming is to deal with Jiang Tian, ​​this place is handed over to Elder Yin!"

The three of them hurriedly handed over their hands to plead guilty, but they couldn't stop cursing secretly in their hearts. An elder in a small stronghold, not even a deacon, is so arrogant.

If they weren't afraid of the majesty of the whole palace master, they might turn their faces immediately.

However, they also understood that now was not the time to fight, so they looked at each other and stepped aside tacitly, and turned their attention to Jiang Tian, ​​who was hundreds of feet away.

"You can do whatever you need to do. When I solve these problems, these people will naturally support you. Don't worry!"

Elder Yin snorted coldly and ignored the three of them. With a wave of his hand, more than twenty black-robed warriors behind him rushed out.

"Damn it!"

"It makes no sense!"

"Fight with them!"

Kuang Yujiao and the three saw no way out, so they could only attack with all their strength again, desperately fighting each other.

However, under the siege of more than twenty Xuanyue realm warriors, they couldn't please them at all, and the result can be imagined.

However, the battle of trapped beasts should not be underestimated. In desperate situations, under the domination of a strong desire to survive, warriors can often burst out with amazing potential!


The violent roar resounded through the void, and Kuang Yujiao's aura was wide open, releasing a powerful aura of the peak of Xuanyue Realm. For a moment, her coercion almost broke through the limit and touched the bottleneck of advancement.

Seeing this scene, the Sixth Elder and the Seventh Elder were not to be outdone, they shouted wildly, spared no effort to stimulate their spiritual power, and without any explanation, they used the blood vision!

They know that this is the last struggle, and they can live a little longer if they last a little longer, and there is no other way but to fight to the death!

Kuang Yujiao slashed a few swords with all her strength, and suddenly turned her head to look at Jiang Tian, ​​feeling deep regret again in her heart.

In fact, this operation itself was a bit hasty, and the planning before and after was not perfect, let alone foolproof.

But the Kuang family didn't have time to wait any longer, they couldn't afford it, so even though they knew there was a mole in the family, they resolutely sent a spying team to this stronghold after all kinds of weighing.

It's a pity that everything was already under the control of the other party, and they still failed to escape this tragic fate after all!

Seeing Jiang Tian's slightly lonely figure under Deacon Mu's frenzied attack, Kuang Yujiao shook her head and sighed, forcing down the hot tears in her eyes.

Turning around sharply, the spiritual power surged wildly, and the long sword cut out through the air!


A black-robed warrior in the mid-stage of Xuanyue Realm couldn't dodge, and was immediately beheaded by her sword. The body was blasted by the sword light, turning into a piece of flesh and blood and flying away!

However, the strong bloody aura only stunned the black-robed warriors on the opposite side, and then rushed forward with a wild roar as if they were on fire.

The sound of swords whistling, knives whistling, and spiritual power bursting one after another, and the lights of knives of various colors flickered wildly, constantly illuminating the deep mountain forest and the dark night sky, and the two sides immediately fell into a fierce fight.


A hundred feet away, Jiang Tian had already noticed the situation of Kuang Yujiao and the others. After angrily shouting, he forcibly left Deacon Mu aside and rushed to help.

However, just after he escaped tens of feet, he was blocked by three white-robed warriors!

"Jiang Tian, ​​didn't expect that?"

"Hmph, didn't expect us to be waiting for you here, did you?"

"I have never admired anyone, but I have to say, you really impress me! A small foreign warrior dares to offend so many family forces. I have to say that your courage is really extraordinary!"

The fourth elder of the Xun family, the third elder of the Ba family, and the third elder of the Tao family stood in the air, blocking Jiang Tian's way.

"The Xun family, the Ba family, the Tao family... so it's you!" Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, with a cold light shining in his eyes, and a strong killing intent surged all over his body.

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