Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1416 Are you out of your mind?

Such a terrible blow by Deacon Mu obviously wanted to crush Jiang Tian into pieces!

In this way, not only would they not be able to catch Jiang Tian, ​​they might not even be able to find his storage bag.

The corners of the three people's eyes twitched wildly, and they were furious in their hearts, but they didn't dare to really shout out because they were afraid of each other's identity and strength.

Although the Hall Masters had agreed to their request, they still dared not speak out against Deacon Mu's actions.

And they also understand that no matter what Deacon Mu does, the Hall Master will just turn a blind eye, and it is impossible to turn around and speak for them.

"Damn it! The surname Mu knows what the Hall Master promised us, but he is so reckless in his actions, he has no credibility at all!" The fourth elder of the Xun family gritted his teeth angrily, trying his best to suppress his voice, and did not make too much noise.

"Credit? Hmph, isn't Elder Xun out of his mind to tell these people credit?" Although the third elder of the Ba family was also furious, he was obviously much calmer, and couldn't help shaking his head coldly when he heard this.

"You..." The fourth elder of the Xun family was very angry, his face was extremely ugly.

"Hmph! Elder Ba is right. From the first day you deal with them, you should understand that these evil people from the Black Moon Kingdom can't be trusted at all!" Elder Tao's family sneered, seeming to be ignorant of the situation in front of them. Not too surprised.

Although he was also very dissatisfied with Deacon Mu's behavior, so what if he was dissatisfied, even if the three of them combined, they were no match for each other.

However, even if they had that strength, they would not dare to act rashly before this stronghold.

One is that they are afraid of the power of the master of the whole hall, and the other is that the three of them have too many grasps in each other's hands, and each of them is fatal!

In the final analysis, from the beginning of cooperating with the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom, they are like logs tied to this black ship, and they have no right to autonomy at all except to follow each other in the raging sea.

"It's useless to say anything now, we can only strive for the greatest benefit!" The third elder of the Tao family frowned and sneered, and rushed out first in a flash.

"Elder Xun is also a smart person, why are you still dreaming at this time?" The third elder of the Ba family sneered a few words, and then followed him.

"Damn... Damn it!" The fourth elder of the Xun family's eyes twitched, his face extremely ugly, but he had no choice but to follow him quickly.

Otherwise, if you hesitate for a moment, you may not even be able to touch a piece of residue.


The blood-colored giant blade illuminated the night sky, and it slashed down with a terrifying killing intent. The terrifying pressure of the Xuanyang realm instantly enveloped a radius of a hundred feet, making all the warriors under the blood light tremble!

"not good!"

"It's over!"

"Jiang Tian..."

The faces of the third and seventh elders of the Kuang family who were trapped in the siege suddenly changed, and they were completely shocked.

The Sixth Elder had already suffered some injuries, but at this moment he couldn't bear the pressure even more. He spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes filled with horror, and his face became paler.

At the same time, the black-robed fighters who besieged them were also frightened by the power of Deacon Mu's sword, and stopped their hands involuntarily, watching the light of the sword cut through the night sky in shock, and slashed wildly with overwhelming power. And down!

There is no doubt that Jiang Tian will die with this knife, and he may be directly blasted into pieces and disappear from this world completely!

However, the next scene made everyone's expressions change, and they were shocked!

Facing such a terrible blow, Jiang Tian shook his right hand and disappeared suddenly.

"Huh?" Deacon Mu's eyes shrank sharply, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

What is Jiang Tian doing?

Could it be that he knew he was going to die and didn't even have the will to resist?

A thought flashed in his mind, and Jiang Tian had already reacted!

I saw his right hand shake, and after the demon-subduing stick disappeared, an alternating red and white sword light flashed suddenly!

But it disappeared in front of him in an instant!


Suddenly there was an extremely ear-piercing sword cry from the void, and the next moment, a huge red and white sword light flashed in the sky tens of meters high!


A violent roar erupted suddenly, and the power of this sword was unleashed, and it couldn't help but slashed fiercely on the blood blade, setting off a shocking wave of sword intent!


The terrifying roar suddenly spread in the sky tens of feet high like a raging wave. The red and white sword glowed brilliantly, and the bloody giant blade that was originally invincible instantly collapsed and turned into a billowing cloud of blood and scattered in all directions.

"Hiss! Impossible... This is impossible!"

The corners of Deacon Mu's eyes twitched wildly, and his expression changed in shock!

How could a junior in the Quasi-Profound Realm have such means?

He didn't believe it, let alone accept the scene in front of him!

As a strong person in the Xuanyang realm, it is too unbelievable that he still can't help the opponent with such a powerful offensive!

"Huh?" In front of the five-story hall on the opposite side, the master of the whole hall suddenly raised his eyebrows, and a strange look flashed in his eyes!

Jiang Tian's sudden method surprised him.

Originally, he already thought that this junior in the Quasi-Profound Realm had quite good combat power, but now, he suddenly discovered that this junior actually had even stronger means!

This really surprised him, staring at the sword light for a moment, he couldn't help but sigh leisurely, a playful look appeared on his face.

After the red snow sword marrow was sacrificed, Jiang Tian successfully deflected the opponent's terrifying blow, but at the same time, he himself was somewhat surprised.

In any case, the opponent is a strong Xuanyang realm after all, so his strength is naturally no small matter.

But after repeated fights, he gradually began to realize that the pressure put on him by the opponent was not as strong as that of Yue Zheng in Zongmen Huiwu!

Thoughts surged in his mind, Jiang Tian was thoughtful, and a light flashed in his eyes!

That's right, after experiencing the cruel experience in the cold cave, his spiritual power and cultivation base have grown significantly, especially after his cultivation base reached the Quasi-Profound Realm, his strength is not what it used to be.

Moreover, he faintly discovered that although this Deacon Mu is a strong person in the Xuanyang realm, his strength is not necessarily much higher than Yue Zheng.

It's even hard to say which of the two is higher and who is lower.

After all, neither he nor Yue Zheng could use magic weapons in the Zongmen Huiwu back then, and they just fought with spiritual power, so they couldn't exert their strongest combat power at all.

In his opinion, if Yue Zheng were to hold a heaven-level magic weapon, his power would definitely not be weaker than that of Deacon Mu.

Thinking of this, Jiang Tian became more calm and calm, his eyes flashed, and he raised his hand to recall the Chixue sword essence.


A strange light flashed in the night sky, and the Chixue Sword Essence flew across like lightning and disappeared.

"Huh? What kind of magic weapon is this!"

The corners of Deacon Mu's eyes narrowed sharply, he was very surprised.

That magic weapon is obviously a long sword, but it is completely different from ordinary magic weapons. It can be activated by Jiang Tian across the air, and it can appear and disappear, as if a dragon can't see the end, which really surprised him. Compared with it, the magic weapon of the blood knife in his hand inevitably pales in comparison!

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