Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1418 Breath of Death

"But you..." Kuang Yujiao frowned and looked at Jiang Tian, ​​still deeply shocked in her eyes.

"I can get away at any time, if you delay any longer, the consequences will be disastrous!" Jiang Tian said coldly without any doubt.

"...Be more careful!" Kuang Yujiao knew it was useless to talk, so she stopped arguing.

There is no doubt that Jiang Tian helped them escape twice, and the facts have proved that their stay here is just a burden.

As long as they leave, it is not difficult to escape with Jiang Tian's strength and means.

Thinking of this, Kuang Yujiao immediately called the Sixth Elder and Seventh Elder to stand up and escape with all their strength under the cover of the hill.

"If you want to run, die to me!"

Deacon Mu's murderous aura surged to the sky, he slashed wildly through the air with his long knife, and the bloody knife light that was more than ten feet long pierced through the air, and rolled towards Kuang Yujiao and the three of them fiercely.

Before the light of the saber fell, the terrifying killing intent caused the three of them to pause, and their blood and spiritual power trembled uncontrollably.

Seeing that terrifying knife light, the faces of the three of them changed drastically, as if they had already smelled the breath of death descending from the sky!

"If you want to kill them, first ask me if I agree!"

Jiang Tian yelled violently and swung his right hand fiercely, the Chixue sword marrow burst out of the air, and the strong sword intent instantly entangled the light of the knife, blasting it to pieces and completely collapsed.

As soon as the bloody saber light dissipated, Kuang Yujiao and the others immediately relaxed, and their blood and spiritual power resumed.

"Go!" Jiang Tian shouted angrily without hesitation.

Kuang Yujiao and the others didn't dare to hesitate, they looked back at Jiang Tian and ran away with all their strength.

Deacon Mu's goal was only Jiang Tian, ​​and Jiang Tian wanted to block him to cover Kuang Yujiao and others, and the two sides confronted each other and immediately became entangled.

On the other side, the elders of the three major families looked at each other and reached a tacit understanding in an instant.

"Quick, follow!"

"Hmph! Never let them leave!"


Unable to intervene to deal with Jiang Tian, ​​they had to temporarily change their target and focus on the three of Kuang's family.

Kuang Yujiao and the others had almost all suffered injuries of varying degrees of severity after several vicious battles. At this time, even though they tried their best to escape, their speed was inevitably affected.

However, these three family elders have been waiting for work with ease, watching with cold eyes, and after flying away with all their strength, they caught up with the three of them in a short while.

"You three, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave!" The third elder of the Ba family smiled coldly.

"Do you still want to go back alive? Hehe, your thinking is too beautiful!" The third elder of the Tao family looked cold.

"Don't expect Jiang Tian to save you now!" The fourth elder of the Xun family shouted angrily, with murderous intent surging all over his body.

Kuang Yujiao and the others subconsciously raised their heads to look at Jiang Tian.

After several near-death encounters, they already had a certain subconscious trust and dependence on Jiang Tian, ​​but at this moment, he was entangled with Deacon Mu and had no way of getting out.

The three looked at each other, shook their heads and sighed.

"We can't always count on Jiang Tian!" Kuang Yujiao shook her head and sighed solemnly.

"It's just three opponents, we may not be able to deal with them!" The Sixth Elder took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"It's really not possible, let's die with them!" The seventh elder gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, his eyes were determined!

The three roared and rushed out, fighting with the other three.

In an instant, the sword wind and sword intent surged wildly, and the spiritual light flickered wildly.

Although the number of opponents is small this time, the situation is even more dangerous.

The three opponents are the powerful elders of the Xun family, Ba family and Tao family, with strong cultivation and extraordinary methods, not to mention Kuang Yujiao and the others are all injured. The situation at this time is not much easier than when they were surrounded first.

Even because Jiang Tian was entangled and unable to help, their situation became more dangerous.


On the other side, Jiang Tian wanted to get away from Deacon Mu's entanglement several times, but the other party had already become vigilant and never let Jiang Tian get away.

After several fights, the two sides switched places without knowing it. Elder Mu straddled the void, blocking Jiang Tian's way.

"No! Going on like this is not an option!"

Jiang Tian frowned, gritted his teeth and cursed secretly.

A hundred feet away, Kuang Yujiao and the others were trying their best to support them, but now they were gradually suppressed by the elders of the three major families and were almost powerless to fight back.

On the other side, farther away, even though Peng Yue and Tai Xuan yelled wildly and fought hard, the situation was getting worse.

Jiang Tian gritted his teeth and cursed angrily, feeling extremely angry in his heart!

If Peng Yue and Tai Xuan had listened to his advice at the beginning, even if these evil people had been prepared, the situation would not have come to this point.

It's a pity that he is not the leader of this operation, and the other party doesn't pay attention to his ideas at all, let alone accept his opinions, so after a while, they are completely passive.

If this situation continues, there is no doubt that the entire army will be wiped out!

He still has some means to suppress the bottom of the box, maybe he can get away, and everyone else will probably die here.

Jiang Tian swung his sword to block Deacon Mu's attack, his sharp eyes quickly scanned the surroundings, and his eyes fell on the hill not far away. Suddenly his expression changed, and he already had a plan.

"Peng Yue, Tai Xuan, you two should fight and retreat, find a chance to escape!"

The sound transmission of spiritual power spanned more than two hundred feet of space and reached the ears of the two fellow disciples in an instant.

The two continued to fight hard, and their hearts were already burning with anger, extremely irritable.

Hearing Jiang Tian's sound transmission at this time, he couldn't help but become even more annoyed.

"It makes no sense!"

"If it's that easy to get away, do you need to say it?"

The two gritted their teeth angrily and said unceremoniously.

In fact, it wasn't that they hadn't thought of getting away before making plans, but Deacon Jiao and Deacon Che, who were facing each other, had deeper cultivation bases than the other, and they didn't even give them a chance to get away.

Although they spared no effort, and even stimulated their potential to fight each other, they were still at a loss, and the situation was getting worse, and they had almost no power to fight back.

It is not difficult to imagine what kind of situation will be waiting for them in a while.

Originally, they were full of self-confidence. As Xuanyang Realm powerhouses, even if they lost to each other, they would not be helpless.

Generally speaking, as a martial artist in the Xuanyang realm, even if he faces the siege of two martial artists of the same level with one enemy and two, even if he loses, he can get away with more than eight levels of confidence.

After all, to reach this level of cultivation, one's strength is already no small matter, and it is by no means easy to perish like warriors below Xuanyue level.

But they forgot that their overall strength came mainly from their cultivation in the sect, not from too many brutal experiences.

On the opposite side, Deacon Jiao and Deacon Che have been in the martial arts world for a long time, and they have been honing in the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom for a long time, so their strength cannot be compared with these sect disciples.

As a result, the pressure on the two sides increased sharply as soon as they played against each other, and they found that the situation was completely different from what was expected.

After more than a dozen rounds, they gradually fell into a defensive position, almost powerless to fight back. Up to now, it is even more difficult to defend.

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