Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1421 The Might of the Spinning Sword

With Jiang Tian's current cultivation base, he can easily crush Xuanyue realm warriors, even the peak Xuanyue realm without too much effort.

But in front of Xuanyang Realm warriors like Deacon Mu, it still seemed extremely difficult!

The most important thing is that up to now, the opponent has only shot normally, and has not used the bonus secrets such as blood vision, which has already made him feel a lot of pressure.

And once all kinds of secret techniques are used, his strength is bound to skyrocket again, and his pressure will suddenly increase by then. The situation is really not optimistic!

Thoughts rushed through his mind, Jiang Tian raised his hand to recall the Chixue Sword Essence, ready to strike again.

But Deacon Mu on the other side laughed wildly when he saw this scene, as if the overall situation had been settled!

Although Jiang Tian's methods are extraordinary, he is only a quasi-xuan realm warrior after all. He hasn't used his strongest strength yet, but only used such powerful methods as "Blood Tornado" to make the opponent so embarrassed.

It can be seen that this kid's method is not as amazing as he imagined.

"Huh? No!"

Deacon Mu laughed wildly for a moment, and suddenly found a problem. Although Jiang Tian had been overwhelmed by him, until now he still had no instant blood vision!

"Hiss! This kid... seems to have retained some strength!"

Deacon Mu's face darkened, his eyes became extremely cold, like two sharp swords, trying to pierce Jiang Tian from a long distance.

But after pondering for a while, he let out another breath, shook his head and sneered.

Although Jiang Tian still has some potential, so what?

Even if he uses the blood vision phenomenon, it can only bring about a slight increase, and his strength will not undergo earth-shaking changes.

But even if there is a huge change, so what?

Don't forget, Deacon Mu himself has not used the strongest means yet.

Is there any suspense in this fight?

"Hmph! Boy, don't be so wordy, I'll send you on your way!"

Deacon Mu's face darkened suddenly, and his sneer turned into a terrifying murderous intent, and he swung the blood knife in his hand and used the "Blood Tornado" again.


This time, the bloody storm gushing out was even worse than before, and even in Jiang Tian's view, its power was nearly half stronger!

The attack just now made him tired of dealing with it, and this time it will obviously only be more difficult.

However, this does not mean that he will back down.


Jiang Tian shouted angrily, his figure suddenly rose, and his whole body flew into the air.

And the bloody storm on the opposite side seemed to have eyes, and as his figure suddenly rose from the ground, a terrible rumbling noise erupted.

"It's true that we can't delay any longer!" Jiang Tian gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, the cold light in his eyes suddenly brightened.

If you continue to entangle, the other party will not lose anything, it's just a matter of a moment sooner or later.

But it was completely different for him!

If Deacon Mu's entanglement cannot be resolved as soon as possible, the three of Kuang's family will die, and the other two members of the same sect will not survive.

Thinking of this, Jiang Tian was completely furious, and a layer of dazzling purple light suddenly appeared all over his body!

Pointing at the same point with his right hand, Chixue Sword Essence let out a sky-shattering howl and darted out.

"Explosive sword!"


The strong sword intent erupted crazily, and without any explanation, it blasted away against the bloody storm.

"Hmph! It seems that you really have no skills and are at the end of your road!"

Deacon Mu shook his head and sneered. Instead of being surprised when he saw Jiang Tian making a move, he felt disdainful.

This kid is obviously at his wit's end, so if he resorts to the same method again and again, will it be useful?

Perhaps, he didn't suffer enough just now?

Hmph, this time, the power of the blood tornado is stronger than before, Jiang Tian must be seriously injured!

A smug look flashed in Deacon Mu's eyes, he suppressed the thoughts in his heart, and watched the blood dragon rush towards Jiang Tian indifferently.

However, the next moment, the corners of his eyes shrank, and he was shocked!

"How can it be?"

Deacon Mu's complexion changed, and he was shocked to find that Jiang Tian's sword intent was obviously different this time!


It is also the "explosive sword", but the strength of the sword intent rising in the void is more than double that of before, especially this time, there are more than one dazzling purple light in the frantically surging sword intent, which makes its power soar out of thin air .

The corners of Deacon Mu's eyes shrank, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes, ready to use another method.

But at this moment, under the impact of the blood storm, the power of the Explosive Sword finally began to recede. With a loud bang, the Blood Dragon broke through the barrier of the sword intent and roared out!

"Okay, very good! Hahahaha!" Deacon Mu frowned, ecstatically.

What are the facts?

Sure enough, he didn't expect it!

Although the power of Jiang Tian's attack has greatly increased, it still can't stop the powerful method he is proud of, and will eventually be completely swallowed by the billowing blood dragon.

"Hahahaha! No matter how good your aptitude is, you still have to...huh?"

Deacon Mu laughed wildly, but suddenly his face froze!

Facing the oncoming bloody storm, Jiang Tian in mid-air did not try his best to dodge as he imagined, but swung his right hand violently to urge Chixue Sword Essence to resist again!

"Hmph! Kid, I think you think your death is too slow..."

Before the words fell, a loud shout resounded through the sky!

"Spinning Sword!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Accompanied by Jiang Tian's angry shout, Chixue's sword marrow whirled in the air, and instantly appeared on the periphery of the bloody storm, a strong sword intent erupted wildly!

Chixue's sword marrow twirled wildly, as if a ring of lightning was slashing wildly around the bloody storm, continuously releasing amazing sword intent!

Dots of purple light are mixed in it looming, flickering wildly, which makes the power of the rotating sword doubled out of thin air!

"Hiss! How unreasonable! It's purely a dream to block the 'Blood Tornado' with this method! This is just..."

Before the word "dream" came out, Deacon Mu's voice suddenly paused.

what did he see

In the high night sky, a glaring red and white sword light swirled endlessly around the blood dragon, as if it had covered it with a gorgeous mask.

But this gorgeous mask is made of astonishing sword intents, and each sword intent is slashing at the bloody storm crazily, bursting out an astonishing attack!

In the beginning, Scarlet Storm was able to maintain an astonishing forward momentum, but soon, under the crazy slash of the spinning sword, it began to slow down, and after a while, the speed decreased greatly, almost stopping in mid-air!

"Damn it! It's impossible!"

Deacon Mu shouted angrily, murderous aura swelled all over his body, and he couldn't help being furious to the extreme.

In mid-air, Jiang Tian took a deep breath, his eyes shining brightly!

With a wave of his right hand across the air, he pushed again with all his strength, and the power of Chixue's sword marrow erupted, suddenly soaring up into the air and then swiftly slashing down, cutting straight into the center of the bloody storm.


The violent roar resounded through the air and spread rapidly.

The bloody storm, which was originally invincible, was finally overwhelmed by this slash, and after a strange whine, it completely collapsed! In the blink of an eye, it completely spread out from the beginning to the end, turning into messy bloody knives and spreading away.

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