Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1424 Hard work all the way

What are you kidding?

A strong man in the Xuanyang realm with a strong cultivation base, would he die if he said he would die?

How can there be such a bizarre thing in the world?

"Killed by me." Jiang Tian said lightly, but he was currently on guard against the three elders in white robes opposite him.

But Kuang Yujiao and the three looked at each other, the corners of their eyes twitched, their faces were shocked, and they were completely shocked!

"Really...really?" Kuang Yujiao was short of breath, her chest heaving violently.

"Jiang Tian, ​​are you... just kidding?"

"You...you really killed him?"

The sixth elder and the seventh elder looked at each other, the corners of their eyes twitched wildly, and there was a huge wave in their minds!

Jiang Tian of the Zhunxuan Realm actually killed Deacon Mu of the Xuanyang Realm?

Although they had witnessed Jiang Tian's powerful combat power repeatedly just now and were deeply shocked by it, they didn't think Jiang Tian really had this ability.

After all, he is only at the quasi-xuan realm, and he is more than a big realm away from the Xuanyang realm. This kind of power comparison is not at the same level at all.

Perhaps his aptitude is really strong, capable of bursting out with astonishing combat power, and able to block several attacks of Xuanyang-level powerhouses in a short period of time.

But at the end of the fight, it is impossible to compare with the opponent no matter in terms of spiritual strength, thickness, or various methods of suppressing the bottom of the box.

Under all kinds of conditions, how could he kill the other party?

Everyone was shocked and horrified, until now they still couldn't believe what Jiang Tian said.

They looked towards the hill from time to time, always on guard against Deacon Mu's return and crazy revenge.

However, the other party did not appear for a long time, as if it really confirmed what Jiang Tian said, this powerful Xuanyang Realm who was extremely terrifying in their eyes, actually... really disappeared!




The three gasped, their hearts filled with incomparable shock!

They couldn't believe it no matter what, Jiang Tian actually killed Deacon Mu in Xuanyang Realm!

While they were deeply shocked, Jiang Tian's eyes fell on the three elders of the family opposite him.

"Elder Xun's family, Elder Ba's family, Elder Tao's family, you have traveled all the way to die, it's been a hard journey!" Jiang Tian took a deep breath, and there was an incomparable chill in his voice.

The three people on the opposite side were furious when they heard the words, and they rushed towards Shengteng one by one, aggressively.

Dealing with the elders of Kuang's family was just their helpless move, and only Jiang Tiancai was their real goal.

At this time, they were also very surprised to see Jiang Tian go and come back!

This kid didn't run away?

Didn't he just fly over the hill and disappear without a trace, why is he back now?

In fact, when they saw Jiang Tian fleeing just now, they wanted to chase after him, but with that Deacon Mu following closely, they couldn't intervene even if they wanted to.

Secondly, a large part of the reason was that the three elders of the Kuang family held them back so that they could not get out in time.

Thoughts flashed through their minds, and the three of them looked at each other, suddenly they were all startled, and fell into doubt!

"Eh? What did Deacon Mu do?"

"That's right! Isn't he chasing and killing Jiang Tian?"

"Why...how did it disappear?"

The corners of the three people's eyes twitched violently, their faces became a little ugly, and there was a certain kind of complicated color in their eyes, and there was a faint sense of uneasiness in their hearts.

A strong Xuanyang realm, no matter how weak his strength is, even if he can't take down Jiang Tian smoothly, he won't be thrown away or even tricked away, right?

It is impossible for this kind of situation to happen, unless Deacon Mu is really in a daze, there is absolutely no such possibility!

Could it be that Jiang Angel used some weird means to perfectly deceive the other party, making him fall for it without knowing it?

It's not impossible to think about it. After all, Jiang Tian has been grudges against the three of them all the way, and every feat he shows makes them feel furious and shocked.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Xun, Ba, and Tao families to regard him as a great enemy and fear him so much.

However, this possibility is just a guess in their desperation. To be honest, they themselves feel that this is outrageous.

How could a person at the Profound Yang Realm be easily fooled by a junior at the Quasi-Profound Realm?

It's too exaggerated to think about it!

If this speculation is not true, then why did Deacon Mu disappear?

The three of them looked at each other and fell silent.

If all possibilities are ruled out, there is only one last case left!


The three of them took a sharp breath, the corners of their eyes twitched wildly, and a trace of fear flashed in their eyes!


That situation is absolutely impossible!

Even if Deacon Mu really lost his head, he was still a strong Xuanyang realm after all. Even if he stood there and asked Jiang Tian to make a move, he couldn't be easily killed.

This kind of thing is absolutely impossible!

The three of them took a deep breath, and thoughts rushed wildly in their minds. After thinking about it, they felt that this was the most unlikely thing to happen.

While they were guessing wildly, Jiang Tian turned his eyes leisurely, looking coldly at the five-story hall opposite.

To be precise, the master of the whole hall standing in front of the five-story hall!

And at this moment, the master of the whole palace seemed to have noticed Jiang Tian's gaze, and the two looked at each other across the void, with sharp edges flickering between their brows!

The invisible contest unfolded quietly, and a cold light flashed between the brows of the masters of the hall, and the martial arts will of the Xuanyang realm pierced through the void and oppressed Jiang Tian in some strange way.

Although Jiang Tian also silently mobilized his spiritual power to fight back, the huge gap in realm finally put him at a disadvantage. After looking at each other for a moment, he felt that his eyes were sore and unbearable. He was shocked and immediately closed his eyes.

"This person's strength is indeed far beyond that of Deacon Mu!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, suppressing the shock in his heart, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

But what surprised him was that the other party didn't seem to have any intention of making a move, and just stood there quietly from the beginning to the end, watching coldly like a spectator who had nothing to do with it.

He couldn't figure out the other party's mind, and in fact he didn't have time to make such meaningless guesses. He turned his eyes and quickly fell on the three elders in white robes opposite him.


Being caught by Jiang Tian's gaze, the corners of the three of them's eyes twitched suddenly, their minds were shocked, as if they were falling into an ice cellar!

"Hiss! What's going on?" The third elder of the Ba family twitched his eyes.

"What the hell are you doing?" The expression of the third elder of the Tao family changed.

"It's him! Boy, it's no use pretending to be a ghost, you will die no matter what today!"

The fourth elder of the Xun family found that this oppression came from Jiang Tian who was on the opposite side, he couldn't help gritted his teeth sharply, and his face was extremely gloomy.

Jiang Tian had no time to talk to them, and said coldly: "Deacon Mu has died, and now I will send you to see him!"

"What... what?"

"What did you say? Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"Your tone is too loud. With your strength, how could you kill Deacon Mu? That's not what you say!" The expressions of the three changed drastically. After being shocked for a moment, they immediately cursed, completely disbelieving.

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