There was an incredible tremor in the void above, and the nine rounds of purple blazing sun twisted and instantly turned into a flash of purple light, melting down into his body.


The purple light surged all over Jiang Tian's body, as if a long purple dragon wrapped around his body.


Jiang Tian couldn't help but hugged Kuang Yujiao who was the closest, his spiritual power swelled wildly, and there was a shocking roar in an instant, and he and Kuang Yujiao disappeared in the same place the next moment!

Boom... rumbling!

Almost at the same time as they disappeared, the blood-colored giant palm fell down with terrifying power, swallowing the sixth elder and the seventh elder without any explanation!



The billowing cloud of blood directly drowned the screams of the two, and fell down with a rumbling roar, blasting the ground into a shocking palm-shaped crater tens of feet in size!


Within a radius of hundreds of feet, a mountain shook and the ground shook, and the void near the front was even more flying sand and rocks, and the debris of vegetation was flying wildly.


There was a turbulence in the void tens of feet away, and a phantom of a purple dragon appeared at the same time surrounding Jiang Tian and Kuang Yujiao.

After the two stood firm, Jiang Tian turned his head to look, the corners of his eyes twitched, his face extremely solemn.

Kuang Yujiao was completely shocked, and tears rolled down her face!

Although she and the Seventh Elder often bickered, and her relationship with the Sixth Elder was not very close, but no matter what, the three of them were all the elders of Kuang's family, and this scene before her still made her feel extremely sad.

"Now is not the time to be sad!"

Jiang Tian moved his feet and escaped again with Kuang Yujiao. After skimming the hill, he rushed straight into the forest in front of him.

With the cover of hills and forests, they finally avoided the sight of the Hall Master.

"Third Elder, get out of here!" The two stopped deep in the dense forest, and Jiang Tian said in a deep voice.

"Jiang Tian! You..." Kuang Yujiao was startled when she heard this.

"I can't leave now!" Jiang Tian frowned.

"No...absolutely not!" Kuang Yujiao was deeply terrified when thinking of the terrible scene just now.

The strength of the master of the whole hall is not comparable to that of the three deacons and elders. Even in the Xuanyang realm, he is probably quite a powerful existence!

If Jiang Tian stayed here, the situation would be unimaginable.

"There's nothing wrong with it! Anyway, Peng Yue and Tai Xuan are my fellow disciples. No matter what, I can't abandon them!" Jiang Tian frowned and sighed, his face determined.

That's right, Peng Yue and Tai Xuan had disagreements with him, and at one point they even wanted to "discuss", but that was just an internal quarrel after all, and it was completely different from the dangerous situation in front of them.

Kuang Yujiao struggled in her heart for a moment, and knew that she couldn't help much, and if she stayed, she would only drag Jiang Tian down even more, and she could only withdraw first after gritting her teeth.

But just as she turned around, she was stopped by Jiang Tian.

"Huh?" Kuang Yujiao looked puzzled, not knowing what Jiang Tian meant.

Jiang Tian pondered for a moment, frowned and said, "To be on the safe side, don't rush back to your family, just find a place around Fenghe Town and stop at a place around Fenghe Town, and return to Kuang's house together after we go back!"

Kuang Yujiao's heart sank when she heard the words, she felt inexplicably uneasy, but she still shook her head.

"There is no need for this! The situation here must be reported to the Patriarch immediately, and with him and the Supreme Elder sitting in charge, there will be nothing wrong with the Kuang family in this short period of time, so don't worry! Jiang Tian, ​​take care!"

Kuang Yujiao shook her head and sighed, took a deep look at Jiang Tian, ​​turned around and fled away.

In her opinion, Jiang Tian's worries are really unnecessary, but Jiang Tian himself will face the test of life and death because of this choice.

Watching the other party leave, Jiang Tian quickly put aside distracting thoughts, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and quickly turned around and swept to the other side of the hill.


Boom... Boom!

The roar on the other side of the hill kept ringing, and streaks of glaring blood pierced the void, launching continuous powerful attacks.

Under the crazy shots of Deacon Jiao and Deacon Che, Peng Yue and Tai Xuan had already fallen into complete passiveness, and even the defense was almost powerless to maintain at this moment.

In fact, the reason why they survived until now, to a certain extent, was because Deacon Jiao and Deacon Che had the chance to win, and they were not too eager for success.

Although their offensive continued wave after wave, Ting didn't really come up with the strongest means, otherwise the two of them would have already come to a tragic end.

But even so, their current situation is extremely sinister.

Whoosh whoosh!

Several streaks of blood-colored spiritual power rushed towards him, Deacon Jiao slashed fiercely with his long sword, Tai Xuan struggled to dodge one of them, and barely blocked the other, but he was unable to dodge the third streak of blood, and was bombarded in a blink of an eye. On the body.

Even though he frantically urged his spiritual power to resist, he was still chopped off on his left shoulder. The violent spiritual power crazily swept across his entire left arm and almost lost consciousness.

But tens of feet away, Peng Yue's situation is no better than him.

After barely parrying the deacon's attacks several times, his remaining spiritual power was momentarily sluggish, and it was this momentary delay that caused him to be attacked by the deacon's forcefully, and his whole body was blown away dozens of times in the air. Zhang, the injury was added to the injury, and the breath dropped again.

"It's over..." Tai Xuan gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, a trace of despair flashed in his eyes.

"'s because we are too careless!" Peng Yue's face was gloomy, and his face was extremely gloomy.

The two looked at each other with regret in their hearts.

If they were not so conceited, if they were more cautious at the beginning of their actions, if they could listen to Jiang Tian's advice on the top of the hill, if... all kinds of regretful thoughts flooded their minds, making them almost vomit blood with regret.

Even if they had done one of the above conditions, they would not have fallen into the current situation.

It's a pity that at this point, it's useless to regret it.

In fact, if it weren't for the strong background support of Xuanyang Realm, they might have already fallen to their deaths.

"Junior Brother Tai!"

"Brother Peng..."

The two shouted at each other in the air, and suddenly laughed wildly, with a flash of determination in each of their eyes.

"It's death anyway, let's fight them!" Tai Xuan's face darkened, and there were cold gleams between his brows.

"Junior Brother Tai, I'll take a step first!"

Peng Yue yelled loudly, a gleam of madness flashed in his eyes, and the aura around him suddenly rose sharply.

At the moment of life and death, the two geniuses of the Cangyun Sect's inner disciples showed their due bloodiness, ready to launch a decisive blow!

Peng Yue's body shook violently, his blood aura surged crazily, and a huge cyan black sun instantly rose from the violently twisted void above!


The sky-shaking roar scatter in all directions, exuding the tyrannical aura of Xuanyang Realm!

"Senior Brother Peng, don't worry, wait with me!" Tai Xuan hissed violently, similarly urging the vision of blood vessels, a huge gray black sun instantly appeared, shaking the void rumbling.

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