Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1439 White Bone Fork

Almost like an instinctive reaction, Deacon Jiao wanted to back up and dodge in a flash.

But at the same time as his footsteps were moving, a terrifying roar suddenly resounded through the void!

Boom boom boom!

There was a sudden violent explosion, and the second giant monster's hand bone struck like a golden lightning in an instant.

The giant fingers opened and closed like lightning, continuously launching crazy twisting blows at him!

Deacon Jiao was full of confidence just now, thinking that nothing would go wrong, but suddenly fell into such a passive situation, the panic in his heart can be imagined.

At this moment, he didn't care about the dignity of a strong person in the Xuanyang realm, he exclaimed, filled the long knife with blood and spiritual power, and was about to cut it out.

But seeing that the golden light was already strangling, it was too late for him to make a move.

In desperation, he could only grit his teeth fiercely, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, he loosened his right hand, and threw the bloody long knife fiercely.

Boom boom boom!

Several golden lights flickered away, and the giant monster's hand bones frantically strangled towards him. Although the blood-colored long knife infused with spiritual power wanted to resist this terrible attack, it was ultimately powerless.

In the blink of an eye, he was smashed to pieces by several streaks of golden light.

Bang... Boom!

With the sound of metal bursting, the bloody long knife turned into a mess of fragments and dissipated into the void.

"Damn it...Damn it! I'm going to tear you into pieces!"

Seeing the loss of a beloved talisman, Deacon Jiao became more and more furious. With a shake of his right hand, he suddenly summoned a bone fork that was about ten feet long and pale in color!

The handle of the fork was as thick as an arm, and the two sharp bone spurs at the tip exuded a cold light, and released a strange and extremely cold aura as soon as it appeared!

With the infusion of spiritual power, the whole body of the bone fork glowed white, and the breath became more and more startled.

Deacon Jiao yelled angrily, swung his bone fork fiercely at the hand bone of the giant monster who was chasing him.


Accompanied by the ear-piercing sound of metal clashing, the white light of the bone fork flickered wildly, and was knocked back by a huge force.

But at the same time, the momentum of the giant monster's hand bones to charge forward was also stopped.

"Hmph! Fight with me, you are not qualified yet!"

Deacon Jiao was overjoyed, and waved the bone fork without hesitation, ready to completely reverse the passive situation.

However, Jiang Tian didn't panic, instead his face darkened, and the cold light in his eyes suddenly rose!

With a urge from the air with his right hand, the first giant monster's hand bone, which had already been suppressed, suddenly shone goldenly, and when the opponent was unaware, it turned into a bolt of lightning and twisted out!

"Strangling fingers! Break!"

Boom boom boom boom!

Deacon Jiao was concentrating on resisting the entanglement of another giant monster's hand bone, and he didn't care about other things in a hurry. At this time, he suddenly realized the golden light flashing with spiritual power, and his face became extremely ugly!

At the critical moment, he didn't have time to think about it, but instinctively spit out his spiritual power and stabbed the bone fork in his hand towards the oncoming golden light crazily!


Suddenly there was a strange cracking sound amidst the dull roar, and Deacon Jiao felt his arm tremble, and a sharp pain that went deep into the bones rolled backwards along the bone fork, and spread rapidly along his arm.

"Hiss!" Deacon Jiao gasped, and the corners of his eyes twitched violently, but he still clenched his teeth and did not let go of the fork.

With a violent shout, the blood-colored Xuanyang floating above cast a thick bloody light, which instantly blessed the bone fork.


A dull roar erupted suddenly, and the astonishing force suddenly swayed away, shockingly sending the giant monster's hand bones flying away.

"Hiss!" The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank sharply, his heart filled with shock.

He planned so carefully, he thought it was safe, but he really didn't expect that Deacon Jiao's methods were so good.

At the critical moment, he relied on the powerful strength of the Xuanyang Realm to forcefully shake the bones of the giant monster's hand and was able to protect himself.

However, Jiang Tian didn't hesitate, as a thought flashed through his mind, a sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth!

With a wave of his left hand, the second giant monster's hand bone protruded forward again, and started a frantic strangulation!

Boom boom boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, but this time, Deacon Jiao seemed to have learned his lesson, and before the giant monster's hand bone flew in front of him, he swung the bone fork and swung it out.


The bone fork filled with spiritual power radiated white light, and when he swung it at extreme speed, an afterimage appeared in the void, like a huge bone fan suddenly unfolded!

The next moment, the giant monster's hand bone twisted violently, and several golden lights twisted fiercely on the bone fork.

Rumble, rumble... Crack!

Amidst the dull roar, there was another abnormal sound like broken porcelain. Deacon Jiao's face darkened, and he secretly thought something was wrong.

Taking a closer look, the two prongs of the bone fork were all cut off at the same root, leaving only a white bone stick without a point in his hand!

"You actually destroyed my magic weapon! Damn you, pay with your life!"

Deacon Jiao was completely furious. This bone fork is even more precious than the previous blood knife. He acquired it at a huge price and expended a lot of energy to sacrifice it. It can be said to be very valuable.

It was destroyed just after taking it out for a moment, one can imagine his mood.

The point is that after this magic weapon is destroyed, he can no longer produce a decent magic weapon of the same level for a while, and it may be a bit difficult to resist Jiang Tian's attack.

Frightened and angry, he suddenly fell into a rage!


To his surprise, Jiang Tian swayed and swept over twenty feet in the air, as if he couldn't avoid it.

"Huh?" Deacon Jiao's expression darkened, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

Jiang Tian managed to destroy his magic weapon with great difficulty, shouldn't he take advantage of the momentum to pursue and injure him with one blow?

As soon as this thought flashed across him, he saw a sneer suddenly appearing on the corner of Jiang Tian's mouth, and there was even a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

Deacon Jiao's heart sank, and he suddenly felt uneasy!

The next moment, he instinctively lowered his head, and couldn't help but stare with wide eyes, his eyes fixed firmly!


Accompanied by an ear-piercing sword cry, a lightning-like rainbow of red and white swords was rising from the void below, slashing towards him.

"Damn it!"

Deacon Jiao's face suddenly changed, and without thinking, he threw the bone stick out of his hand.


The sharpness of Chixue's sword marrow was far beyond his imagination, a damaged remnant treasure could not stop its attack at all, split the bone stick in two in a blink of an eye, and continued to slash upwards.

Without any hesitation, Deacon Jiao clenched his fists and blasted out vigorously.

Two blood-colored fist shadows plummeted down like meteors, bursting out with extremely dazzling blood-colored rays of light, blasting fiercely on Chixue's sword essence, slowing down their coming force abruptly.

He just breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, suddenly he felt something was wrong, he suddenly raised his head, only to find that Jiang Tian on the opposite side waved his arms, and two golden lights flickered wildly, flying in front of him!

"No..." Deacon Jiao's face was ashen, and shock and despair flashed in his eyes.

The next moment, two giant monsters came strangling together, and the dazzling golden light instantly illuminated the void.

Rumble! The sky-shattering roar accompanied by streaks of golden light shook the void, as if a golden sun had risen up, and the terrifying fluctuations of spiritual power mixed with Deacon Jiao's screams scattered in all directions!

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