Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1441 Profound Moon Realm?

"What are you two still doing in a daze, why don't you quickly swallow the elixir and help me?"

From hundreds of feet away, Jiang Tian's violent shouting resounded through the void.

The two of them cheered up when they heard the words, they looked at each other, they couldn't help but grab a handful of pills, randomly stuffed them into their mouths, and started to chew hard.

They didn't even have time to care about the number of pills, and they didn't even have time to think about whether these pills would hit the meridians and suffer backlash. They only had one thought in their minds, which was to do everything possible to restore their spiritual power and help Jiang Tian deal with the powerful enemy!

There is no doubt that Jiang Tian can kill Deacon Jiao, so he can naturally pose a threat to Deacon Che.

Coupled with the full assistance of the two of them, maybe they can really kill another powerful enemy!

The strong desire to survive made the two of them dare not hesitate any longer, they swallowed the elixir that hadn't been chewed yet, and rushed forward while shouting madly and brandishing their swords.

"Junior Brother Jiang, here we come!"

"Shoot together and fight with him!"

Facing the three menacing opponents who had already formed a double-teaming situation, Deacon Che's face was extremely gloomy, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes!

"A member of the quasi-xuan realm dares to be so arrogant with two remnants and defeated generals. Che will let you all die without a place to die!"


A dull roar suddenly erupted, and streaks of glaring blood rippling violently in the void, as if setting off waves of a sea of ​​blood!

The void above trembled suddenly, and a huge blood-colored Xuanyang suddenly appeared, and the terrifying fluctuation of spiritual power suddenly enveloped the void in a radius of more than two hundred feet.

Deacon Che aroused the blood vision without hesitation, and the majestic coercion he exuded was nearly twice as strong as Deacon Jiao's!

"Hiss! So strong?"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank sharply, and his face became extremely solemn.

He originally thought that Deacon Che was only slightly stronger than Deacon Jiao, and judging from the previous fights, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

But he never expected that the other party would show such terrifying strength after arousing the blood vision.

The situation in front of him was beyond his expectation!

However, he couldn't back down in the slightest, on the contrary, he could only go forward with a more resolute momentum!

"Strangle the fingers!"

Boom boom boom boom!

Accompanied by a loud shout of rage, two streaks of golden light darted left and right and strangled simultaneously.

The violent roar resounded through the void, and the astonishing fluctuation of spiritual power twisted violently in a radius of hundreds of feet. Peng Yue and Tai Xuan, who hadn't rushed to the front, changed their faces in shock, and turned around and ran away as if avoiding ghosts and gods.


After escaping tens of feet away, they were still swept by the fluctuation of spiritual power, staggered slightly and almost fell from mid-air.

"This... what is this thing?"

"I never expected that Junior Brother Jiang would have such a powerful magic weapon!"

The two looked at each other, feeling a little lost.

But their faces changed in an instant, and they suddenly woke up!


They are going to help Jiang Tian fight the enemy together, how can they avoid it far away?

"Damn it!"

"Quick! Rush up!"

Boom, boom!

Amidst the dull roar, the two rushed up again. This time they didn't hesitate anymore, and swung their right hands fiercely in the air, launching an attack first.

Whoosh whoosh!

Dao after sword light cut through the void, intertwined into a sword net and slammed down towards Deacon Che.

At the same time, Jiang Tian on the opposite side also rotated his arms, and two golden lights twisted wildly in the air. At the same time, there was a huge alternating red and white sword rainbow across the void, exuding an amazing killing atmosphere!

Deacon Che fought one against three, and the blood-colored Xuanyang suspended in the void trembled wildly, continuously releasing his tyrannical martial arts will.

A vicious battle unfolded quickly, and the space within several hundred feet was shaken due to the confrontation between the four people, and the mountains shook and the ground shook!

Storms of spiritual power that could tear apart the void surged up and rushed towards all directions indiscriminately.

The terrifying pillars of wind connecting the heaven and the earth stirred endlessly in the void, causing the rocks, grass and trees to collapse and explode, and the dust flew wildly!


Above the stronghold more than a dozen miles away, waves of residual spiritual power slowly rippled in the void!

But at this moment, the confrontation between the two sides has temporarily stopped, and they are facing each other far away with a hundred feet of space between them.

Three groups of dazzling spiritual light floated in the air, among which one group of dazzling blue light and one group of bloody light confronted each other in the air.

And behind this bloody light, there is another slightly larger bloody light that quietly stops in the void behind, suspended and motionless.

On the opposite mountain wall, there used to be more than a dozen magnificent palaces on the upper and lower five floors, but now they have all collapsed and turned into a piece of ruins.

"Who are you?" The whole hall master was almost boiling with murderous intent, staring at the young woman in the dazzling blue light opposite, wishing to eat her flesh raw and drink her blood thirsty.

But because the previous few shots were easily resolved by the opponent, he had to forcefully calm down.

But the woman didn't answer directly, but her eyes were cold, and her voice revealed a murderous intent, and she kept repeating a sentence.

"The evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom deserve to die!"

The Hall Master Quan, who had just calmed down, could no longer suppress the fury in his heart. With a loud shout, blood surged all over his body, and he used the blood vision without hesitation!

"No matter who you are, there is only one result for destroying my stronghold - death!"


Accompanied by a terrifying loud noise, all the hall masters rushed out with both arms raised.

His arm was constantly waving like a phantom, and dozens of blood palms were shot out in an instant, as if a huge blood mountain was madly blasting towards the woman in the blue light opposite with terrifying coercion.

Shattering the void all the way, rolling up bloody storms, bringing out bursts of terrifying whistling sounds.

There were bursts of tearing noises in the void, and gray and white slender cracks appeared out of thin air, which looked twisted and weird and fleeting!

"This old guy is actually so strong?"

Palace Master Pang in the back frowned slightly, and a gloomy look flashed in the depths of his pupils, but then he shook his head and sneered, showing some disdain.

Facing the giant palm like a mountain of blood, the woman in the blue light didn't panic. With a flick of the long sword, blue lights rolled up all over her body!

At the same time, a silver beam of light shot up from her body, sinking into the void in an instant!

The next moment, there was a violent fluctuation in the sky, and a huge silver crescent moon emerged!

"Xuan...Xuanyue Realm?"

The corners of the hall master's eyes suddenly shrank, and his face became extremely ugly.

That junior in the quasi-xuan realm just now made you extremely annoyed, and this unexpected guest in front of you turned out to be another existence with low cultivation but astonishing strength, which really made him extremely furious.


The silver Xuanyue above rotated slowly, releasing an astonishing will of martial arts, but there was a certain aura in it that made all the palace masters in the Xuanyang Realm fearful!

"Hiss! No! This is by no means an ordinary Xuanyue Realm bloodline anomaly. What is the origin of this woman?" The corners of the hall master's eyes shrank sharply, his eyes became extremely deep, and his heart was full of deep doubts.

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