Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1443 Giant Claw and Bone Dragon

"Why are the masters still hesitating? Let's do it!"

As soon as the words fell, the two of them moved to attack the woman in the blue light.

The master of the whole hall shook his arms, and the light on the two palms flickered, and there was an extra pair of scarlet red magic weapons that were blood red like crab claws.

I don't know if this treasure is made of some kind of monster material, or it was sacrificed with some special material. As soon as it appears, it reveals a murderous intent and emits a disgusting bloody smell, which makes people feel palpitating!

The next moment, his arms trembled violently, and two huge bloody beams of more than ten feet long shot out of the air like lightning. To be strangled!

"Oh?" Looking at the two strange-looking blood-colored giant tongs, the woman in the blue light frowned slightly, and a strange look flashed in her eyes.


Almost at the same time, the huge blood forceps slammed down, and there was a terrifying roar!

Immediately afterwards, Palace Master Pang's attack came first and then followed, followed by a strange scream, and he was drawn fiercely into the bloody light group that had just exploded and surged with volatile spiritual power.


A dull explosion followed, and a series of tyrannical huge waves of spiritual power rolled endlessly in the void, and spread to a radius of hundreds of feet in an instant, with an astonishing momentum!

The dazzling blood-colored aura completely submerged the blue light, as if it had completely swallowed the woman.

Unlike the previous situation, this time, the woman in the blue light didn't seem to have any reaction, and she didn't know if it was too late or she had other plans.

However, in the eyes of the two, it is inevitable for the other party to suffer heavy injuries from these two terrible attacks!

Witnessing this scene, Hallmaster Quan and Hallmaster Pang felt a little relieved, and their complexions softened a little.

The two looked at each other, and Palace Master Pang smiled deeply, showing a bit of satisfaction.

After defeating the opponent, he will undoubtedly gain a lot of benefits. Although the opponent did not agree to let him choose the treasure first, it is impossible to prevent him from actively fighting for it.

At that time, it depends on who strikes fast, and whoever gets the benefits will naturally get more.

The whole palace master still has extremely deep annoyance in his heart!

After all, this stronghold has cost him a lot of effort, and it has finally stabilized and has a good momentum of development. It seems that he will be able to rule the roost, and he will even have the confidence to become a whole, and even keep up with Shangfeng. Such mutations occurred again.

It was Jiang Tian first, and then this damned mysterious woman. The former disrupted his plan, and the latter destroyed the stronghold he had worked so hard for, shattering his painstaking efforts and hopes in an instant.

This really made him vomit blood in annoyance. Although his mood was a little relaxed at this time, his anger was still hard to dissipate, and his killing intent couldn't stop rising.

Now he can't wait to take this woman down, torture and even humiliate her, to vent the hatred in his heart!


Under the blessing of spiritual power, Palace Master Pang's bone whip seemed to turn into a huge white keel dragon, stirring back and forth amidst the dazzling blood-colored light clusters, fueling the flames and setting off violent storms.

In the blink of an eye, the ball of blood had been stirred up by him, extremely messy.


The roar gradually reverberated, Palace Master Pang smiled coldly, raised his hand and recalled the bone whip.

The aura of the white bone dragon, which had grown to more than a hundred feet long, dissipated, and the whole body shrunk rapidly, and instantly backed up, returning to float in front of him again.

At the same time, the turbulent blood light also gradually began to recede, and the remaining fluctuations in spiritual power also began to slowly dissipate.

Everything seems to have settled down!

But at the next moment, the expressions of the two of them changed at the same time, the corners of their eyes twitched violently, and there was a hint of shock on their faces!

"Hiss! How is that possible?" Hall Master Pang's eyes shrank, and the fat on his face trembled, showing an incredulous expression.

"Impossible! How could this be?"

The whole hall master's face was even more ugly, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes!

The two used a powerful magic weapon to strike together, but they failed to seriously injure the woman in the blue light!

Is this too exaggerated?

At this moment, with the rapid dissipation of the bloody aura and remaining spiritual power, a mass of blue light several feet in size reappeared.

And on the surface of this group of blue light, there are extremely dazzling red fire patterns lingering, emitting shocking fluctuations of spiritual power!

Obviously, the woman in the blue light blocked the previous terrifying attack precisely by virtue of this strange method.

This... is really unbelievable!

The two looked at each other subconsciously, the corners of their mouths twitched, and a trace of horror flashed in their eyes!

You know, the two of them have the same level of cultivation, and even Palace Master Pang is slightly higher, so two Xuanyang-level powerhouses fight with all their strength, but they can't help but a Xuanyue-level junior?

This is really a bit bizarre, it is simply unbelievable!

"What an astonishing method!" Palace Master Pang's eyes shrank, his eyes flickered for a while, as if he was deep in thought.

It seemed that he only had a simple blow just now, but in fact he had used eight or nine levels of strength, and that bone whip was also his proud housekeeping weapon, even against warriors of the same level, he could take advantage of it.

Could it be that there is no effect in front of this Xuanyue-level woman?

This made him take it seriously and think carefully, what kind of background does this woman have, and what kind of hole cards does she have on her body?

"Damn it! I don't believe I can't take you down!"

All the hall masters yelled violently, shook their arms, and the blood-colored Xuanyang floating above trembled suddenly and cast a blood-colored beam of light that was thicker than the water tank.

At the same time, without hesitation, he waved two magic weapons like blood forceps, and hit the woman in the blue light fiercely again.


Two phantoms of blood clamps burst out of the air, and instantly merged with the bloody beam of light. The speed and power suddenly increased, and they crazily twisted towards the woman in the blue light like lightning!

Boom... Boom!

A violent roar erupted suddenly, a huge mass of blood rose in the void hundreds of meters away, and the vast fluctuations of spiritual power scattered wildly, which looked extremely terrifying!

"Hiss!" Palace Master Pang's pupils were slightly dilated, and the corner of his eyes subconsciously swept towards the other Palace Masters, and he couldn't help being secretly surprised.

"This old boy's strength actually hides some strength, hmph!"

Palace Master Pang smiled secretly, a cold look flashed in his eyes, and he shook his head disdainfully.

But I have to say that the Master Quan's attack this time really surprised him, and it also made him feel a certain hope, and some original thoughts had to be temporarily suppressed.

However, he didn't continue to shoot, but watched intently, with a thoughtful look on his face.

The violent roar lasted for a while before it began to fall back. Under the blinding blood light, the two Palace Masters and Pang Palace Masters couldn't see the specific situation over there at all.

But when the blood was about to dissipate, the expressions of the two changed again!


"How... possible?" Hallmaster Pang and Hallmaster Quan's eyes twitched, shocked again!

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