Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1449 Fulfill your oath!

He suddenly realized that he had ignored the two deacons.

Although there is only a ray of light in front of him, neither Deacon Jiao nor Deacon Che are far from what he can compete with.


"Hmph!" Accompanied by a cold snort, the bloody ray of light flew over the stronghold, and when the light faded, an old man in black robe with a gloomy face landed down.

"Che... Deacon Che!"

"Master Deacon!"

Everyone's complexion changed, and they quickly bowed to salute, only Tong Jiu was still there in a daze.

It's just that Deacon Che, who should have a strong aura, is disheveled at this moment, his clothes are in tatters, and his blood aura is extremely disordered.

What shocked everyone even more was that his left sleeve was fluttering with the wind, and it looked empty.

Taking a closer look, the entire left arm has disappeared, and through the torn long sleeve, you can even see the bloody wound, which is shocking!

"Hiss!" The corners of everyone's eyes twitched in shock.

Looking at each other, they didn't know what happened, but they didn't dare to ask rashly.

After a while, Tong Jiu finally came to his senses, and hurried over to bow and salute with a pious expression on his face!

"Deacon Che, are you old...cough, it's great that you're back. Unfortunately, the entire hall master was killed. We're thinking about finding you and Deacon Jiao!" Tong Jiu said solemnly.

"Oh! Really?" Deacon Che's face was gloomy, his eyes frighteningly cold.

"Your subordinates will never say anything in vain, otherwise..." Tong Jiu might be a little guilty, and she was about to swear immediately, but she couldn't say it when she got to her mouth.

"Otherwise, what?" Deacon Che asked with a cold snort.

"Otherwise...cough!" Tong Jiu's eyes rolled wildly, cursing secretly in his heart, "The subordinates are loyal to the Palace Master and the Deacon, and they have no intentions. This love can be shown in the world, and the sun and the moon can learn from it!" Tong Jiu's face was full. He solemnly raised his hand to promise, but he didn't swear for a long time.

Deacon Che said coldly: "In that case, why don't you swear?"

Tong Jiu's heart sank, and his face became extremely ugly. The others suddenly realized something when they looked at each other in blank dismay, and they couldn't help pulling a little distance away from him, as if they had drawn a clear boundary.

Tong Jiu took a deep breath, and in desperation had no choice but to swear: "If my subordinates say anything false, if they have any disagreements with the palace master and the deacon, they will be struck with thunder and a terrible death!"

"Very good!" Deacon Che nodded lightly, as if he was finally satisfied.

Tong Jiu also felt relieved, and wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead, feeling that he had finally escaped a catastrophe.

"Master Deacon, right now..."

Before he could finish speaking, Deacon Che waved his right hand: "Since you have already made an oath, then fulfill your oath!"

"What... what?" Tong Jiu's face darkened, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

Looking up, he saw Deacon Che's blood-stained old face with a terrifying and murderous expression!


Deacon Che snorted coldly, swung out his right palm, and the billowing spiritual power instantly overwhelmed Tong Jiu.

Tong Jiu's screams came to an abrupt end, her body was submerged by the billowing spiritual energy, and in a blink of an eye she turned into scum and died completely.

Plop... plop!

The black-robed warriors beside him fell to their knees in shock and kowtowed their heads.

"This subordinate swears to follow Deacon Che to the death, without any second thoughts!"

Everyone kowtowed desperately to show their loyalty, lest Deacon Che would take their lives in a fit of rage.


Tens of miles away, a white flying boat galloped through the air, heading towards Fenghe Town.

In the cabin, Peng Yue and Tai Xuan were refining elixirs to recover from their injuries.

The two were breathless and seriously injured. If Jiang Tian hadn't taken action, they would not have survived anyway today.

Recalling all the ridicule, exclusion and rude behavior towards Jiang Tian in the past few days, the two of them were full of remorse and bitterness.

Facts have proved that the two of them are too arrogant and self-righteous. If Jiang Tian hadn't acted at the critical moment, they would have already become two cold corpses in the barren mountains and wild mountains.

He even died before the Black Moon Kingdom stronghold, and it is very likely that he will be swarmed by those evil people, leaving no bones left!

Recalling the previous events, they sincerely admired Jiang Tian's courage, courage and strength, and there was some kind of awe in their hearts besides shock.

Only Jiang Tian, ​​who was only at the Quasi-Profound Realm, could display such astonishing combat power. Just how heaven-defying is his talent?


The wind is howling, and the night is boundless!

Jiang Tian stood proudly on the deck of the flying boat with his head held high, silently gazing at the deep night covering the world, as if he had seen the looming light of the Kuang's mansion in Fenghe Town.

His face was slightly pale, his breath was slightly turbulent, and he was not in his prime, obviously injured.

Fortunately, his condition is much better than that of Peng Yue and Tai Xuan. Compared with them, this injury is negligible.

However, he did not neglect in the slightest, since the moment he stepped on the boat, he swallowed the elixir, silently healed his wounds, and restored his damaged spiritual power.

"That car deacon is really old and cunning, and he has been hiding some strength. The strong people in the Xuanyang realm are really not easy to deal with!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, his eyes flickered for a while, his expression was rather dignified, and a trace of happiness flashed between his brows.

Previously, he teamed up with Peng Yue and Tai Xuan, thinking that with a little effort, he would be able to take down his opponent, even if he paid a small price, he would be able to kill that car deacon on the spot.

But they never thought that the Che Deacon's tricks seemed to emerge endlessly. With the continuous confrontation, the strength displayed made them more and more shocked and fearful.

As the fight continued, Peng Yue and Tai Xuan had obviously reached the end of their strength, and their spiritual power was exhausted, making it difficult to maintain a stable and powerful attack.

It was this brief disconnection that almost gave Deacon Che a good opportunity to turn things around in one fell swoop or even completely turn the tables!

Seeing that the situation was not right, at the last moment Jiang Tian shot with all his strength without reservation, and barely repelled him.

But even though he released all the magic weapons and inspired the vision of the blood, coupled with the restraint of Peng Yue and Tai Xuan, the final result was only to cut off one of Deacon Che's arms.

When he was about to take advantage of the situation to kill his opponent again, Deacon Che, who saw the situation was over, suddenly used some kind of secret blood technique, forcing the three of them back and fleeing wildly.

In fact, if Jiang Tian hadn't reacted quickly enough to block the opponent's crazy counterattack, Peng Yue and Tai Xuan, who were already seriously injured, would probably have fallen on the spot!

In order to save them, Jiang Tian also suffered a lot and paid a little price.

But he didn't regret doing so, nor did he care about the previous discord and unhappiness.

Peng Yue and Tai Xuan thought they would die, but they were rescued by Jiang Tian in the end, and they felt extremely ecstatic for the rest of their lives!

As Xuanyang realm warriors, they knew very well how dangerous the situation was at that time. Let alone Jiang Tian, ​​even Zong Tienan might not dare to resist directly, let alone risk saving them.

It is no exaggeration to say that they owed Jiang Tian a lot for this trip to the stronghold, and they owed a lot of favors!

No! It is far from accurate to say that it is "favor". Jiang Tian made two shots to save their lives. What they owe Jiang Tian is actually the two life-saving graces!

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