These rare pills, together with a large number of natural materials and earthly treasures, should be enough for him to break through to Xuanyue Realm without any problem.

If refining these things is still not enough, it would be a bit unbelievable!

On this point, Jiang Tian naturally knew it well and had his own calculations.

After pondering for a while, he suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the Black Moon Kingdom stronghold.

Thinking of the sudden change in the stronghold when the deacons got out of the car earlier, he couldn't help frowning slightly, feeling very strange.

"I don't know what happened in that stronghold?" Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, looking at the night behind him in thought.

Although I don't know the specific situation, there is no doubt that the evil person's stronghold must have been attacked by a powerful enemy, otherwise it would be impossible to make such a big commotion.

So much so that they, who were more than ten miles away, could clearly feel the almost violent roar of spiritual power.

And the blue light and blood light that illuminated the night sky for a long time made him realize that the truth is definitely not that simple!

If time permits, he even wants to go back and take a look, but because of the task, he can only let go of this idea.

Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, and he looked over there for a long time in thought, then retracted his gaze and looked at the border area again.

The flying boat fled at full speed, and the border of Canglan Kingdom was already in sight.

"Finally home!"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Although this operation suffered heavy losses, it was also due to the lack of strength of the sixth and seventh elders of the Kuang family.

If he hadn't forced the attack, even the third elder, Kuang Yujiao, would have hated him on the spot. Speaking of which, not only did he have no faults, but he also had a lot of credit.

As for Peng Yue and Tai Xuan, it was all because of his actions that they were able to save their lives.

"At this time, the third elder should have rushed back to Kuang's house, right?"

Jiang Tian suddenly frowned, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

Thinking of all the things that happened at the stronghold, and thinking about the traitors of Kuang's family, he suddenly had a bad premonition!


The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank, and his face suddenly became serious.

The stronghold was thrown into chaos by them, and then it was attacked by a powerful enemy. Under such circumstances, the master of the whole palace was bound to be completely furious.

As a result, the Kuang family in Fenghe Town is likely to face an unexpected situation!

Those evil people hiding around Fenghe Town are likely to attack suddenly!

Jiang Tian's face darkened, feeling a great sense of uneasiness in his heart, and immediately urged the flying boat to speed up and flee towards Fenghe Town.

"Hope, my worries are unnecessary!"


The dull roar shook the whole field, and the flying boat turned into a huge white light, piercing the night sky and fleeing madly.



In the dark night sky, a white light fell into a hidden mountain forest outside Fenghe Town like a meteor that suddenly flashed. After a brief silence, a deep roar suddenly came out from the depths of the seemingly quiet and uninhabited forest. It sounded like the roar of some kind of ferocious beast, but if you carefully distinguish it, it is not difficult to see that this is not some kind of monster. Panting, but... a group of human warriors with deep breaths are silently urging

Arterial spiritual power!

"What's the situation?" A deep voice sounded from the depths of the dense forest, sounding slightly depressed.

After a moment of hesitation, a hoarse voice replied: "The lord sent a message, ordering us to act immediately!"

"Immediately?" The other party was obviously hesitant when he heard the words, but after a while, he breathed excitedly, and there was a certain sense of excitement in the words.

"Hahahaha! Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up, I can't wait!"

"Everyone, act now and take down the Kuang family!"

The hoarse voice sounded again, but there was an irresistible strong aura, and a strong murderous intent was revealed in the voice, which made the temperature of the entire dense forest drop suddenly, like falling into an ice cave!

"Act now, take down the Kuang family!"

There was an echo from tens of feet away, followed by a burst of intense movements in the dense forest.

The slightly restrained roar of spiritual power, like the low roar of a wild beast, suddenly became manic.

Boom, boom, boom!

In an instant, there was a roaring sound, completely covering the dense forest with a radius of one hundred feet.

At the same time, streaks of dark red spiritual power rose up, coating the dense forest with a strange color full of murderous intent.

There is a strong killing atmosphere in the void.

This night is destined not to be peaceful!


Accompanied by a cold shout full of murderous intent, black-robed figures flashing with blood-red aura rushed out of the dense forest, like bloodthirsty beasts, towards Fenghe Town in front of them.


The dull roar came from far to near, as if a tide was rapidly pushing out of Fenghe Town, and surged past without hesitation, rushing towards Kuang's mansion!

"Kill me! Take down the Kuang family!"

"Hahahaha! I've been here for so long, and I can finally start killing people!"

"I want to avenge my dead brother!"

"There are quite a few girls in the Kuang family, this time I want to have a good time!"

"Hahahaha! Let's watch those brothers who died, this time I want to get back both the principal and the interest!"

"Kill! Take down the Kuang family!"

"Kill kill kill!"

Dao Dao figures exuding blood-red aura came to the Kuang family's mansion in a blink of an eye, and they no longer restrained their breath, shouting and shouting angrily one by one, like a man-eating beast, with scarlet light in their eyes, wanting to choose and devour!


"Not good! It's an evil person from the Black Moon Kingdom!"

"Quick! Go and report to the head of the family, the elders... ah!"

On the wall of Kuang's courtyard, in a tall tower building, the urgent cry turned into a shrill scream as soon as it sounded!


A crimson blood arrow whizzed forward, dragged a long tail in the night sky, and hit the forehead of the warrior on the tower with a whoosh.

The arrow pierced through, and the warriors of the Kuang family who were eagerly shouting for warning were killed instantly!

"Not good! There are enemies!"

"The evil people from the Black Moon Kingdom have invaded!"

"Quick! Hold your ground and kill me!"


Boom boom boom!

A dull roar suddenly sounded, and the warriors of the Kuang family frantically urged their spiritual power to meet the incoming enemy.

Under their cover, a young martial artist turned around and ran wildly towards the direction of the Kuang family's meeting hall, screaming all the way, with a trace of panic and tragedy in his voice.

Boom... Boom!

Outside the Kuang family mansion, there was a roaring sound, all kinds of spiritual lights flickered wildly, and the originally dark night was shone brightly, as if it had become day.

It's just that no matter what kind of spiritual light, it is obviously not as dazzling as the more than a hundred bloody rays of light rushing in, let alone their bloodthirsty madness!


"Patriarch, elder!'s not good!" A young warrior flew towards the direction of the meeting hall with all his strength, shouting eagerly and loudly warning, but before reaching the hall, he was greeted by a flying figure stopped.

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