"This time, the evil people from the Black Moon Kingdom are obviously aggressive. It is very different from the past. Let's stop idle and act quickly!"

Kuang Tianwei took a deep breath, not wanting to sit back and wait.

If he didn't make a move at this time, when the soldiers of the Kuang family's mansion collapsed, even if they wanted to try their best, they might have no chance.

"Patriarch wait a minute!" Kuang Houde frowned and sighed.

"Huh? What else is there to do for the Great Elder?" Kuang Tianwei's eyes flashed, slightly puzzled.

Kuang Houde pondered for a while, and said in a deep voice: "There are some things that the Patriarch probably doesn't know yet, right?"

"What is it?" Kuang Tianwei frowned thoughtfully.

Kuang Houde said: "This matter shouldn't be brought up now, but if we don't talk about it now, I'm afraid there will be no chance in the future!"

"It's okay for the Great Elder to speak up!" Kuang Tianwei waved his hand, his eyes were extremely deep.

Kuang Houde nodded and said, "It's about the traitor in the family!"

"What?" Kuang Tianwei's face changed slightly when he heard this, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

After a moment's hesitation, he shook his head and sighed, frowned and said, "Great Elder, just say it!"

It is no longer a secret that the Kuang family has a traitor, and almost all the senior elders know it well, but the specific identity of the traitor has not been revealed for a while.

Grand Elder Kuang Houde nodded slowly, frowned and said, "It was the last time I noticed some clues, and at the same time I also got some secret information... This traitor is not someone else, but..."

"Who is it?" Kuang Tianwei's expression darkened, murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Yes... the sixth child!" Kuang Houde said in a deep voice.

"Old Six?" Kuang Tianwei's eyes contracted, obviously a little surprised, "How could it be him?"

"Patriarch doesn't believe it?" Kuang Houde shook his head and sighed, with a wry smile on his face: "Haha, actually, I don't really want to believe it either."

"Yes, although Lao Liu has a bit of a weird temper, he has never done anything wrong to the family. If he is really a traitor, this incident is really unbelievable!"

Kuang Tianwei frowned and sighed, his face full of pain.

"There is nothing to doubt. Apart from the news, the old man also has an ironclad evidence!"

"irrefutable evidence?"

"Patriarch, please look!" Kuang Houde shook his right hand, and a black object suddenly appeared in his palm, like a token.

"Oh?" Looking at the token, Kuang Tianwei narrowed his eyes and his face was stern.

Kuang Houde raised his hand and handed over the token.

Kuang Tianwei hesitated for a moment, took the token and observed it intently.

"It's just a token, how can it prove that the sixth child is a traitor?" Kuang Tianwei frowned, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Is the Patriarch still unwilling to believe it?" Kuang Houde shook his head and sighed, with a look of disappointment on his face, "If the Patriarch doesn't believe it, inject spiritual power into the token and you will understand!"

"Okay!" Kuang Tianwei frowned, concentrating on running his spiritual energy, ready to try.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

The elder Kuang Houde's eyes flashed coldly, a sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, he shook his palms, and slapped Kuang Tianwei who was close at hand.


A violent roar erupted suddenly, and the entire conference hall trembled wildly, shaken violently by the vigorous fluctuation of spiritual power.

After the burst of spiritual power, he enveloped Kuang Tianwei involuntarily, forcefully knocked him back more than ten feet, and didn't stop until his back hit the Patriarch's throne.

"Hahahaha! Patriarch, your judgment is correct. The sixth child is indeed not a traitor. That traitor... is actually me!" Kuang Houde laughed wildly, his face full of complacency, and he seemed very satisfied with his actions.

Both of them are at the Xuanyang realm, but their strengths are comparable. If they confront each other head-on, it will be difficult for him to seriously injure each other.

But by taking this opportunity, he can strike at close range without the opponent being prepared, giving the opponent an unexpected attack.


The white light covering Kuang Tianwei gradually dissipated, but the next scene made the corners of the elder Kuang Houde's eyes twitch and he was shocked!

Kuang Tianwei's complexion was pale, his breath was slightly turbulent, and a thick layer of white light surrounded his body, dispelling all his attacks.

He forcibly endured a heavy blow from him, but was almost unscathed!

"How is it possible? You... have been prepared for a long time?" First Elder Kuang Houde took a deep breath, a little unbelievable.

"Hahahaha!" Kuang Tianwei shook his head and laughed, but the laughter was very tragic, his eyes were full of disappointment, "I didn't expect that the traitor is really you!"

"Hmph! That's fine, it saves the old man from having to go through a lot of trouble!" Kuang Houde snorted coldly, no longer hiding the murderous intent in his heart, his face was terribly gloomy.

He has coveted the position of Patriarch for a long time, but he has been suffering from no chance to make a move. Now that the Kuang family is facing a powerful foreign aggression, it is the best time for him to make a move.

If he missed this opportunity, he might never be able to ascend to the position of Patriarch in his life, so he decided to fight for it without hesitation.

Once he turns over, the entire Kuang family will be held in his hands. Only then will he be able to express the depression that has been suppressed in his chest for decades!

Kuang Tianwei's laughter gradually subsided, and he looked at the elder with resentment, his eyes showed great disappointment, even a trace of despair.

"I really didn't expect that the Great Elder of the Tangtang family would have such thoughts!"

"What's wrong with this? Do you think that only you can sit on the throne of Patriarch, and I, Kuang Houde, can only condescend and act according to your face for the rest of my life?" Kuang Houde shook his head and sneered, his expression extremely gloomy.

"The Great Elder should know that I am not a powerful patriarch. Many matters in the family are actually up to you! But do you know why I did this?" Kuang Tianwei asked coldly, his face darkened.

"Hmph, what you do is your business, what does it have to do with me?" Kuang Houde shook his head and sneered with disdain.

His gaze crossed Kuang Tianwei, staring fixedly at the throne in front of him, his eyes were full of infinite longing, even faintly revealing a trace of fanaticism!

The throne of Patriarch that he has coveted for many years is about to be obtained, how can he not be excited about it?

"You are wrong!" Kuang Tianwei shook his head and sighed, his words seemed to have a lot of meaning.

"I was wrong? Hmph!" Kuang Houde shook his head and sneered, still very disdainful. "Of course you are wrong! In the past ten years, have you not realized my painstaking efforts? The reason why I have delegated family affairs to you, and even kept my own ideas for many times, according to your opinions... To be precise, it is Acting according to your opinion, don't you really understand the purpose of this

White? " Kuang Tianwei asked in a deep voice.

"Hmph! It sounds nice, but what's the use of it?" Kuang Houde flicked his sleeves, not paying attention at all. "Do you think I should be thankful for giving a little power like this, and spend my whole life working for you?" Kuang Houde yelled angrily, with incomparable anger and hatred in his voice.

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