Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1455 Insidious calculation

Kuang Houde let out a yell and his breath soared.

With a shake of his arms, the black air around his body surged up, turning into two huge black palms and slapping Kuang Tianwei on the opposite side.

"Hmph!" Kuang Tianwei yelled angrily, but he didn't fight back, and he didn't even dodge a step!

Seeing this situation, Kuang Houde only frowned slightly, and didn't have much unexpected reaction.

Kuang Tianwei's cultivation base is by no means inferior to him, of course he has the confidence to take this blow, but the problem is that it is measured according to his previous strength.

Since he practiced the secret method secretly taught by the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom and took a large amount of secret medicine, his strength has increased a lot, and it is no longer what it used to be.


In a blink of an eye, two black palm prints exploded crazily, billowing black air surged up wildly, a violent roar resounded through the hall, the beams and columns shook violently, and dust and debris were shaken to the ground.

The furnishings in the hall were even more rickety and crumbled to the ground.

However, at this moment, there was another change in the billowing black air!

Suddenly, two blue figures flashed behind the throne in the depths of the hall, and they appeared in front of Kuang Tianwei after only a slight sway. Shouting angrily in unison, with a shake of their arms, each opened a magic weapon!

The person on the left is holding a very old dark yellow bamboo umbrella, while the person on the right is holding a bronze round shield.

The two crazily poured their spiritual power, and they all stood in front of Kuang Tianwei. The magic weapon in their hands was full of spiritual light, and the spiritual patterns on the surface flickered wildly, and they unexpectedly blocked the attack abruptly!

A moment later, the spiritual power of the two surged out again, and the light of the magic weapon in their hands rose, completely dispelling the cloud of black energy.

"You actually hid these two people secretly. It seems that you have been wary of this old man. I always thought that you trusted me, hmph!"

Kuang Houde gritted his teeth and scolded angrily, a strong anger appeared on his crazy old face.

The two green-robed warriors who suddenly appeared had a strong aura of cultivation, and they were both Xuanyang-level warriors!

Although the strength is not as good as that of Kuang Tianwei, but the combination of the two and the support of the magic weapon, the combat power is only high but not low.

Kuang Tianwei shook his head and sneered: "Kuang Houde, you overestimate yourself too much! These two guests are directly under the orders of the Patriarch, and they will only show up under special circumstances, not just to deal with you!"

Kuang Houde took a deep breath, and suddenly smiled ferociously: "Hmph, do you think everything will be fine with the protection of two guest ministers? Let me tell you, it's useless!"

"Patriarch, don't worry, with us here, this old thief can't hurt you!"

"Patriarch, let us get rid of this old guy!"

The two green robes held law enforcement treasures, their brows were full of brilliance, and they were full of confidence.

With the strength of the two of them, it is not a problem to deal with Kuang Houde.

Taking ten thousand steps back, there is the equally powerful Kuang Tianwei next to him. Could it be that he can't deal with Kuang Houde, a martial artist of the same rank?

Now that the matter has come to this point, Kuang Tianwei no longer hesitates, and waved his hands coldly, showing the determination and arrogance of the head of the family!

"Take it!"


"Old thief, die!"

The two Qingpao Keqing shouted angrily and their breaths skyrocketed, and they were about to strike again.

However, Kuang Houde on the opposite side suddenly laughed wildly!

"Hahahaha! Kuang Tianwei, you've been so smart for a while, but you've been fooled for a while!"

"Huh?" Kuang Tianwei's expression darkened, suddenly feeling bad.

At this time, Kuang Houde still looks like he has the chance to win. Does he have any backhands?

Or, there are still hidden tyrannical means?


Thinking of this, Kuang Tianwei couldn't help but feel a shock in his heart, feeling very uneasy.

Kuang Houde has practiced for many years, and his strength is not impressive. In addition, he has secretly communicated with the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom. It is really possible to obtain some powerful magic weapons or strange means from the other party.

"Extremely arrogant! Do you think we are eating for nothing?"

"Stop talking to him, come on!"

The two guests were furious when they heard the words!

Kuang Houde's attitude is so contemptuous, isn't this slapping them in the face in front of the Patriarch?

If this matter can't be done well, what face do they have to take over Kuang's job?

The two yelled violently, and their respective spiritual powers soared so they wanted to attack with all their strength.

However, Kuang Houde smiled sullenly, and his eyes suddenly fell on Kuang Tianwei opposite him.

To be precise, he looked at the black token in Kuang Tianwei's hand, which was the token he handed over earlier!

"Hmph!" Kuang Houde sneered, facing the upcoming offensive of the two guest ministers, he did not back down at all, as if he had already made up his mind.

"Hiss! Not good..." Kuang Tianwei's reaction was not slow, and when he noticed the strangeness in the other party's eyes, he suddenly realized something.

After his complexion changed drastically, he raised his hand and threw the token out without any explanation.

The two Qingpao Keqing who noticed the difference in the atmosphere finally didn't dare to hesitate anymore, and with their spiritual power soaring, they waved the magic weapon in their hands and rushed out.

But at this moment, Kuang Houde's face suddenly sank, and he said "explosive"!


As soon as he spoke, the token thrown by Kuang Tianwei suddenly burst open!


A dull roar resounded through the hall. After the black token exploded, it turned into a billow of black air and rushed down, covering the three people below without any explanation.

"Damn it!" Kuang Tianwei shouted angrily, with a trace of panic in his voice.

"Hurry up!"

"Take him down!"

The two Qingpao Keqing yelled wildly, and the gesture of attacking remained unchanged.

The distance between the two sides was only about ten feet away. At such a close distance, as long as they made lightning strikes, it was still possible to take down each other.

Although they don't know what the black token is, as long as they move quickly enough, the opponent's conspiracy may not work.

However, they obviously underestimated Kuang Houde's plan too much.


The black air raged down, emitting a kind of eerie and strange aura wherever it went. In the blink of an eye, the bodies of the three were shaken violently, and their spiritual power became chaotic.

"This... what is this thing?" Kuang Tianwei wanted to force his hand to help the two guests, but after being enveloped by the black air, his body sank in an instant, and he could hardly move his feet.

"Ah...damn it!"

"This... what the hell is this... ah!"

The two guests were even more unbearable, their bodies fell to the ground in a blink of an eye, the magic weapon in their hands fell to the ground with a groan, and their spiritual power quickly dissipated and lost its power.

"Hahahaha! Kuang Tianwei, do you think this old man is really that stupid? If he is not sure, he will fight openly with you?" Kuang Houde laughed wildly, his eyes were red, and his heart was extremely proud.

"It's unreasonable...you...what kind of method did you use?" Kuang Tianwei's spiritual power dropped rapidly, not to mention making a move, and it was a bit difficult to speak in the blink of an eye.

The two guests rushed too hard, and the situation got worse. Now they just lay down on the spot and panted heavily, their spiritual power almost slackened. "Hahahaha! This is the secret skill of the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom, enjoy it!" Kuang Houde laughed wildly, admiring his masterpiece proudly, with a flash of disdain in his eyes.

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