Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1461 Desperate Strike

"The Kuang family deserves to perish!"

"Kuang family warriors, your end is here!"

Boom boom boom!

The blood in the Kuang family's mansion was suddenly full of blood, and the offensive of the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom broke out again, even more violent than before!

Under the siege of dozens of evil people from the Black Moon Kingdom, these people were slaughtered in a blink of an eye. There were hundreds of corpses lying on the ground, and blood flowed like a river, almost staining every bluestone floor!

In a short time, the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom completely controlled the situation.

The most elite fighters of the Kuang family have been wiped out, and the remaining ordinary people are nothing to worry about.


Not far from the opposite side, Ying Shuangquan and Tan Jiashan were already in a hard fight, and the situation was extremely dangerous!

In the beginning, although the two of them couldn't take advantage of the two leaders of Xuanyang Realm evildoers, they could continue to deal with each other without being defeated.

But with the addition of the third evil leader and Kuang Houde, the situation took a sharp turn and became extremely sinister!

"Damn it! Great Elder, what are you doing?" Tan Jiashan was already injured, and his breath became obviously turbulent. Facing Kuang Houde's attack, he broke his teeth and cursed, his anger reached the extreme.

"This old man's aura has changed drastically. He has obviously defected to the Black Moon Evil Man. What's the use of talking about it now?"

On the other side, Ying Shuangquan, who was completely unable to fight back after being forced by the two Xuanyang realm leaders, could only retreat steadily, shouted loudly, with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

"So he was the traitor of the Kuang family! Damn it! Damn it!"

Tan Jiashan's face darkened, he cursed furiously, and after his spiritual power soared, he swung his sword and slashed out.


The berserk sword intent turned into a long white dragon coiling out, and it was about to sweep the opponent. At this moment, the evil leader next to him shook his fists and scattered the attack in one fell swoop.

"Damn it!" Tan Jiashan roared like thunder, but it didn't help the matter at all.

Facing the joint offensive of Kuang Houde and the leader of the evil people, his moves became more and more slow, and he was about to be powerless to resist.

"Brother Ying, what should we do, this old man has betrayed his family, do we still want to be buried with them?" Tan Jiashan yelled angrily.

He even regretted that he had volunteered to come to Fenghe Town to carry out this mission without thinking about it.

If he had known that the situation was so complicated and that there were so many hidden dangers, he would never have waded into this muddy water anyway.

As for the remuneration for the sect senior or the Kuang family...fuck it, whoever loves it wants to love it!

Now that his life is almost gone, even if the other party promises a big reward, and the sect prepares the best reward, what's the use?

There is no doubt that as long as he does not leave this place, he will have only a dead end, and there is absolutely no way to survive!


The dull roar continued to explode, and the fluctuation of spiritual power crazily echoed in the void.

Not far away, Ying Shuangquan's eyes were cold and stern, and he forcibly blocked the attacks of the two evil leaders, his face turned ashen!

"You think I don't want to, but can we go?"


While talking, he took advantage of the situation and attacked him, injuring him severely!

The corners of Ying Shuangquan's eyes twitched wildly, and he swung his sword fiercely to shake his opponent away, causing danger all around him.

Up to now, he has also been injured, and his spiritual power has become more and more sluggish. If it continues like this, it won't take long for it to dry up.

At that time, he could only watch helplessly as he was beheaded by the opponent, without any power to fight back.

"Then... what should I do?"

Hearing Ying Shuangquan's angry shout, Tan Jiashan's heart sank and his face became extremely ugly.

"Hahahaha, it's easy to handle! As long as you can work for me, I can spare your life, and I will also give you a rare elixir, which will greatly increase your cultivation!"

The evil leader on the opposite side laughed wildly, his black robe rolled up, and his attack slowed down.

"Dream! I'll fuck your mother!"

Tan Jiashan's face darkened, and he cursed without hesitation.

Although he was a bit greedy, it was impossible for him to join the evil organization of the Black Moon Kingdom.

No matter what he said, he was also a genius of the Cangyun Sect's inner sect, as long as he practiced steadily, his future would be bright!

Even if he can't become a powerful person who dominates one side, it is very possible to enter the power core of Azure Cloud Sect in the future.

At that time, with a wave of his hand, he will be able to wipe out these evil people in front of him. How can he be coerced by them now?

"Hmph, if that's the case, then you will die!"

The leader of the evil people smiled sullenly, waved his big hand, and gestured for Kuang Houde who was opposite him.

"Hehe, since nephew Tan Xian doesn't appreciate it, don't blame the old man!" Kuang Houde smiled sullenly, his whole body surged, and he stepped forward to make a move.

Tan Jiashan's complexion changed drastically. Under the attack, he could only avoid one of them at most, and the other would definitely give him a fatal blow!

Lightning flickered in his mind, and he knew that the moment of life and death had finally arrived.

"Hmph! It's not that easy to kill me!"

At the critical moment, Tan Jiashan's face darkened, and a stern look flashed in his eyes.

When the left hand was raised, it suddenly touched the center of the eyebrows. The huge Xuanyang, which was suspended in mid-air and was already somewhat dim, suddenly burst into light, becoming dazzling and dazzling, and exuding a majestic majesty!


The dull roar resounded through the void, and Tan Jiashan's face suddenly turned pale, but seeing the radiant Xuanyang vision, there was still an unconcealable excitement flashing in his eyes!

With his strong background in Xuanyang Realm, burning his bloodline to forcibly increase his strength, he can rush out of this dangerous place in just a moment.

Once the news of escape from the dangerous situation is brought back to the sect, these evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom and Kuang Houde will soon be crazily suppressed and brutally retaliated by the Cangyun Sect!

Tan Jiashan took a deep breath, jumped up without any hesitation, and instantly rose several tens of feet, stepping on the void and wanting to rush away from the Kuang family's mansion.

"Senior Brother Ying, what are you waiting for?" Breathing the clear air that did not contain the slightest smell of blood in the air, Tan Jiashan's spirit was greatly lifted, and his spiritual power seemed to have recovered a lot.

Ying Shuangquan's face changed, seeing the scene in front of him, instead of being surprised, the corners of his eyes shrank sharply, and he exclaimed!

"Brother Tan, be careful!"

"What?" Tan Jiashan frowned, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

As long as he takes one step, he can leave the range of the Kuang family's mansion, and he can escape far away with a few shakes of his body, what else could be unexpected?

The doubts in his heart had just surged, but his face changed, and a trace of deep horror flashed in his eyes!

I saw the right hand of the evil leader in the courtyard below, and a white bone bow half a foot in size suddenly appeared in his hand!


Under the infusion of spiritual power, the whole body of the bone bow trembled violently, and a bloody arrow condensed by spiritual power instantly transformed into a murderous intent!

"Since you insist on courting death, then I will fulfill you!"

The leader of the evil man raised his bow and drew the string, his spiritual power surged again, and he shot an arrow towards Tan Jiashan!


At the moment of being targeted by the opponent, Tan Jiashan's heart was shaken, and his back felt cold. The moment the blood arrow was shot, it was even more frenzied to stimulate the spiritual power, so he stepped on the void and escaped wildly!

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