Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1464 Shock and Anger

Kuang Yujiao's eyes were filled with hot tears, and the murderous aura swelled all over her body. She yelled angrily without hesitation, triggering the blood vision!


Under the violent distortion of the void above, a huge crimson moon like blood immediately appeared, exuding a powerful martial arts will at the peak of the Xuanyue Realm!


The dull roar resounded through the night sky, and Kuang Yujiao's whole body glowed red, as if turning into a ball of raging fire, and rushed towards the evil leader of the Black Moon Kingdom with a rolling killing intent.

Although her cultivation level is not enough, she has no choice!

The Kuang family has reached the most dangerous moment of life and death. At this time, she has no other thoughts except to fight hard.


Kuang Yujiao's long sword trembled wildly, and streams of silver sword light burst out like a shower, rolling towards the four people opposite.

"Hmph! Overthinking one's abilities!"

"It's just courting death!"

"Little girl, you dare to show off in front of us with your strength, hehe, you really don't know how to live or die!"

"With you alone, you still can't make a comeback? It's ridiculous!"

Facing the attack of the silver sword light, the four of them shook their heads and sneered, their expressions extremely disdainful.

Three of them folded their arms to wait and see, while the other waved his palm, creating a bloody palm print, easily sweeping away Kuang Yujiao's attack.

Another backhand slap, without any explanation, it knocked Kuang Yujiao back more than ten feet!

"Damn it!" Kuang Yu yelled angrily, a flash of fury flashed in his eyes.

She only has the peak of the Xuanyue realm, but the other four are all strong in the Xuanyang realm, and anyone who sticks out a finger can crush her.

Such a huge difference in strength really made her feel desperate. In this situation, even if she risked her life, what could she do?

Thoughts flashed through her mind, and Kuang Yujiao knew that this time she might be doomed.

Looking at the great elder who was being held hostage by four people, she felt that the Kuang family was exhausted!

"Great Elder..." Kuang Yujiao gritted her teeth and screamed, her face was full of hatred and despair.

But soon, she discovered something strange!

"Huh? Great Elder..."

Kuang Yujiao's expression changed, she was shocked!

Not only did Kuang Houde's cultivation aura remain unchanged, but it even became more tyrannical, but there was something strange and fearful to her in this tyrannical aura!

In other words, the opponent was not injured, and still possessed a tyrannical combat power of the Xuanyang realm.

This is completely different from her imagination!

what on earth is it?

"Great Elder, you...why don't you make a move?" Kuang Yujiao asked coldly, her face darkening.

Facing Kuang Yujiao's questioning, Kuang Houde shook his head and sighed: "Third Elder, you... shouldn't have come back!"

"What... what?" Kuang Yujiao's heart sank suddenly, and a strange look flashed in her eyes.

"Third Elder! Why are you the only one coming back, what about them?" Not far away, Zong Tienan's eyes widened and he asked in surprise.

"Where are Peng Yue and Tai Xuan?"

"Why... why didn't they come back?"

The corners of Yu Chun and Ying Shuangquan's eyes also twitched, feeling very uneasy.

It doesn't make sense!

There are six people in the same group, Kuang Yujiao is back, Peng Yue and Tai Xuan have no reason not to come back!

Even if someone falls, it can only be the Sixth Elder and the Seventh Elder with the lowest cultivation base, and perhaps Jiang Tian.

But no matter what, it's not Peng Yue and Tai Xuan's turn!

They are Xuanyang Realm masters, even if they lose to their opponents, can't they escape?

Zong Tienan took a deep breath, his face became extremely ugly.

The three of them looked at each other in blank dismay, and the hope that had just been raised was about to be shattered.

And the next moment, Kuang Yujiao's words completely crushed this hope!

Kuang Yujiao shook her head and sighed, and said with a miserable smile, "The Sixth Elder and the Seventh Elder have been killed by evil people..."

"Where are Peng Yue and Tai Xuan?" Zong Tienan didn't care about these things, he only cared about the situation of Peng Yue and Tai Xuan now.

As long as these two people are still alive, that is their greatest hope!

As for the sixth and seventh elders of the Kuang family, they died as well.

"...If Jiang Tian hadn't made a move, I would have died with them too!" Kuang Yujiao shook her head and sighed, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Where are Peng Yue and Tai Xuan? Where are the two of them?" Yu Chun was very annoyed, he gritted his teeth and asked with a gloomy face.

These two people are their hope and what they want to know the most.

At this time, Kuang Yujiao was obviously almost insane. In the face of the great changes in Kuang's family, her mind was already a little chaotic.

"Peng Yue and Tai Xuan...huh!" Kuang Yujiao grinned miserably, frowning coldly, with a look of disdain on her face.

"What happened to them?" Zong Tienan asked through gritted teeth, almost unable to bear it anymore.

"Quickly tell me! What happened to Peng Yue and Tai Xuan?" Yu Chun and Ying Shuangquan couldn't hold their breath anymore, cursing in their hearts as they saw the third elder's lost soul.

It's all this time, why is she still talking about those insignificant things?

The three of them were very annoyed, and if the situation allowed, they would have rushed up and slapped Kuang Yujiao hard to wake her up.

Kuang Yujiao lost her mind for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "After Jiang Tian rescued me, he went back to help Peng Yue and Tai Xuan, but..."

Looking at the situation in front of her, Kuang Yujiao could hardly speak.

The four of Zong Tienan and so many fighters from the Kuang family all ended in such a tragic end. It is conceivable what happened to Jiang Tian and his two fellow disciples.

Kuang Yujiao regretted deeply in her heart. If she did it again, she would definitely not let Jiang Tian return to the stronghold.

But it was too late to say anything now. Looking at the situation in front of her, she knew that Jiang Tian and the other two were probably in danger.

"What... what?" Zong Tienan's face changed, and his eyes quickly dimmed.

"How could this be?" Yu Chun gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, with a look of despair and disbelief.

"It seems that Junior Brother Peng and Junior Brother Tai are covering their retreat, but I am trapped in the siege of evil people!" Ying Shuangquan frowned and sighed, shaking his head.

"It's unreasonable!" Yu Chun yelled angrily, and cursed, "Jiang Tian is a guy who has not accomplished enough and has more than failed! He must have dragged Peng Yue and Tai Xuan down, otherwise how could it be like this?"

"He really shouldn't be allowed to go in this operation. If we change someone, we still have a great chance to turn the situation around!" Ying Shuangquan gritted his teeth and sighed bitterly, with a miserable smile on his face.

Zong Tienan's face was gloomy, he hesitated to speak, what's the use of saying these things at this time?

At the very beginning, he suggested that four Xuanyang Realm masters be dispatched to participate in this spying operation, but the Patriarch of the Kuang family refused to listen, and Kuang Yujiao insisted on bringing Jiang Tian along.

It can be said that everything seemed accidental, but in fact it was already doomed.

From the moment the candidate was decided, there was no suspense about the failure of this spying operation. Zong Tienan took a deep breath, and looked at Kuang Yujiao with hatred. This woman, who has done more than succeed in her successes, has more than failed her successes, and Jiang Tian really hits it off!

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