Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1478 Mutual Complaints

"Junior Brother Jiang, what joke are you making?"

"In that case, what are you still doing?"

Jiang Tian snorted coldly, restrained his breath and soared into the air without any explanation, fleeing outside under the cover of night.

"Quick, keep up!"

Zong Tienan didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately called everyone to follow.

In fact, it is no wonder that they are so startled, after all, what happened in this moment really makes them feel weird and breaks their imagination time and time again.

In addition to being shocked, some loss of consciousness is inevitable!

However, Jiang Tian always kept a clear head and was not surrounded by everyone.

After finally rescuing them, it is natural to leave quickly and find a place to recover their spiritual power.

As for those messy questions, they are not important at all!

Whoosh whoosh!

There were a few slight sounds of piercing the sky in the night, and under Jiang Tian's leadership, everyone quickly left the Kuang family's mansion and headed towards a dense forest outside Fenghe Town.


They had just left for a moment when there was a dull loud noise from the direction of the stone prison of Kuang's mansion!


On the stone prison protective circle, the ring-shaped spiritual power condensed by the spirit-swallowing rat was finally exhausted, and after losing its support, the spiritual light scattered and collapsed.

The light curtain of the magic circle closed in an instant, and the dull roar rumbled in the night, and immediately spread to the direction of the meeting hall!

"What's the matter?" The faces of the four evil leaders all changed, and they were furious immediately.

"Not good! Something went wrong in the stone prison!"

The corners of Kuang Houde's eyes twitched violently, and he fled out of the hall before he could finish speaking.


At the same time, the two evil leaders also came out and followed closely behind.

In a blink of an eye, the three of them came to the stone prison, and it seemed that there was nothing unusual from the outside.

However, after Kuang Houde waved the token to undo the restriction, the scene inside the stone prison shocked them all!

"Hiss! How could this happen?"

"Damn it! Who did it?"

The two evil leaders yelled loudly, especially the ancient leader who had a gloomy expression, and his whole body was almost boiling with murderous intent.

Kuang Houde gritted his teeth and reprimanded angrily, his face was extremely sinister, and extreme uneasiness filled his heart.

He wasn't worried about Kuang Yujiao escaping, what he was really worried about were the members of Cangyun Sect.

Once they pass the news back to the Azure Cloud Sect, it will inevitably lead to a thunderous revenge. The thunderous wrath of the majestic faction is not something that the little Kuang family can bear!

"It's unreasonable! The old man has reminded you a long time ago, telling you to be more careful and vigilant. How is it now? Isn't something wrong?"

Kuang Houde roared angrily, and the whole body was full of anger, like a wild beast.

"Shut up for me!" Chief Gu yelled in a deep voice, killing intent surged all over his body.

"It's all your Kuang family's broken magic circle. Didn't you say it's safe? How are you doing now?"

"Hmph! What's the matter with the magic circle? Such a big incident happened, and your people didn't even move at all. They are nothing but trash!"

Kuang Houde yelled and cursed angrily, his face was ashen.

"Presumptuous! It's not your turn to make irresponsible remarks about Gu's arrangement, and I'll settle this matter with you later!"

The ancient leader cursed angrily, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, he waved his sleeves, and slapped the void.


Bloody palm prints exploded in the night sky, and all the black-robed warriors from the meeting hall rushed over, and even the other two leaders immediately followed.

"Quick, chase me! No matter what, we can't let them leave alive!"



The angry words resounded through the Kuang family's mansion, and dozens of figures rose into the sky, fleeing wildly towards the outside of Fenghe town.

"Gutouling, Wutouling, you two are here to sit in command, let's go and catch up!"

"Quick!" Leader Gu responded sharply without hesitation.

If he hadn't been eager to extract information from Kuang Tianwei, he might have to chase it out himself.

And in order to prevent accidents from happening, besides him, another leader should be left in case of accidents.

"Great Elder, don't you want to go after him?" Leader Gu withdrew his gaze and looked at Kuang Houde coldly.

"Even if I want to go, I can't go! The family is the most important thing. I can clearly distinguish these interests!" Kuang Houde's face darkened, and there was a lot of meaning in his words!

"Hmph!" Gu Tou-Leader flicked his sleeves, ignored him, and walked towards the meeting hall with that Wu-Tou-Leader.

The corners of Kuang Houde's eyes shrank, and he followed without hesitation.

Although there was a mess at the moment, his mind remained clear.

The Kuang family is his foundation, use is the top priority, if this kind of precarious stall leaves rashly, who knows what these evil people will do?

In order to prevent unexpected changes, he can only stick to Kuang Mansion to prevent all kinds of accidents.

As for the escape of Zong Tienan and others, it really made him feel furious!

At this moment, he couldn't help but feel angry and regretful.

At that time, if it wasn't for his sudden mistake to temporarily save the lives of these people, how could there be the current change?

If these possibilities were eliminated early, how could they fall into such an unfavorable predicament?

"Hey! Is it true that this old man has too many worries and complicated thoughts?"

Kuang Houde gritted his teeth and sighed secretly, so annoyed that he could almost vomit blood.

If he had known this before, he shouldn't have any hesitation at all, and he really should have killed the killer!

But it was too late to say anything now, he could only hope that Zong Tienan and others would not leave alive under the pursuit of the evil people from the Black Moon Kingdom.

Otherwise, the future situation will really be quite troublesome!

"It's all the damn ancient leader's fault! If he had listened to the old man's advice and kept in close contact with the stronghold, how could such troubles have happened?"

As Kuang Houde darted towards the meeting hall, his eyes flickered and his thoughts were turbulent.

But he probably wouldn't have thought that even if the ancient leader wanted to send a message at this time, no one would be able to pay attention to it, let alone receive any response.

"That magic circle can resist even the full-strength attack of the powerful Xuanyang realm. How did they break through it?"

Kuang Houde frowned, completely unable to understand this point.

Perhaps a combination of several people can break through this formation, but then there will definitely be a huge noise.

But the opponent completely broke through the magic circle without them knowing, and gave them a blow that they were caught off guard.

This is a bit unbelievable!

"Could it be... the elders of the Cangyun Sect came to Fenghe Town secretly? Hiss!"

The corners of Kuang Houde's eyes shrank sharply, and his heart froze for a moment!

If that was the case, he might have to consider retreating.

But when I thought about it again, I felt wrong!

If the elder of Cangyun Sect really came in person, it is absolutely impossible to escape in secret.

From this point of view, it is very likely that there was something wrong with the stronghold, and the spying team could not be wiped out.

But considering the strength of those people, it seems that only Peng Yue and Tai Xuan can pose a certain threat. "Could it be the two of them?" Various thoughts flashed through his mind, and Kuang Houde was a little uneasy.

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