"En!" Kong Huai didn't say much, but returned a firm gaze.

In addition to these two families, warriors from other sects and families are also constantly looking at Su Yue, especially those disciples from second-rate forces, who were only a little curious about Su Yue at first, but at this moment, their faces are full of fear and awe up.

"Su Yue! You damn bitch, you better not be run into by me, or I will destroy you!" Long Xuanfei gritted his teeth and cursed, threatening viciously.

"It's up to you? Huh!" Su Yue raised her eyelids, and the cold light flickered between her brows.

Long Xuanfei's heart shook, and a cold sweat suddenly broke out on his back!

Su Yue's sight was like a slash of a cold long sword, which made his heart tremble, his back felt chills, his momentum weakened involuntarily, and the vicious curse that was originally on his lips was directly stuck.

He knew that once the two met Su Yue, they would never show mercy, and would definitely use the method just now to deal with him.

His strength is not as good as Long Xuanyu's, once he meets Su Yue, will he still be good?

Thinking of this, Long Xuanfei's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and the previous pride completely disappeared.

"Okay! The final test list has been confirmed, and I will announce the rules of today's test!"

The voice of the silver-robed elder spread above the square, and everyone immediately suppressed their distracting thoughts and listened intently.

"Today's competition is divided into two parts, and the rules are very simple!"

"What? Two parts!"

"There are only forty people left. What kind of tricks are they trying to do?"

Everyone heard the words with different expressions, and couldn't help guessing secretly.

Many people have long been dissatisfied with the frequent changes in the rules of this Martial Arts Conference, and at this moment they are even more speechless.

Elder Yinpao ignored this, waved his hand, and said in a loud voice: "The first stage is an elimination competition. The rules are two-two duels randomly drawn. The winner will advance to the loser. The twenty winners will enter the second stage. This is the final decisive stage of this martial arts conference!"

"Is it just like that? It doesn't seem to be anything special!"

"What are the Phase 2 rules?"

Hearing Elder Yinpao's words, everyone didn't react too much. Instead, they were a little surprised because the rules were so ordinary.

However, they quickly focused on the rules of the second stage, because no matter how the first stage was compared, it was just a pre-elimination selection, and the real result still depended on the next stage of the competition.

However, the silver-robed elder shook his head and smiled, showing off his tricks.

"It's too early to talk about the rules of the second stage. Let's talk about it after everyone passes the selection of the first stage! Don't be wordy, start drawing lots now!"

After finishing speaking, the silver-robed elder shook his hands, and a total of forty gold and silver lottery tickets flew out, raining down on the disciples in the waiting area.

Swish Swish Swish Swish!

All the disciples made their moves one after another, grabbed one each, and before the silver-robed elder ordered, they consciously divided into two camps according to the lottery color, the golden one was on the left, the silver one was on the right, and twenty people on the left and right faced each other.

However, when they looked at each other's camps, many people's expressions changed!

"Hiss! Mo...Mo Gaoxuan!"

"Yu Chen!"

In the silver lottery camp, the corners of the disciples of the two second-rate forces twitched wildly, their faces extremely ugly.

The two top geniuses of Tian Luo Zong and Jin Yuan Zong both got the gold lottery, standing opposite each other brought them tremendous pressure.

If they happen to get the same lottery as them, what suspense will there be in the next competition?

It wasn't just the two of them, most of the disciples in the silver lottery camp were shaking their heads and sighing, their faces getting uglier than the other.

And when they turned their heads left and right and looked at their own camp, they were slightly relieved.

"Su Yue! She drew a silver lottery!" Someone said with relief, his eyes lit up.

"Phew! It's okay, this woman's methods are too ruthless, if you are in the same camp as her, you don't have to worry about your cultivation base being abolished!" Someone slapped his chest and let out a long breath of sulk.

"Hehe, I think you are thinking too much. With our strength, we will be blown away by her before we get close. How can we abolish our cultivation?" Someone shook his head and sneered, laughing at himself.

"This...cough, this is true!"

In the silver lottery lineup, many second-rate disciples shook their heads and smiled wryly, their faces full of helplessness.

And in the gold lottery lineup, there is also no shortage of frowning people.

Looking at the lineup opposite, several second-rate disciples frowned and sighed.

"How did Su Yue get the silver lottery? God bless you, don't let me run into her!"

"Hiss! On the opposite side are Xiang Dongliu, Xiang Nanfei and Duanmu Junjie..."

"My God! The strength of the silver lottery camp is so strong!" Before the man could finish his sentence, there was a gasp from the side, and the corners of the eyes of a disciple from a second-rate family jumped wildly, his face was sallow, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Looking at the geniuses on the opposite side, he was almost dizzy, and almost passed out at one point.

The two sides looked at each other, and the disciples of the two camps were almost unhappy. Except for those top geniuses, the others were almost sad, knowing that something was wrong.

The silver-robed elder glanced lightly at the two camps below, but nodded slowly, quite satisfied.

Although there is a slight deviation in the overall strength of the two camps, in general, the distribution of geniuses is fairly even.

In the golden lottery camp, Mo Gaoxuan ranked first in Tianluozong, Zhuo Jian ranked third, Bai Piaopiao fifth and Chu Yuan sixth;

It is worth mentioning that the three major geniuses of Jin Yuanzong were also drawn here. In this way, the geniuses of these two sects avoided the intensive confrontation in the first round.

In addition, there are the third prince and a prince of the royal family, Cang Yunzong, Yue Zheng, Pang Ning, and Xiang Lanxue from the Xiang family in the golden lottery camp. It can be called a strong lineup!

And in the silver lottery camp, there are also strong people gathered, and the lineup is not inferior! This includes the fifth and eighth princes of the imperial family geniuses, Su Yue, Jiang Tian, ​​and Jiao Bing of Cangyunzong, Xiang Dongliu and Xiang Nanfei, two powerful geniuses of the Xiang family, Duanmu Junjie, a young genius of the Duanmu family, and Tian Su Yi, ranked second in Luo Zong, Long Xuanfei of the Long family, and two

Additional disciples Yuan Rui and Guan Bo.

The two major lineups thought that some geniuses were the main ones, and the rest were disciples from second-rate sects and families, and the two disciples from independent cities and small affiliated countries were one on each side, which was quite a coincidence.

"Gold and Silver Signs 1 to 10, appear immediately!"

The silver-robed elder waved his hand and immediately urged his disciples to come out.

As soon as the words fell, twenty disciples stepped onto the ring.

The two people on the first stage are Kong Huai from Jin Yuanzong and a Qingpao disciple from a second-rate sect. As soon as he appeared on the stage, the disciple of this second-rate sect's legs trembled, his momentum was completely lost, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

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