Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1962 Sky Amber Essence

Although Su Yue didn't say it clearly, it doesn't mean she didn't notice it.

"Hmph!" Su Yue snorted coldly, put away the scarlet ancient ring, and left the second-floor treasure house without looking back.

Looking at her back, Jiang Tian frowned slightly, and when he looked back, he also swept across Mo Gaoxuan.

The corner of the other party's eyes twitched, as if he didn't want to meet his gaze, and immediately turned around and walked down.

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed. After thinking for a while, he put the "Stone Code" back.

After quickly browsing through the remaining exercise books, he came to the magic weapon area.

Although the items here are of good quality, none of them can really catch his eye.

Whether it is the Chixue sword marrow or the giant monster's hand bones, they are all irreplaceable treasures in his eyes. In comparison, the collections of these royal families naturally pale in comparison.

But so far, he has only selected one item, and there are two more opportunities, of course not to be wasted.

But after choosing and choosing in the magic treasure area, he really couldn't choose the treasure he wanted. After slightly frowning, he simply returned to the treasure house on the first floor.

This time, he went straight to the Tiancaidibao area and started searching again.

He has no shortage of elixirs for the time being, and he will soon enter the retreat of the royal family's spiritual veins, so he is not very interested in the things on the elixir shelf.

And because he chose "Heaven Gourd Dull Gold" just now, in fact, he didn't look carefully at the other messy materials.

This time, he could finally settle down and choose carefully.

But when he returned to the first floor, Su Yue and Mo Gaoxuan were not in a hurry to leave, they were still lingering in the item area, and it seemed that they were going to try their luck again.

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, and quickly walked to the item table that he hadn't looked at carefully.

"Huh? This is..."

Not long after, Jiang Tian found an amber-like object the size of an egg on a chaotically piled item table that exuded crystal light.

Looking intently at this little thing, his eyes suddenly lit up!

"Tianpo Lingzhi! It turned out to be Tianpo Lingzhi!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes.

"Tianpo Lingzhi" is an extremely rare special material, but its function is not to refine weapons, but to strengthen the physical body.

However, the process of forcing is not to swallow, but to refine and fuse them directly with spiritual power.

It was conceived by the good fortune of heaven and earth, and it is not the same as the elixir nor the spiritual fruit, but it is one of the most special materials.

"That's it!" Jiang Tian took a deep breath, his eyes flashed, and he put it into the storage bag decisively.

But for the last one, he didn't choose what he really liked.

After thinking for a while, he simply walked directly to the pill rack, and randomly picked a quasi-sage pill that quickly restores the spiritual power of the bloodlines.

The three came to the old man in gold one after another, showing the items they had chosen.

Su Yue chose a quasi-sage elixir and the ancient treasure with a red ring.

The golden robed old man had no objection after seeing it, and directly motioned for her to take it away.

Next came Mo Gaoxuan, who only chose a quasi-sage elixir with fire attribute.

"Boy, if the old man is not mistaken, you are not far from advanced, right?"

The old man in golden robe looked deeply at Mo Gaoxuan, a deep light flashed in his eyes.

"Senior's eyes are like torches!" Mo Gaoxuan did not dare to neglect, and said respectfully.

"He is about to break through to Xuantian Realm at such a young age, the number one genius of Tianluozong, he is really extraordinary!" The golden robed old man's eyes were full of admiration.

"The cultivation qualifications of this junior can barely rank first among the younger generation of Tianluozong." Mo Gaoxuan said with a solemn and modest expression, his eyes twitching.

"It doesn't matter! Anyway, with your aptitude, once you break through to Xuantian Realm, none of the old disciples of Tian Luozong will be your opponent. It's just that your cultivation base is too fast, so remember not to be too greedy, otherwise it will cause endless harm! "

"Thank you for your advice, senior!" Mo Gaoxuan hurriedly thanked him with a dark heart.

What the other party said was indeed true, especially after losing to Su Yue and Jiang Tian yesterday, his desire to advance to the Xuantian Realm has become unprecedentedly urgent.

Even after the martial arts test was over, he wished he could return to the sect to retreat immediately, but he had to stay temporarily just to receive the reward.

"Go." The old man in the golden robe waved his hand and turned his gaze to Jiang Tian.

Seeing Jiang Tian's choice, especially the piece of "Heaven Gourd Dull Gold", the old man in gold robe was obviously a little surprised, and deliberately looked at Jiang Tian a few more times.

"Senior, is there any problem?" Jiang Tian raised his eyebrows and asked intently.

"No problem, the old man is just a little curious." The old man in golden robe frowned, and seemed unwilling to say more, shook his head and smiled.

After seeing "Tianpo Lingzhi", the golden robe old man couldn't help but nodded slowly.

"Jiang Tian, ​​it seems that it is not unreasonable for you to win the first place in the Martial Arts Conference." The golden robed old man smiled proudly.

"Why did you say that, senior?" Jiang Tian smiled leisurely.

"Hehe, although Tianpo Lingzhi is very helpful to the physical body, it is not something ordinary people can bear. You should know this, right?"

The old man in the golden robe didn't answer the question, but smiled deeply.

Jiang Tian nodded heavily: "Of course I know this, but I still have the confidence to refine and integrate it."

"Oh?" The golden-cloaked old man was a little surprised when he heard this, "I didn't expect that you really know its refining method!"

"The younger generation just happened to see a description of this kind of material in an ancient book, it's nothing." Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled.

"Hehe, young man, you are very humble!" The golden-robed old man smiled deeply, "But being too modest is hypocrisy!"

"Huh?" Jiang Tian was startled when he heard this.

These words immediately attracted Mo Gaoxuan to look at him with surprise.

The old man in the golden robe said intently: "Tianpo Lingzhi is a very rare material. Even the masters of the royal family can recognize it, and there are even fewer people who know its use and refining method. At least, you can have such insight, which really surprises the old man."

"Senior, you have won the award." Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, noncommittal.

The golden-cloaked old man's gaze immediately fell on the third item, which was the quasi-sage elixir.

Looking at the pill, he frowned slightly, shook his head and sighed.

Su Yue chose a magic weapon on the second floor, but Jiang Tian's three items all came from the treasure house on the first floor, which somewhat surprised him.

"This old man should not have asked too much, but I still want to know, is there nothing you like above the second floor?" The old man in golden robe said with a frown.

"I'm afraid I will disappoint the seniors. There is indeed nothing I like on the second floor." Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, and didn't say much.

"Okay, the old man is busy too, you can go." The old man in the golden robe sighed and waved for the three to leave. To be honest, Jiang Tian's first two choices really surprised him, but the last pill made him somewhat disappointed.

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