Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1967 Ouyang Radium

But what about anger?

Even Mo Gaoxuan was no match for him, and it was even worse for them.

And in the luxurious cabin of the flying boat, Luo Daqian and a group of elders gathered together again. Although the atmosphere was still deep, it was quite different from the previous time in the "Jin" building of the VIP Court.

In the cabin at this time, everyone's expressions were cold, and the air was full of murderous intent!

"The suzerain is really careful, we were too impatient, and almost gave the royal family an excuse!"

"Hmph! The VIP Garden is the territory of the royal family, and it is naturally full of the royal family's eyes, ears and eyes. How can we hide everything there from them?"

Luo Daqian smiled deeply, and his demeanor was quite different from before.

"Sect Master, Elder Wu's hatred must be avenged!"

"Of course!" Luo Daqian nodded heavily, his deep eyes swept over everyone, and the murderous aura in the cabin became more and more intense.

The feud with Jiang Tian was not only about Elder Wu's hatred, nor was it about Tianluozong's face, but was related to the struggle between the three major sects.

In this Martial Dao Conference, the Cangyun Sect shined brilliantly, shaking the entire Canglan Martial Dao world, and it has already shown a strong momentum of soaring into the sky.

If it cannot be suppressed and reversed in time, Tian Luozong may not have a chance to stand out again in the next few decades or even hundreds of years.

And once this situation continues to evolve, the Martial Dao territory of Canglan Nation will definitely form a certain pattern, and generations of warriors of Tianluozong will probably be shrouded in the shadow of Cangyunzong forever.

This is a situation they absolutely don't want to see!


On the day after Tian Luozong's people left, Jin Yuanzong's people also left Cangjing.

For them, when the military test part of the conference is over, the entire conference is equivalent to the end.

The following lecture time is of little significance to their profound martial arts sect, so from the suzerain, the elders, down to the disciples, there is not much interest in it.

And after Jin Yuanzong's golden flying boat flew out of Cangjing City, suddenly a silver flying boat galloped towards the front left, but it was more than ten times smaller than the golden flying boat.


The silver flying boat approached quickly, and soon it was running side by side with the golden flying boat.

A moment later, there was a flash of light on the deck of the silver boat, and a strong figure wrapped in a silver robe soared into the air and landed on the deck of the golden flying boat. After waving hello to several colleagues, he went straight into the hall where the suzerain and elders were.

"Ouyang Lei, I have seen the suzerain and all the elders. The matter of the mine has been settled, and the disciple is here to return!"

"Very good!" Jin Wuliang nodded slowly, his face was rather deep, as if he was still unhappy about the martial arts conference.

"Ouyang Lei, there is something that Zuo feels the need to tell you." A silver-robed elder spoke suddenly with his black beard in his hand.

"What advice does Elder Zuo have?" Ouyang Rai's eyes moved, and he asked intently.

"Something happened in Cangjing the night before. Your cousin Ouyangji... unfortunately passed away."

Ouyang Lei's face darkened, but he quickly calmed down without much reaction.

It is unreasonable to have such a big accident in Cangjing, but right now it is during the Martial Arts Conference, and warriors from all sides are gathering, so some conflicts are inevitable.

"The journey of martial arts is a path against the heavens. It is a practice full of various risks. Ouyang Ji unfortunately fell. We can only blame him for his poor life and shallow fortune. No wonder the sect." Ouyang Lei sighed, his eyes were slightly cold, and his face was full A bit sad.

"Hmph! It's not that simple." A silver-robed elder next to him shook his head and sneered, his eyes full of meaning.

"Oh? What did Elder Zuo say? Is there something hidden about this matter?" Ouyang Lei frowned and asked intently.

The silver-robed elder held his long beard in his hands, and said intently: "According to several disciples, Ouyang Ji participated in an auction before his fall, and in that auction, he once had a quarrel with a Cangyun Sect disciple. .”

"A quarrel?" Ouyang Lei frowned, a little puzzled.

Did the other party kill Ouyang Ji to vent his anger just because of a few words of quarrel?


Although Ouyang Lei doesn't like this cousin of the same family very much, he has a good understanding of his temperament.

Knowing that Ouyang Ji's temper is hot and he will take revenge, he almost subconsciously wondered whether the other party provoked Ouyang Ji, or Ouyang Ji took the initiative to provoke the other party?

"May I ask the elder, who is the Cangyun Sect disciple who had a quarrel with him?" Ouyang Lei asked with a frown.

"Perhaps you have heard of this person, his name is Jiang Tian."

"Ginger... what? Jiang Tian!" Ouyang Lei was startled when he heard the words, and was greatly surprised.

Of course, this name is familiar to him, as early as yesterday after the end of the martial arts test at the Martial Arts Conference, the news had already been sent to him.

Isn't that disciple of the Cangyun Sect who made a big splash at the Martial Arts Conference called Jiang Tian?

"That's right, it's Jiang Tian who won the first place in the Martial Arts Conference!" Elder Yinpao said in a deep voice.

Ouyang Rai frowned, his expression changed for a while, his eyes were cloudy and uncertain.

If it was an ordinary Cangyun Sect disciple, he might really have the idea of ​​avenging Ouyang Ji.

But since it was Jiang Tian, ​​who had just climbed to the pinnacle of martial arts among the younger generation in Canglan Country, he had to think carefully.

Although his cultivation has reached the peak of Xuanyang Realm, he is also a senior disciple of Jin Yuanzong's inner sect, and his strength is not even inferior to many elders in the sect.

But he had already reached the threshold of breakthrough, and he didn't want to rashly provoke Jiang Tian and other powerful enemies at this time.

Who is not good for Ouyang Ji to provoke, why did he choose to provoke Jiang Tian?

Didn't he see Jiang Tian's strength and potential before that?

Ouyang Rai's face was cloudy for a while, and he gritted his teeth and cursed secretly, but he dared to slander the elder's statement.

If the other party hadn't said this, he could have covered the matter with his previous words, but following the other party's meaningful remarks, as a cousin, he obviously had to make a further statement about his cousin's death.

"Elder Zuo, this disciple has something to confirm." Ouyang Rai frowned and asked solemnly.

"Oh? Tell me." Elder Zuo nodded slowly and replied without hesitation.

Ouyang Rai said: "I heard some news on the way here, saying that Jiang Tian killed Wu Hanjiang, the law enforcement elder of Tianluozong, in front of the entire Canglan country martial arts circle in the arena of the martial arts conference. Is it true or not?"

This news was not on the communication talisman, but he heard it by chance during his work, and he doubted its authenticity for a while, thinking that it was fabricated by troublemakers. After all, no matter how strong Jiang Tian is, no matter how good his performance is, he can only stand out among the younger generation, and Wu Hanjiang, as the law enforcement elder of Tianluozong, his prestige is not only limited to Tianluozong!

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