"What?" The corner of Ouyang Lei's eyes twitched, and he found that the Elder Zuo was smiling a little weirdly, but looking at his eyes, there was a mystery that we could live in!

What's happening here?

Although he has decided to withdraw, he is still very curious about Elder Zuo's words.

Elder Zuo didn't talk too much, and said with a cold smile, "Do you know the specific reason for the conflict between Ouyang Ji and Jiang Tianqi?"

"This... Ouyang Lei has been dealing with the affairs of the mine vein these days, so naturally he doesn't know these details, but I believe the family will investigate these matters carefully, and I will do my best to assist at that time, and will never let the real culprit go! "Ouyang Radium's face darkened, and he stated his position with righteousness and sternness.

Elder Zuo shook his head and sneered, obviously disdainful towards him.

"Ouyang Lei, you are a little rash on this point, and you have not understood Ouyang Ji's painstaking efforts!"

"Painful?" Ouyang Lei was startled when he heard the words, not understanding what the other party meant.

Ouyang Ji has a fiery temper, and he often caused troubles in the sect. He used his name to bully others more than once. He knew all this, and he often turned a blind eye to it.

Just like this, what "hard work" can we talk about?

He couldn't figure it out.

Elder Zuo sneered and said, "According to the information I got, the reason Ouyang Ji had a conflict with Jiang Tian at the Danyu Auction was mainly because of a pill!"

"Pillage? What kind of medicine!" Ouyang Lei's heart skipped a beat, and he faintly felt that there was some kind of deep meaning hidden in Elder Zuo's words.

"This pill is... Xuanyang Breaking Heaven Pill!" Elder Zuo's face darkened, and he shouted coldly.

"What? Xuanyang Breaking Heaven Pill?" Ouyang Rai's pupils shrank, his heart shook violently, and his face showed shock!

"The Danyu Auction actually sold the Xuanyang Breaking Heaven Pill?"

Ouyang Lei was breathing hard, subconsciously asked, his eyes were burning.

Xuanyang Breaking Heaven Pill, this is the pill that he has been looking for for a long time but has not been able to get. How could it be such a coincidence that it appeared just when he was out on a mission?

At this moment, his only wish is to hope that this elixir will not be sold, but he also knows that although this elixir has various restrictions and is expensive, as long as it appears in the auction house, there is almost no possibility of passing the auction.

At this moment, this elixir must have been bought by someone, and I don't know which wealthy martial artist or force has fallen into it.

And according to the rules of the auction house, as long as the sale is completed, he might not be able to inquire about it.

"Damn it! It's unreasonable! How could it be such a coincidence? Could it be that God deliberately made it difficult for me to miss this rare opportunity?"

Ouyang Lei felt annoyed for a while, and was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

To be honest, he tried his best to sign up this time, and he came to Cangjing with him, largely to try his luck and come here to find the Xuanyang Breaking Heaven Pill.

It's a pity that within a few days of the conference, a certain mine under the name of the sect had a change, and as a qualified inner sect disciple who was valued by the sect, he was sent there to deal with it.

Unexpectedly, this time, a task that was not too difficult made him miss such a great opportunity for Xuanyang Breaking Heaven Pill. Thinking about it, he was almost so depressed that he wanted to hit the wall.

The Xuanyang Breaking Heaven Pill has absolutely extraordinary meaning to him, it is the pill that can allow him to break through to the Xuantian Realm!

Once he breaks through to Xuantian Realm, not to mention these elders, even the suzerain Jin Yuanliang will treat him with courtesy.

And his identity will also change from a senior disciple of the inner sect to an ad hoc elder of the sect!

The so-called ad hoc elders are certain rules of the three major sects and even the entire martial arts world.

Once a certain disciple breaks through the great realm and his strength is far superior to the elders of the sect, he will be named a "special elder" as a reward.

What followed was more abundant cultivation resources and a status that everyone admired.

At that time, he will have superhuman privileges, and he will no longer have to be dominated by the sect's ordinary tasks, and he will no longer have to look at the faces of these elders and suzerains.

But without this Xuanyang Breaking Heaven Pill, all of this is just empty talk.

Thinking of this, his chest was filled with anger and blood, and he wanted to growl and curse.

If he had known this earlier, he would refuse that mission no matter what he said, whoever wants to go will go!

It's a pity that there is no medicine for regret in the world, no matter how depressed he is, he can't change the fact that he missed the Xuanyang Breaking Heaven Pill.



What did Elder Zuo say just now?

The quarrel between Ouyang Ji and Jiang Tian turned out to be for Xuanyang Breaking Heaven Pill?

Ouyang Rai forcibly calmed down, and asked urgently: "May I ask Elder Zuo, did Ouyang Ji get the Xuanyang Breaking Heaven Pill in the end?"

He desperately wanted to know this question, and there was nothing else on his mind at this moment.

"According to the old man's knowledge, he captured it."

"Caught it? That's great, ha..." Ouyang Rai cheered up, and couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

But just as he opened his mouth wide, he suddenly froze!

"Ouyang Ji... Cough, where is that Xuanyang Breaking Heaven Pill now?" Ouyang Rai's face was a little ugly, and he even became cautious about breathing.

As if he was afraid that if he breathed harder, he would startle away the elixir he had dreamed of.

Ouyang Ji died, his body should still be there, and his storage bag should still be there, right?

Is that elixir in his storage bag?

Elder Zuo smiled coldly: "I'm afraid I will disappoint you. Ouyang Ji died on the night of the auction. His body including the storage bag disappeared without a trace."

"What? How did this happen?" Ouyang Lei gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, his face became extremely ugly.

Xuanyang Breaking Heaven Pill, the elixir he had been looking for for a long time, once got into Ouyang Ji's hands, but it was lost again!

Could this be God's will?

He had no doubt that Ouyang Ji bought that elixir just to give it to him.

Because Ouyang Ji himself didn't need it at all, and he wasn't suitable for taking this elixir, but as long as he gave the elixir, the benefits in the future would be too many to count.

"Damn it! Where did that elixir go?" Ouyang Rai gritted his teeth and cursed angrily, his fists clenched and rattling. Elder Zuo sneered: "Of course no one knows the whereabouts of the elixir, but according to various sources, the one who had a conflict with Ouyang Ji that night was Jiang Tian of the Cangyun Sect. Could it be related to him? Will she take revenge after the auction... Hehe, everything is not good

Say it. "

"Jiang Tian!" Ouyang Lei took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and cursed.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the conflict between Jiang Tian and Ouyang Ji had a lot to do with the Xuanyang Breaking Heaven Pill.

And even if it doesn't matter, he can't think of other possibilities. If he wants to find Xuanyang Breaking Heaven Pill, the only way to have a chance is to start here. If he was lucky enough, he might be able to follow the clues and find the elixir that could change his fate in one fell swoop.

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