"Tu is responsible for negligence in the affairs of the firm, and he is willing to plead guilty to the special envoy!" After a moment of silence, Elder Tu gritted his teeth and spoke in a deep voice.

Taking the initiative to plead guilty in this way may allow the other party to see her sincerity, otherwise, if Feng Weiwei asks, it is hard to say what she will do.

Seeing Elder Tu's cautious and humble attitude, the other employees of the firm were all shocked.

After looking at each other in blank dismay, they all knelt down immediately and pleaded guilty to Feng Weiwei.

"We have also committed dereliction of duty, please come down to the crime, Mr. Special Envoy!"

"Elder Tu is very self-aware, unlike Elder Quan who is unrepentant." Feng Weiwei sized Elder Tu up and said with a sneer.

As for the other guys and warriors guarding the firm, she just glanced at them coldly, completely ignoring them. "Elder Tu sits in the firm, so it's impossible for him not to be aware of what's going on here, and the responsibility of being negligent is unavoidable. But I have a detailed understanding of the situation here, and the main problem is indeed not with you, everything is dominated by Elder Quan , and several other firm elders participated in it, only

You, Elder Tu, are the only ones who can stay out of the matter, and you are not too guilty. "Feng Weiwei said with a deep expression, frowning.

"My lord special envoy is really perceptive and has a keen eye! But Tu Fan is sitting here, no matter what, he is also responsible, so he is willing to be punished!" Elder Tu's forehead was sweating, but his heart relaxed slightly.

Fortunately, he insisted on the bottom line and didn't get mixed up with Elder Quan and the others, otherwise he would have lost his life just like Elder Quan.

It's really embarrassing to think that Elder Quan, who is also at the peak of Xuanyang Realm, ended up with no guarantee or even a good death.

"That's enough! Considering that you can still stick to your guard, you can be regarded as worthy of the cultivation of the firm, so you can be exonerated for small crimes!"

"Thank you, Special Envoy!" Tu Changde heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, but after thinking about the turmoil, the firm was in a mess, and he secretly called trouble in his heart.

But no matter how troublesome the stall in the back is, it's still a thousand times better than losing your life. The thought turned in his mind, Elder Tu couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, and put aside these distracting thoughts.

"Master Special Envoy! At present, the chaos in the business is tentatively determined. Please leave it to Tu Mouli to deal with the following matters. At that time, Mr. Special Envoy only needs to give some pointers and control the overall situation!"

Elder Tu pondered for a while, then immediately regained his energy and pleaded with Feng Weiwei.

"Naturally, you will be responsible for the rest of the matter, but I don't need to control a single semicolon." Feng Weiwei waved her hands and smiled, but she didn't intend to intervene in the follow-up affairs.

"This..." Elder Tu was taken aback when he heard this, and couldn't help frowning slightly, a little surprised.

However, he also understands that such specific details are obviously not something that a person of her status should ask about, and it is normal to have such a reaction.

"Needless to say, now, let's talk about Jiang Tian."

"Jiang Tian?" The corners of Elder Tu's eyes twitched, and his thoughts suddenly turned wildly in his mind.

Obviously, the relationship between the special envoy and Jiang Tian is really extraordinary, and there may even be some friendship and past between the two that he doesn't know about.

"Huh?" Thinking of this, Elder Tu's heart suddenly trembled, and a flash of light flashed in his mind!

No wonder today's events are so coincidental!

Could it be that Feng Weiwei and Jiang Tian had discussed in advance that they wanted to use this special method to uncover the hidden loopholes of the firm, attract Elder Quan to take action, and kill him?

Thinking of this, Elder Tu couldn't help but feel a chill down his back!

He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, exclaiming accident and luck.

Thanks to his coincidence, he formed a small good relationship with Jiang Tian, ​​otherwise, even if Feng Weiwei didn't attack him, she might punish him separately, or give him some shoes.

Having said that, he couldn't help but thank Mr. Xiang Wu from the bottom of his heart.

If it wasn't for this person, he, an elder in charge of a firm, probably wouldn't intervene in Jiang Tian's deal.

Without that appearance, naturally such a good relationship would not have formed.

Without such good fortune, it would be hard to say what he would be facing now.

Thinking of this, he looked at Jiang Tian and found that the latter's eyes were long and his expression was a little deep.

This made him more sure of his guess. From the looks of it, what happened today was probably not accidental!

Even though he is quite old, he has experienced martial arts for a long time, and he has seen all kinds of strong winds and waves. At this moment, he can't help sweating from the bottom of his heart.

Jiang Tian didn't reveal any flaws from the beginning to the end, and Feng Weiwei came even more without warning. Who would have thought that the two of them had planned such an interlocking method in advance?

The depth of the human heart is simply unfathomable!

Elder Tu took a deep breath and let out a suffocating breath.

With his experience and experience, he fell into the plan of these two young juniors, and he didn't notice it the whole time. He didn't wake up until the matter was settled. This age is really in vain!

But how did he know that these thoughts were just his own wild thoughts.

Jiang Tian and Feng Weiwei had never met beforehand, let alone had any plans related to it, all of this was just a coincidence.

No, it is not entirely true that it is a coincidence.

Although Jiang Tian had never met Feng Weiwei, Feng Weiwei had known for a long time that Jiang Tian had come to Cangjing and had also participated in the martial arts conference.

Many people have heard about his performance in the Martial Arts Conference and even watched him quietly.

In fact, it's not true that Jiang Tian has never seen Feng Weiwei. In fact, in the Danyu auction house, the familiar figure he caught a glimpse of inadvertently was exactly this woman.

It's just that at that time, the two hadn't seen each other for a long time, and he couldn't remember it at the moment, and he didn't pay much attention to it.

Elder Tu shook his head and sighed secretly, the thoughts in his mind fluctuated, and suddenly he remembered an incident that happened before the Martial Arts Conference started.

Not long ago, a shopkeeper surnamed Yu of the firm went out for some reason, and there has been no news so far, and his life and death are unknown.

During this period of time, the firm had sent a lot of people and entrusted some special forces in Cangjing to search for it, but in the end they found nothing.

And this Shopkeeper Yu is actually a confidant of Elder Quan's subordinates, even higher than Shopkeeper Jane in terms of status.

Thinking about it now, maybe he was also secretly targeted by the special envoy and executed?

"Is Elder Tu thinking about shopkeeper Yu?" Feng Weiwei said suddenly, directly expressing what he was thinking.

Elder Tu was shocked, and a trace of horror flashed in his eyes!

Previously, he was only horrified by the methods of this special envoy, but now, he was amazed and awed by his mind. This girl is young and looks not much older than Jiang Tian, ​​why are her eyes so sharp and her mind so deep?

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