Jiang Tian snorted coldly, seeing that the silver demon power was about to collapse.

"Don't worry, the old man will never make mistakes."

The purple-robed old man shouted coldly, injecting spiritual power and waving to throw the black box.


The black light of the black box was shining brightly, and the whole body appeared in front of the silver light that was about to dissipate.

The next moment, it opened its mouth wide like a small monster, and swallowed the "black spiritual power" that had broken free from the silver light.


The lid of the box was closed instantly, and the black box was full of spiritual light, exuding a powerful force of restraint.

Bang bang bang bang!

Naturally, the black spiritual power was not willing to be imprisoned, and struggled forcibly inside, as if it might smash the black box at any time.

But what surprised Jiang Tian was that the black box was made of unknown material, and it was able to withstand the impact of the "black spiritual power".

"Okay, the conditions you promised earlier will be fulfilled immediately, and the old man will go back and study this weird thing carefully."

The old man in purple robe glanced at Jiang Tian, ​​and disappeared in front of the light curtain of the third spiritual vein in a flash.

Jiang Tian nodded slowly without hesitation, and immediately found a flat place to sit cross-legged, soaking his whole body in the psychic liquid and practicing.


In the blink of an eye, he suddenly released the Spirit Swallowing Mouse.

"Have you taken a fancy to the spiritual liquid here?"

"Squeak!" The Spirit Swallowing Mouse nodded without hesitation.

Jiang Tian smiled knowingly, nodded and agreed immediately, and let him devour the spiritual fluid here by himself.

The Spirit Swallowing Mouse didn't seem to be satisfied with the spirit liquid above, and after a while greeted Jiang Tian and plunged headlong into the crack in the ground.

"This little thing!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, but he didn't stop him.

Although the underground situation is a bit complicated, it is almost like entering a no-man's land for the Spirit-Tuning Mouse, and there is no great danger, so let it go.

But thinking about it, the Spirit Swallowing Rat is already a fifth-level monster, and the level of this spirit vein is so high, can it take this opportunity to advance again?

If there is an extra level 6 monster beside him as a helper, his overall strength will undoubtedly be greatly improved.

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, the light in his eyes flashed away, and then he concentrated on practicing.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but since Jiang Tian and the purple-robed old man jointly opened the backup restriction, there have been only a few slight changes in the royal veins, and then gradually returned to calm, as if the hidden dangers underground have completely disappeared!

Although this situation made Jiang Tian feel relieved, he didn't think that the abnormalities in the royal veins would really disappear completely.

In particular, the "black aura" brought back by the spirit swallowing mouse was extremely strange, and it was definitely not the product of the spiritual vein itself.

This kind of thing seems to have the same origin as the "black light" in the Forbidden Land of Leihuo Lingmai of Kuang Family in Fenghe Town. Although the form is slightly different, its power and uncontrollable violent characteristics are exactly the same.

This made Jiang Tian understand that the change in the royal family's spiritual veins is definitely not that simple.

Although everything seems to be calm now, no one knows when the next mutation will happen.

Thinking of this, the corners of Jiang Tian's eyes twitched wildly, his heart trembled, and he quickly put aside distracting thoughts and devoted himself to practicing.

There are only more than three days left before his retreat period, he must race against time and never want to waste any time.

Fortunately, he has been in retreat for three days in this second spiritual vein, even if the retreat is terminated, it has reached the original expectation.

Because if he retreated in the first spiritual vein, even after ten days, his cultivation level would not be much different from what it is now.

However, he certainly wouldn't be satisfied with it, after all, no one would think that his cultivation was too high, only not enough.

Jiang Tian prayed secretly, hoping that there would not be any major changes in the spiritual veins, at least not in the last few days of his retreat.

As for whether there will be any major changes in the royal veins after he leaves... Hehe, what does that have to do with him?

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, forcibly suppressing distracting thoughts and immersing himself in cultivation.


Accompanied by a deep roar, a phantom of a purple dragon appeared around him, wantonly swallowing the rich spiritual liquid around him.

Originally, this method inevitably seemed a bit eager for success, and it was not the most ideal way of cultivation.

The most ideal way should be to step by step, stimulate the spiritual power of the blood and the power of the body, and absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into the body through countless pores in the body. This kind of cultivation method is the most reasonable.

This method seems simple and primitive, but it contains the principles of heaven and earth. It is the simplest but most effective method of cultivation.

Through this method of cultivation, once the bloodline spiritual power obtained is integrated into the body and bloodline, it will be extremely stable and will not easily fluctuate.

However, this method also has certain shortcomings, that is, the speed of bloodline spiritual power is slightly slow.

But now, various conditions and time do not allow Jiang Tian to proceed step by step. He can only forcibly absorb the heaven and earth spiritual liquid that may be lost at any time here in the shortest time and with the highest efficiency.

He even had a strong desire to collect all these spiritual liquids into the Zixuan Realm for emergencies.

But after careful weighing, he gave up the idea.

Not to mention that the capacity of the Purple Profound Realm is too huge, although the spiritual liquid here seems to be a lot, but the amount is limited after all, if you really open up to absorb it, it will swallow up all the spiritual liquid in a blink of an eye.

It is said that the old man in purple robe knows the situation here very well, and he may return at any time. Once he sees the situation where the spiritual liquid is drained, he will naturally doubt Jiang Tian.

In this case, unless there happened to be a major change in the spiritual vein, Jiang Tian could not explain the whereabouts of the spiritual liquid at all.

As a result, he naturally gave up this idea helplessly.

Speaking of it, the royal family gave this reward out of goodwill, and wanted to cultivate him, a young martial arts wizard of Canglan Nation.

If he really did this, it would seem too unkind.

Under the constraints of various factors, Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, dispelling this slightly crazy idea.

Facing this unoptimistic reality, Jiang Tian finally chose to forcibly absorb the spiritual power, that is, to use the blood talent to absorb the spiritual liquid as quickly as possible.

As for how much spiritual liquid can be fused after entering the body, and how long it will take to completely fused and absorbed, these are not the most important things he has to consider now.

Of course, this method also has obvious disadvantages, that is, the spiritual liquid that is forcibly inhaled into the body cannot be completely fused in a short time.

And at his physical level, even with all his strength, the spiritual fluid he could absorb was relatively limited.

But now, in the face of this spiritual vein that may change at any time, he can no longer control so much.

"The body of the tyrannical dragon, swallow it for me!" Jiang Tian shouted in a low voice, and the purple light all over his body suddenly brightened!

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