Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 2160 Scary Vision

After everything is settled, as long as he takes the initiative to show his face in front of the Supreme Elder, can the seat of Dragon Beard City Lord be given to someone else?

Just as the elders of the City Lord Council were excited and eager to try, the fighting in the void above did not stop for a moment.


The Grand Elder of the Long family withdrew his disappointed gaze from looking at Long Yaotian, and when he was about to recall the magic weapon of the dragon horn, he suddenly frowned, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

After such a short period of time, the golden dragon is still circling and dancing in the void?

Looking at the golden dragon circling in front of him, the Grand Elder of the Long Family gradually frowned, feeling very puzzled.

Ordinarily, with the power of that magic weapon, Tianzhen should have been killed long ago. Why is it still hovering and refusing to come back?

The grand elder of the Long family frowned, and suddenly thought of a possibility.

Perhaps, those two golden magic weapons are too powerful to be tamed, and it may take some time to really suppress them?

Thinking of this, the doubts in his heart receded a little. At the same time, he subconsciously raised his head and looked towards the sky.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, after looking at it, the corner of his eye suddenly twitched, and his face suddenly sank!

"How can this be?"

The corners of the elders' eyes twitched wildly, and a trace of shock and puzzlement flashed in their eyes.

Jiang Tian has been engulfed by the golden dragon, so it should be said that the illusion of blood veins should have completely disappeared, why...how until now, the piece of purple dragon scale floating in the air has not disappeared!

"It's unreasonable! How could this be?"

A thought flashed through his mind, and the complexion of the grand elder of the Long family changed, and he was immediately taken aback!

No matter how strong Jiang Tian's aptitude is, as long as he dies, the blood vision will disappear without a trace, and now the phantom of the dragon scales not only does not dissipate, but is even extremely stable.

Not only that, but the aura it exudes seems to be... even stronger?

The scene in front of him was simply unimaginable!

"No! Something is wrong!"

The Grand Elder of the Long family was not a fool, after a brief shock, he immediately thought of a possibility, a possibility that even made him feel afraid.

"Jiang Tian... isn't dead? Hiss!"

The Grand Elder of the Long family was shocked and couldn't help but gasp.

The next moment, he suddenly turned his head to look at the golden dragon, his eyes were bright, and the powerful spiritual power swept across him, ready to explore the internal situation of the golden dragon.

However, after a short attempt, he shook his head and smiled wryly, letting out a helpless sigh.

Although the magic weapon of the dragon horn is the treasure of the Long family, in fact, he has not really comprehended this thing thoroughly, and he can only exert about half of the power of this thing.

But when his divine sense swept across, he was unable to penetrate into it at all, and was cut off by the tyrannical spiritual power flowing on the surface of the golden dragon in a blink of an eye.

In other words, he was completely unable to detect the situation inside the Golden Dragon.

"Could it be... I'm thinking too much?"

The grand elder of the Long family frowned and shook his head silently.

His spiritual thoughts were blocked, but instead of being surprised, he was overjoyed, and the doubts in his heart were gradually dispelled.

The golden dragon obviously didn't show any abnormalities, and still maintained a strong power. Regarding such a magic weapon, what else did he have to worry about?

He shook his head and let out a sigh of relief, a look of self-mockery flashed in his eyes. At this time, he just needs to wait quietly until the golden dragon completely suppresses Jiang Tian, ​​and then completely tames the two powerful magic weapons, everything will be done up.

"Hehe, the old man seems to have retreated for too long, and he is getting old and confused!"

The Grand Elder of the Long family shook his head and let out a self-deprecating laugh.

But at this moment, a strange cold snort resounded!

"You... are really old and confused!"


When this voice came to his ears, the face of the Grand Elder of the Long family sank, and his mind was shocked!

The voice sounded a little familiar, but who was it?

Right now, apart from Long Yaotian and Su Yue, there is no one else in sight!

Where did this sound come from?

The Grand Elder of the Long family frowned tightly, a trace of suspicion flashed in his eyes, he glanced around and saw nothing unusual, he thought it was his own illusion for a moment.

"Could it be that the old man heard wrong?"

The grand elder of the Long family shook his head and smiled wryly, feeling speechless for a while.

Could it be that after being closed for a long time, even the head is a little dull?

The Grand Elder of the Long family let out a breath of sulk, and was about to put aside all distracting thoughts in his mind.

But at this moment, his body froze suddenly, and his face sank!

"Hiss! This voice..."

The Grand Elder of the Long family muttered to himself, a look of shock flashed in his eyes, and just as he was about to put aside his thoughts, he suddenly remembered the source of the voice.

The owner of this voice is not someone else, but the one who fought against him before, and now has become the belly of the golden dragon... Jiang Tian!

"That's unreasonable! How is it possible? How did he do it?"

The Grand Elder of the Long family turned his gaze, and looked at the golden dragon with a slam, his eyes flashed with horror.

Wasn't Jiang Tian swallowed by the golden dragon?

He didn't die, and still made a mockery of him?

How can this be?

"Damn it!"

The Grand Elder of the Long Family was horrified for a while, and his face darkened the next moment. He waved his right hand across the air and began to urge the golden dragon.

Rumble... Roar!

The golden dragon accelerated and circled for a while, and the aura it emitted climbed again, reaching the limit that he could stimulate.

At the same time as this was done, the Grand Elder of the Long family suddenly raised his head and looked up into the sky, but the picture in his sight made his heart sink!

That piece of purple dragon scale, not only didn't disappear or dimmed, but... even got bigger?

"It makes no sense!"

The corners of the elder's eyes twitched wildly, and he gritted his teeth and cursed angrily.

Jiang Tian has been swallowed by the golden dragon, so even if he doesn't die, he should be powerless to stimulate the blood vision, right?

But why, instead of fading or shrinking, the purple dragon scales floating high in the sky started to grow bigger?

"Huh? No!"

The grand elder of the Long family concentrated for a moment, and suddenly found something strange.

"No, no!"

Under his careful observation, the purple dragon scales were not getting bigger, but... there was some kind of change that he was not sure about!

After a while, this change finally showed enough clues, but the face of the elder of the Long family became even uglier.

"Damn! How could this be?"

The grand elder of the Long family gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, his face was extremely gloomy.

That piece of purple dragon scale is indeed not getting bigger, but beside it, there is another piece of exactly the same dragon scale!

"That's unreasonable! Damn, what's going on?"

The Grand Elder of the Long Family's voice was stern, and his eyes were extremely cold, but there was some inexplicable uneasiness in his voice and gloomy eyes. He really couldn't imagine what kind of bloodline vision could continue to be derived after it was transformed into an illusion!

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