Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 2200 Taking over the sect?

"You..." Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled wryly, completely speechless.

After arguing for a long time, Chu Tianhua actually thought so!

After figuring out the attitude of the other party, he no longer insisted, but the smile on his face became more and more weird.

"Sect Master, don't blame me for not reminding you, you missed a great opportunity to show off!" Jiang Tian said seductively.

"Go, go! I'm old, how can I be played by you in the applause? You'd better play with the old men of Tianluozong and Jinyuanzong after you take over the sect!"

Chu Tianhua laughed and shook his head, waved his hands and said.

"Take over the sect..." Jiang Tian's eyes flashed strangely, somewhat surprised by the other party's words.

Although he knew that with his own potential, it would not be a problem to enter the core of the sect's power, but he hadn't really thought about such a big event as taking over the sect.

But thinking about it, it seems to be quite a proud thing to be in charge of such a power as the Cangyun Sect at a young age.

But after thinking about it carefully, he realized how great the responsibility was!

Along the way, only the friends around him have been implicated a lot with him. Although he has gained a lot of benefits and opportunities, generally speaking, there are mixed joys and sorrows.

Just some friends will face all kinds of troubles, not to mention the power of this huge sect.

Such a big force, if you really want to take over, you have to worry about it in the future!

Thinking of how Chu Tianhua was busy with Zongmen affairs all day long and had to make decisions and worry about everything, Jiang Tian sighed inwardly.

He is not afraid of taking responsibility, nor will he shirk his responsibilities, but he is more aware of his own thoughts.

In his whole life, he has been aiming at martial arts, and apart from the pursuit of martial arts, there is almost nothing that can hold him back.

Being in charge of the sect is certainly glorious, but he still values ​​the latter more than the infinitely possible future in martial arts.

Thoughts fluctuated in his mind for a moment, Jiang Tian suddenly shook his head and smiled, putting aside these heavy thoughts.

"Why do you think so much, maybe this is just a joke from the suzerain?"

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, no longer worrying so much.

"The time is coming soon, suzerain, just watch!"

Jiang Tian smiled leisurely, and immediately turned his gaze to the depths of the cold cave.

Chu Tianhua frowned, and followed with a solemn look.

Not far from the opposite side, the three Supreme Elders were still calm and composed, not panicking at all.


Since the time when I was a child, the spiritual power of the cold cave has dropped significantly, how can there be a trace of riot?

If they hadn't known that the situation was complicated, they might have thought that the previous suppression had had an effect.

But no matter what, if the magic circle is destroyed within half an hour, ten thousand of them will not believe it.

If it is said that since the bet just now, the spiritual power has skyrocketed and launched a violent impact, it is really possible.

But now, the remaining time is less than a stick of incense. Even if the spiritual power surges again, it is impossible to destroy this temporary magic circle.

"Hehe, Sect Master Chu, how are you doing?"

"Hmph! The old man even regrets making this bet. I really accepted the bet made by a young boy. I don't know what I thought just now?"

One of the two older elders had a sneer on his face, while the other looked annoyed, feeling that taking this bet was a bit of a bargain.

"Huh! Sect Master Chu, this time the sect discipline purge meeting... remember to prepare well after you go back!"

Fu Yuntian looked at Chu Tianhua with deep meaning, and at the same time he was paying attention to Jiang Tian from the corner of his eyes, and said meaningfully.

Chu Tianhua didn't dare to be negligent when he heard the words, and while nodding repeatedly, he smiled wryly again.

The situation in front of him is obvious, it is impossible for Jiang Tian to win the bet, and what Fu Yuntian said, on the surface, it seems to be reminding him of his previous agreement, but in fact it is still hinting at him.

implying what?

It hinted that both he and Jiang Tian should be fully prepared psychologically.

Because this Zongmen Discipline Purge Conference is mainly aimed at Jiang Tian's attitude and practices this time.

It is conceivable that at this conference, Jiang Tian will definitely be severely reprimanded by the Zongmen's high-level officials, and may even become a typical anti-model, who will be stared at and criticized by everyone.

And if this step really happened, Jiang Tian's image and reputation in the entire sect would be greatly reduced, and it would definitely be a big blow to his future in the sect.

This kind of situation is actually what Fu Yuntian doesn't want to see.

Although he only had brief contact with Jiang Tian, ​​judging from his proud eyes, he already understood that there were not many people like Jiang Tian in the sect.

Not to mention the Cangyun sect, even looking at the entire Canglan country, he has never seen a rising star with Jiang Tian's qualifications and potential at this age!

But what satisfied and admired him the most was not entirely Jiang Tian's aptitude and potential, but his decisiveness and courage in the face of many half-step Xuantian Realm powerhouses.

Know what to do and do it!

Knowing that it is difficult to do, dare to do it!

Know what you can't do and what you can't do, and make trade-offs!

This kind of ambition is far beyond that of warriors of the same level, coupled with his amazing aptitude and potential, such a Jiang Tian really made him love talents!

If such a person is burdened with heavy shackles because of this incident, it will definitely be a huge loss to Azure Cloud Sect.

This is something he doesn't want to see at all.

Chu Tianhua nodded slowly, silently chewing on Fu Yuntian's words, his eyes rolled, and Dang even had a countermeasure.

"Do you want to label Jiang Tian as a typical example of bad morals? How is it possible!"

Chu Tianhua secretly laughed in his heart, several thoughts had already turned in his mind.

This time, the Zongmen Discipline Purge Conference may be inevitable, but he will never allow and will not allow all the spearheads to be pointed at Jiang Tian alone.

Thinking about Fu Yuntian's hint, he had already thought up the follow-up countermeasures. If the situation really got to that point, he would no matter what, pull out a group of people to share the pressure for Jiang Tian.

Moreover, the mistakes made by those people are even worse and more unbearable, far surpassing Jiang Tian's!

At least, Jiang Tian came to Hanling Cave for the benefit of the sect, even if he contradicted and offended the Supreme Elder, it was justifiable after all.

And the mistakes those people have made, no matter how they look at it, they can only be punished heavily and not forgiven lightly.

But in the Azure Cloud Sect with many disciples, many of these people can be found without much effort.

Thinking of this, Chu Tianhua almost couldn't help laughing out loud!

He was already fantasizing about various scenes, and when Jiang Tian stood with those disciples who committed crimes, most of the angry voices from the top and bottom of the custody sect would fall on those other people.

As for Jiang Tian, ​​he shouldn't be affected too much, at most it's just a little depressed. Thinking of this, he immediately expressed his gratitude to Fu Yuntian through sound transmission, and cast a grateful look.

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