Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 2423 Xuanyue is in the sky!

"I see!"

There was a flash of lightning in Jiang Tian's mind, and he understood instantly.

This is not a real seventh-level monster, but a magic weapon in Lou's hands. It's just that this magic weapon is different from common swords or even any magic weapon. It is made of the bone of a monster.

And the monster that refined this magic weapon was obviously a seventh-level monster before it was alive, so it exudes such a tyrannical aura now!


Jiang Tian thought of a lot in an instant, and the fear in his eyes quickly faded away.

In fact, in a sense, this magic weapon is quite similar to his giant demon hand bone, both of which are made of demon bone.

It's just that the giant monster's hand bone was taken from that big monster, who may have been a monster warrior during his lifetime; and the magic weapon in Lou's hand was obviously refined from a real monster, so if we really want to compare it together, The opponent's magic weapon is probably still far inferior.

After seeing through the reality of the other party, Jiang Tian's heart suddenly loosened!

If the other party really summoned a seventh-level monster, he might turn his head and run away without saying a word. Otherwise, if he stayed here forcefully, he might only be able to suppress it with the breath of the brutal blood dragon in the end. It will expose the secrets of the blood on his body.

Unless it was a last resort, he would never expose this secret to others easily, not to mention that next to the Shangguan family, there were so many experts from Shunyang City.

Once the secret of his bloodline is exposed, he may immediately cause huge troubles!

But even so, the magic weapon used by the other party is still extraordinary after all, and the palpitating breath of a seventh-level monster is not fake at all!

Although this aura is not comparable to a real seventh-level monster, it is more than enough to crush a sixth-level monster and human fighters below the half-step Xuantian Realm.

Not to mention anything else, let's just talk about Shangguanhong's group of people, even if they were separated by nearly a hundred feet, they were shocked by this breath, and even Shangguantu frowned and showed fear.

In the face of such existences, Jiang Tian didn't dare to hold him back.

But the opponent's offensive has been completed, at this moment, even if he wants to hide, it's too late!

At this moment, the light in Jiang Tian's eyes soared, and he let out a loud shout!

Arms trembling wildly, facing the white animal head with huge teeth, it blasted away!


The Dongxu fist blasted out like lightning, and the dazzling purple light suddenly burst out. This time, except for not using the blood vision, Jiang Tian could almost be said to have used his full strength.

However, in the eyes of Lou Gongfeng, these methods are like tickling her magic weapon.

"act recklessly!"

Lou Gongfeng smiled coldly, the cold light flashed in his eyes, and he was about to witness the white beast's head bite Jiang Tian right with his own eyes.

With the powerful power of this magic weapon derived from a seventh-level monster, once it bites, Jiang Tian will almost certainly die!


Amidst the violent roar, Jiang Tian's face changed drastically, he was shocked!

Although the two hole punches with full force hit the white beast's head accurately, they couldn't pose any threat at all, let alone stop the opponent's approach.

The seemingly violent purple spiritual power was suddenly bounced off by a layer of dazzling white light just as it touched the surface of the white beast's head.

Immediately afterwards, an even more violent force erupted suddenly, rolling towards him!

"not good!"

Jiang Tian's complexion changed, and before he had time to react, he was shocked by the huge force and fell back in the air, and the blood and spiritual power around him were even more violently shaken, churning endlessly.


Jiang Tian gasped and was shocked!

He originally thought that using Dongxu Fist as a defense, even if he couldn't repel the opponent, at least it could delay the opponent's attack and give himself a little breathing space.

Unexpectedly, the seemingly tyrannical Dongxu Fist did not pose any threat to the white animal head. Not only was it easily dispelled, but it even attracted strong suppression.

"Hmph! You dare to fight me head-to-head with only this ability, now... go to hell!"

Lou Gongfeng glanced at Jiang Tian, ​​and a look of disappointment flashed across his brows.

She was secretly expecting Jiang Tian's reaction, but she didn't expect to resort to a faint move. It seemed that she was at the end of the road.

With a wave of her right hand, the white animal head flew across the void to above Jiang Tian in an instant, and it was about to swallow it with a huge mouth.

At this moment, Jiang Tian yelled wildly, his arms shook violently, and two dazzling golden lights suddenly burst out in front of him!

"What is that?" Lou Gongfeng's face darkened, and a hint of shock flashed in his eyes!

"Strangle the fingers!"

Accompanied by a yell, golden light flashed in front of Jiang Tian's body, and he sacrificed two giant monster hand bones at the same time, and he couldn't help but launch a frenzied strangulation at the white animal bones!

Boom boom boom boom!

The violent roar shook the heavens and the earth, forcibly blocking the white beast's head in mid-air, making it unable to fall down for a long time.

"I didn't expect you to have such means. What kind of magic weapon is this?"

Although Lou Gongfeng was a little shocked, there was more curiosity in his eyes.

She really didn't expect that at this moment of life and death, Jiang Tian would resort to such means again, and seeing the astonishing power of the two balls of golden light, it was obviously not an ordinary magic weapon.

In front of the white beast head refined by a seventh-level monster, even the top heaven-level magic weapon would be crushed in one bite.

And these two groups of golden light not only did not have any signs of decline, but even turned against the guests, forcibly blocking the white beast head in mid-air, which really surprised her!

"so close!"

Seeing that the blow from the giant monster's hand bone worked, Jiang Tian couldn't help but feel relieved, but there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

If he didn't have the giant monster's hand bone as a handy weapon, and if his reaction was a little slower just now, he might be seriously injured if he doesn't die now.

Although he has the body of a tyrannical dragon, no matter what, it is impossible to withstand the crazy devouring of the white beast head.

Rumble rumble!

Without hesitation, Jiang Tian urged the giant monster's hand bones with all his strength, but even so, he could barely resist the power of the white beast head, but it was still difficult to really reverse the situation.

"No! We can't delay like this any longer!"

Jiang Tian knew that Ye Chang had many dreams, and the movement here had attracted more and more warriors to watch. Who knew if there would be any other accidents in the future?

With this in mind, Jiang Tian no longer hesitated, and shouted loudly, purple light shot up all over his body!


Amidst the violent roar, the purple light in the void above was wild, and nine rounds of purple Xuanyue suddenly flashed out, shining in the sky!

"Hiss! Nine rounds of mysterious moon... how is it possible?"

Lou's face changed, and a look of shock flashed in her eyes, but judging from her appearance, she didn't seem particularly frightened by such visions.

After a brief observation, his complexion became even more profound, his eyes flickered, thoughtful.

But the next moment, the tenth round of purple moon appeared instantly, and once it appeared, it directly covered the previous nine rounds, like a round of purple Xuanyang across the void, releasing amazing martial arts will!

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