"Did I make a move? Who saw me make a move? Are they missing arms and legs, or are they vomiting blood and comatose?" Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, looking at the other party provocatively.

"You..." Gu Yan's mouth twitched, extremely angry.

Jiang Tian was very measured. Although everyone was knocked down, they didn't have any trauma, they just suffered a little bit of flesh and blood.

Even if the trouble comes to the top, the other party can't produce solid evidence to accuse Jiang Tian, ​​so they can only grit their teeth and swallow this dark loss.

"Arrogant boy! Who gave you the guts to make you so unscrupulous?" Luo Qian snapped angrily, his face full of anger.

"I need to remind you that this is the area of ​​the Copper Palace!" Jiang Tian smiled leisurely, glanced at everyone coldly, and strode towards the Zhanwutai.

"Damn it! No matter what, we have to clean him up today!"

"At first, I just wanted to stop, but now it seems that I have to teach him a painful lesson!"

Gu Yan and Luo Qian's faces were ashen, but their hearts were already filled with anger.

The disciples of the Golden Palace next to them complained endlessly, which made them feel furious. The two vowed to teach Jiang Tian a lesson.


The crowd hadn't arrived at Zhanwutai yet, and the news of the difference had already been spread in the vice courtyard.

"Latest news! Senior Brother Gu Yan and Senior Brother Luo Qian are going to challenge Jiang Tian at the Zhanwutai!"

"Is this considered a challenge? Senior brothers Gu Yan and Luo Qian can rank among the top ten masters in the combat power list. They can beat Jiang Tian to his knees and beg for mercy with any random attack!"

"That's right! The Golden Palace Combat Power Ranking represents the highest combat power of the entire vice academy. How can the strength of the two senior brothers be compared with that of the Copper Palace?"

"It seems that there is another good show today, I can't wait to see Jiang Tian being taught a lesson!"

"Hmph! I've been displeased with this guy for a long time, and finally someone can teach him a lesson!"

"Hahahaha, I've been waiting for this day for a long time, this good show must not be missed!"

"Brothers, come with me and witness this battle of revenge together!"

A large number of Golden Palace disciples lined up and flocked to the Zhanwutai, the momentum was extremely spectacular!

The news was also spreading in the Yindian area, and many disciples rushed to Zhanwutai immediately after hearing about it.

"Quick, don't miss this good show!"

"Jiang Tian is so arrogant, I knew he would be taught a lesson sooner or later!"

"Quick! Let's grab a good position!"

In the copper hall area, after hearing the news, many disciples couldn't help worrying secretly for Jiang Tian.

Although his performance in the half-year assessment was astonishing, it was after all a contest between freshmen at the same level. On a formal occasion, he hadn't played against the senior students of the Golden Palace yet.

Considering the strength of the old student from the Golden Palace, the outcome is really hard to predict.

"Senior Brother Zhuo, Senior Sister Qiao, hurry up!"

"Why are you so anxious?" Seeing Wei Ming's anxious look, Zhuo Lei and Qiao Ya were stunned, not knowing what happened.

"It's too late to explain, come with me to the martial arts arena!" Wei Ming was very eager, pulled the two of them around and left.

"What happened, why did you go to the Wutai?"

"You don't know yet, just now hundreds of disciples from the Golden Palace went to surround Jiang Tian, ​​saying they wanted to challenge him on the Zhanwutai!" Wei Ming said as he walked.

"What? Hundreds!"

"You're not mistaken, are you?" Zhuo Lei and Qiao Ya's complexion changed, and a trace of panic flashed in their eyes.

With so many disciples of the Golden Temple, if Jiang Tian were to be dealt with with the wheel method, no matter how strong he was, he would definitely have no chance of winning!

"No mistake! There was a group of people gathered outside Jiang Tian's yard just now, and many people saw it. It is said that there are many old students from the Golden Palace among this group of people!"

"Hiss! Old man from the Golden Palace?" Zhuo Lei and Qiao Ya's eyes twitched wildly, their hearts horrified.

It would be better if it was just ordinary disciples of the Golden Palace, but now even the old students of the Golden Palace have joined, and it is not known how many people have come, this is terrible!

"No, we must recruit some people, otherwise Junior Brother Jiang will definitely suffer!" Qiao Ya said bitterly with a pretty face.

"No need! People from the Copper Palace are rushing there, there is no need to find someone specially!"

"Okay, let's go!"

"If they dare to attack Junior Brother Jiang, I will fight them!"

In a short period of time, thousands of disciples of the vice academy flooded into the square of Zhanwutai.

Before the two sides of the battle arrived, the disciples onlookers had already occupied their positions, and they were just waiting for the good show to begin.

Seeing the disciples flocking to the direction of the martial arts stage, the master Qiu Feng and the teachers of the Tongdian shook their heads and laughed.

"Hallmaster, should we go and have a look? In case the situation gets out of control, there is a way to deal with it."

Qiu Feng shook his head and said with a smile: "Is this necessary? With Jiang Tian's current strength, let alone a few old students from the Golden Palace, even if the teachers from the Golden Palace come, I'm afraid they won't be able to take much advantage."

"But what if Ling Jiuyuan or Chen Tianhu suddenly make a move like before?"

Qiu Feng smiled coldly: "Don't worry! Jiang Tian has been highly valued by the academy. Ling Jiuyuan and Chen Tianhu would never dare to attack him openly, unless they don't want to be in the academy anymore!"


After arriving at Zhanwutai, Jiang Tian couldn't help being a little stunned.

It was just an ordinary fight between him and Gu Yan and Luo Qian, but he didn't expect it to attract so much attention.

Looking at the dark crowd in front of him, Jiang Tian secretly laughed in his heart. He knew that the faces of these two old men in the Golden Palace might be humiliated.

Gu Yan and Luo Qian were also a little surprised, but when they saw so many disciples from the Golden Palace rushing to cheer, they immediately became more confident and full of pride!

Along the passage that everyone avoided, Jiang Tian and the two veterans of the Golden Palace strode forward, towards the biggest arena in the center of the square.

Gu Yan and Luo Qian seemed to have a winning ticket in their hands, as they walked forward, they scanned the crowd, their faces full of arrogance.

"Senior brothers, today's challenge is up to you!"

"Teach this damn brat of the Copper Palace a lesson!"

"Let him know the strength of our Golden Palace geniuses!" The Golden Palace disciples raised their arms and shouted with enthusiasm.

Gu Yan and Luo Qian stepped onto the stage and proudly scanned the entire square.

"Thank you for coming to watch the battle! Please rest assured, as the top ten masters in the combat power list, we will teach this Tongdian minion a lesson, and we will not let you down!" The old saying was full of eyes, and he vowed firmly, as if victory was within easy reach.

Luo Qian looked proud and waved to everyone, as if he was a strong man.

"Today, everyone will witness a battle to rectify their names! I assure you, Jiang Tian will lose miserably. After this competition, he will understand the gap between the disciples of the Bronze Palace and the masters of the Golden Palace!"

"Two senior brothers teach him a lesson!"

"Let this Copper Temple minion know how powerful we are!"

The disciples of the Golden Palace raised their arms and shouted, and the enthusiasm of the entire square was completely ignited. Gu Yan and Luo Qian are extraordinary in strength, and it should not be a problem to teach Jiang Tian a lesson.

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