Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 4830 The road is vast, I am the master!

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Hum rumble!

The dark green divine light was forced to retreat again and again by the will of the Zixuan Realm, and finally shrank to less than a hundred feet in size, but became extremely dense, like a piece of dark green wine!


Jiang Tian's complexion changed drastically as the void twisted and trembled in a radius of thousands of feet, and he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart!

The situation has developed to such an extent that it has actually gotten out of control. He has to admit that this recognition of the master has almost failed. In order to avoid more troubles, he can only temporarily stop the process of recognizing the master.

But, will the violently restless Taiyi Lingmu be swayed by his will?

Obviously not!

Jiang Tian reversed the formula and was about to withdraw the drop of blood just now, but in a blink of an eye he found that there was nothing he could do.

That drop of blood essence has fully integrated into the Taiyi Spirit Wood, blended with its aura, and cannot be taken back!

Hum... Boom!

The next moment, Baizhang's dark green divine light suddenly changed, condensing one after another strange spirit patterns, and began to break through the suppression of the will of the Zixuan Realm, spreading wildly in all directions!

"Hiss! How could this be?" Jiang Tian's face changed drastically!

Those spirit patterns gave him an indescribable sense of strangeness. It looked simple and vicissitudes, as if it came from ancient times or even more distant times, and contained an indescribable special will.

The suppression of the Purple Profound Realm completely failed, and the dark green spirit pattern surged wildly, spreading at an astonishing speed, and the entire space became dark green, and the Taiyi Spirit Wood seemed to become the master of this space!

"It's unreasonable!" Jiang Tian's face was ugly, and he was extremely annoyed.

This act of forcibly recognizing the master is obviously a bit reckless. I only hope that the situation will not be too bad in the future. Once this spirit tree is completely out of control, it is likely to cause a huge disaster.

If the Zixuan Realm is destroyed, it will be self-defeating and lose money!

The dark green divine light all over the sky evolved rapidly, and branches and leaves grew out of one after another spiritual patterns like tree trunks. The breath of Taiyi spiritual wood rose again and again, and it overwhelmed the "Three Lives Dao Wood" without any explanation, turning the purple mass The divine light forcibly retreated and was suppressed within ten feet. From a distance, it seemed to be curled up into a small spot of light.

"It's too strong!" The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes twitched, his heart was extremely shocked.

At this moment, he really wanted to leave Zixuan Realm immediately, but he couldn't do that. No matter what, he had to face the next change and try his best to prevent it from turning into a disaster.

Buzz buzz!

Numerous branches and leaves stretched wildly, like a grand magic circle, and in the blink of an eye, it turned rumblingly, and black and white two-colored lights emerged from it, forming two huge circular spots on the left and right, each of which was nearly a thousand feet long. Giant!

But compared to the dark green pattern covering the Zixuan Realm, it is just two small embellishments.

"Hiss! This is..." The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes contracted, and he found that the grand formation hovering all over his body gave him a faint feeling of Tai Chi diagram.

As the speed of rotation continued to accelerate, a majestic and terrifying coercion swept across the entire Zixuan Realm, and Jiang Tian felt extremely depressed, even with the protection of the Tyrant Dragon's battle body, he could not isolate that will.

"Hey, what's that?"

Jiang Tian saw a few big characters that were looming and seemingly invisible in the dark green formation that was rumbling and turning.

"Phantom Eye, open!"


Layers of purple halos suddenly swayed, and the picture in front of him gradually became clear, and he could clearly see the big characters in the grand formation.

"Taiyi surpasses the sky, all dharmas return to their original state!"

These eight big characters are condensed from some kind of ancient runes. They are natural and exude an indescribable mysterious atmosphere. No matter in shape or meaning, they are full of majesty, domineering and contemptuous momentum!

Taiyi overwhelms the sky, and all dharmas return to their original origins!

What is the meaning of these eight characters?

Why did it give him a feeling of being supreme and looking down on everything?

Two streaks of black and white aura emanated from the two spots, falling downwards.

Jiang Tian sensed their breath silently, and felt an indescribable shock. The huge waves in his mind rose and fell wildly, setting off a frenzy of spiritual thoughts!

This breath was vast and powerful, mysterious and unspeakable, and all kinds of feelings made him unbelievable, and he was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Immersed in this strange state, all kinds of bizarre perceptions emerged in his mind, as if seeing the vast avenue, as if witnessing the long river of time, as if turning into a deep starry sky, as if witnessing the birth and death of Taixu!

"Taiyi surpasses the sky, all dharmas return to their original state... Could this be the legendary aura of Taiyi?"

Jiang Tian's mind trembled violently, his scalp felt numb, and his soul trembled!

The Qi of Taiyi is just a misty legend, as far as he knows so far, even a powerful person at the star level has no chance to come into contact with it.

Even higher-level powerhouses will be annihilated and disappeared in front of this kind of breath, and they will fall instantly!

His realm is only the sixth level of Samsara Realm, and his combat power is slightly stronger than that of Quasi-Star Realm. He is still far away from the realm of contacting Taiyi Qi. Has he really come into contact with that kind of breath?

Is this black and white aura really the mysterious and unpredictable Taiyi aura in the legend?


There was a huge wave in Jiang Tian's mind, and the shock was indescribable. He couldn't help but start looking up at this breath, eager to get more insights from it, just like a junior who humbly asks a legendary mysterious power for advice.

He was soon addicted to this feeling, as if he was about to get unimaginable gains from this kind of asking for advice. The image of Taiyi Lingmu gradually became unattainable, from a small spirit tree to a towering tree. The Void Sacred Tree, let him look up and worship!

Boom boom boom!

"Taiyi surpasses the sky, all dharmas return to their original state!"

The mysterious voice seemed to come from ancient times, and the eight-character formula rang in his mind, as if a supreme power was reciting it, and it was like the rhyme from the Dao. This feeling made Jiang Tian extremely comfortable and inexplicably excited , There is even a feeling of wanting to cry because of excessive excitement.

Ho ho ho!

At this moment, a violent roar suddenly sounded from the depths of his soul.

Jiang Tian's body shook violently, his mind suddenly woke up, and his face suddenly changed!


As if waking up from a fantasy dream, he suddenly found that something was wrong, even very weird.

He originally wanted to let Taiyi Lingmu recognize his master, but now he is about to become a servant of Dao and an admirer of Lingmu?

Although Taiyi Lingmu is mysterious and unusual, as if it contains supreme divine power, he cannot become the other party's vassal after all. It is he who wants to control and dominate the Lingmu, not become its servant!

"Wrong, wrong, wrong!"

Jiang Tian shouted angrily, severely dispelling the excitement and excitement in his mind, and forced himself to calm down.

Looking at the grand formation above with cold eyes, silently feeling the black and white air falling down, the feeling in my heart is quite different from before!

"The way is boundless, I am the master! The little Lingmu also wants to confuse people's hearts and turn against customers, dreaming!"

As soon as Jiang Tian pinched the tactic, thunder raged in the sea of ​​gods, and all distracting thoughts were cleared away, his mind regained his clarity, and his mind became sober like never before.

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