Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 4849 Acquisition

"Don't ask if you shouldn't. I just want to know your answer. Should we talk about this business or not?" Jiang Tian asked calmly.

The corner of Yu Tianhong's mouth twitched. The opponent's background was astonishing and his tone was unquestionable. Although he was holding back his anger and wanted to curse and refuse, the situation he was facing now made him lose all confidence. He struggled fiercely in his heart, but in the end he still couldn't say that " "No" word.

Seeing him fall into silence, all the elders of the trading company were very uneasy!

"Master, be careful!"

"This person's origins are unknown. Is it really reliable to discuss business with him?"

"Perhaps he has hidden agendas, or even those people sent by his enemies to spy on the situation?"

Everyone reminded one after another that they did not know what was in the storage ring. If they knew, they would probably have a different reaction.

"Huh! It seems that your Excellency has a big plan. You can take advantage of the presence of several elders so that Yu can make a decision. Please tell me, what kind of business do you want to discuss with me?"

"Buy your business!"


The expressions of Yu Tianhong and several elders changed, and they were instantly stunned!

"Your Excellency...are you kidding me?" Yu Tianhong took a deep breath, his old face turning red.

"That's unreasonable!"

"Your Excellency's tone is too loud. You want to buy our firm. What do you think of our Tianhong firm?"

"Our Tianhong Trading Company has a booming business and unlimited prospects. You, a mere junior in the reincarnation realm, just buy whatever you want. What are you daydreaming about?"

The elders sternly reprimanded, their anger unquenchable, and they wanted to buy the business. Doing so was simply a slap in the face.

Jiang Tian smiled coldly: "People don't tell secrets. I have heard your conversation just now. You know the difficulties faced by Tianhong Trading Company better than I do. There is no need to pretend in front of me! Let's put it this way, I I can buy your firm with a one-time cash investment, but in fact I have no interest in your firm at all. If you refuse, I can buy another firm at the same or even less cost, and your firm will not take long. , will be squeezed out by those competitors who are like wolves and tigers! Whether to sell or not, I will listen to the words of Master Yu!"

"Damn it!"


"Sir, Master, this person has unknown origins and has ulterior motives. You must not trust him!"

The elders gritted their teeth and shouted angrily, with a firm attitude and no concealment of the anger in their hearts.

In fact, they are not only worried about the future of the business, but also feel uneasy about their own future and situation.

Once this outsider buys the business, it is really unpredictable what their situation will be like. The deal may have just been completed one moment, and they will all be kicked out by the new owner the next moment and lose this lucrative job.

Yu Tianhong shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I don't understand what you are thinking, but you all know the predicament at hand. It's pretty good that Yu can hold on until now. Taking into account the conditions proposed by everyone, do you think there is something better?" Is this deal more suitable?"


"But we..."

The elders hesitated to speak, their faces extremely ugly. The moment they were most worried about was finally coming.

Tianhong Trading Company was founded solely by Yu Tianhong. They seemed to have great power as elders, but in fact they only had certain powers in daily affairs. They had no real control over fundamental matters related to the existence and sale of the business. The right to speak.

In a word, if Yu Tianhong wants to sell, they can't stop him at all, and they don't have the qualifications to stop him!

"Tianhong Trading Company has grown from a small street stall to where it is today. Your contribution is even greater than that of Yu. Don't worry, even if Yu chooses to sell the business, he will not treat you badly!"


Everyone's hearts were shaken and their eyes were red.

"I don't know your surname?" Yu Tianhong asked, cupping his hands.

"Knowing my origin will only do you harm but no good." Jiang Tian said lightly.

Yu Tianhua's face froze, but thoughts were rolling in his heart. Looking at the mysterious appearance of the other party, he was afraid that his background was extraordinary and his identity was definitely not ordinary!

"Yu can agree to your request, but there is one condition, or rather a request. As long as you agree, it is not a bad idea for Yu to reluctantly sell the firm!"


"After buying the trading company, please be sure to keep these elders and ensure that their treatment will not be lower than the current level. As long as you nod, the deal will be concluded immediately. If you don't agree..."

"No problem, I promise you!"

Before the other party could finish speaking, Jiang Tian nodded happily. This scene made Yu Tianhua and the elders of the trading company all stunned!

Everyone looked at each other, and felt a little nervous for a moment. The other party agreed readily without even thinking about it. Is there any back-up plan?

The corner of Yu Tianhua's mouth twitched: "Your Excellency... you are not pretending to deceive me, and wait until the trading company takes possession of it before carrying out a big purge? If that is the case, I am afraid that Yu will have to reconsider this transaction!"

"Thinking too much!" Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled: "It can be seen that these elders are really affectionate towards Tianhong Trading Company. Keeping them will only benefit and not hurt the trading company. I will not shoot myself in the foot." .”

"Huh!" Yu Tianhua let out a sullen breath, "In this case, Yu is relieved. I agree to your request and decide to sell the business!"

Without saying a word, Jiang Tian threw out a storage ring again, which was full of spiritual crystals.

Yu Tianhua took it and glanced silently: "No need to count, the two storage rings add up to a total of 360 billion spiritual crystals, which is enough to buy your business!"

Jiang Tian had already heard about Tianhong Trading Company's price from outside. The price was 300 billion mid-level spiritual crystals.

But this is just Yu Tianhua’s own valuation, and the quotes offered by several competitors are only 200 billion, and they are not paid in full at once. The conditions are extremely harsh, and there are many uncertainties hidden in the follow-up. Choose If he sells it to those people, Yu Tianhua will definitely lose all his money, but if he sells it to Jiang Tian, ​​he can not only get his money back immediately, but he can even make a fortune!

At the most difficult moment, such a deal came to his door, which was a timely help. He really had no reason to refuse. If it weren't for the elders' consideration, he would have already thought about nodding when Jiang Tian handed over the first storage ring. .

"Three thousand...sixty billion?"

"Oh my God!"


Yu Tianhua was immersed in surprise and relief, and all the elders gasped, they were all shocked!

This price far exceeded their expectations and left them dumbfounded and shocked!

"Am I dreaming?"

"The joint acquisition by several competitors only offered an offer of 200 billion, and more than one-third of it had to be paid based on subsequent business conditions. But everyone understands that it is just an excuse. Regardless of whether the subsequent operations are good or bad, It is almost impossible to take back this spiritual crystal!"

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