"That's right, I can find you only because of their blood sense!" Jiang Tian nodded heavily.

"Two sisters, please forgive me. My name is Su Wan. Jiang Tian has already told me about your situation. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I have long wanted to thank you in person. Now when I see you, I am still the same. For jade people, it's really rare!"

Su Wan thanked the two sisters with a smile and cupped her hands.

Wei Feng and Wei Yu were overwhelmed by the flattery, and dared not even say it.

"Sister Su Wan is much more enthusiastic and easy-going than sister Hongchen!"

"Courtesy cannot be broken! Younger sister, remember to be careful, and don't forget our identities. This is someone the young master cares about, and there is no way we will offend you in the slightest!"

"Don't worry, sister, I understand."

The two sisters talked quietly through voice transmission.

"The other two bloodlines are still in the secret hall. Fellow Daoist Jiang wait a moment, I will order someone to bring them here."

"Don't be so troublesome, I'll come!"

Yanluo Pozu wanted to send a message to the elders, but Jiang Tian pressed the formula lightly, and directly used the "Empty Transformation Formation" to move the other two innate bloodlines in the secret hall to the forbidden area.

Hum rumble!

With a flash of purple light, two fire attribute talent bloodlines appeared. They were stunned for a moment before they realized it, and then saluted Pozu Yanluo with surprise on his face.

"Ou Ruoxue, Mei Yunqing, pay homage to my lord mother-in-law!"

"Exemption!" Grandpa Yanluo waved her hand lightly, and smiled at Jiang Tian: "You can use the space escape technique to such an extent, Jiang Daoyou is really a good skill, I admire it!"

"A trivial technique is not worth mentioning. If the restriction here has not been closed, my space escape technique will be useless."

Jiang Tian waved his hands and smiled. The restrictions here include powerful space restrictions, which are enough to interfere with the operation of the "Empty Formation".

And in the process of coming to the forbidden area, Yanluo Pozu has closed them all. As for the secret hall, because of the suspension of the "Yanluo Jinghuo Trifold Formation", the peripheral restrictions are also closed, so that it will not affect He casts spells from a distance.

"Jiang Daoyou is too modest, let's stop gossip and start right away!"


After getting Jiang Tian's consent, Pozu Yanluo waved his hand and immediately began to set up the formation. At the same time, he explained to everyone the key points and points of casting spells, as well as the various risks that need attention.

Buzz buzz!

After some busy work, the numerous magic circles in the forbidden area were opened again. According to the arrangement of Pozu Yanluo, the magic circle for refining the four spirits Xuanyan was divided into four positions. Su Wan, Ou Ruoxue, and Mei Yunqing each occupied the east, The south and north are located, and the two sisters Weifeng and Weiyu occupy the west.

The positions of the five people are in the four elements of dark alloy, fire, water, and gold, and earth is the master of the five elements, and the middle earth position is naturally occupied by Yanluo Pozu himself.

At this time, she had already entered the formation, and sat cross-legged on a fire pattern stone platform at the core of the hundred-zhang space surrounded by four mysterious flames.

"Wait!" Jiang Tian frowned suddenly!

"What's the matter, Fellow Daoist Jiang?"

Seeing that refining was about to start, Jiang Tian suddenly made a sound, which made Yan Luo very puzzled.

"These four mysterious flames have different auras. In the past hundred years, have Senior Yan Luo understood all of their natures?"

"This...Of course not. If there was, it wouldn't be such a trouble. Why did Fellow Daoist Jiang ask such a question?" Pozu Yanluo shook his head slowly and said truthfully.

"Know yourself and know your enemy before you can take the initiative. Judging from the current conditions, this refining... I'm afraid it will be difficult!" Jiang Tian frowned.

On the surface, it seems that they are refining the "Four Spirits Profound Flames", but in fact, they are facing four strange existences with different auras and temperaments.

To put it bluntly, they are not refining one kind of strange fire, but equivalent to refining four kinds of strange fire at the same time, and they haven't figured out their nature. The risks and variables involved are too great.

If only one of the profound flames has a problem, maybe it can be suppressed, but if two, three or even four of them have abnormal movements together, the scene will be extremely complicated and full of huge risks.

Thinking of this, Jiang Tian couldn't help but twitch his mouth. The so-called "50% certainty" of Yanluo Pozu is actually completely nonsensical. In his opinion, it is very good to have a "100%" hope!

"Did the seniors really not estimate the risks involved, or did it mean that they knew what they couldn't do?"

Jiang Tian asked with a voice transmission, frowning.

Pozu Yanluo's face froze, a trace of struggle flashed in his eyes, after a short moment of silence, he smiled resentfully.

"Jiang Daoyou is indeed extremely wise. Since you have already seen it, I don't need to explain much. Let me tell you the truth, I have spent a lot of effort collecting these three fire attribute talent bloodlines. I wanted to wait until four. The Dao bloodline appeared and started to refine it, but now it seems that the old man may not have that kind of luck, and he may not be able to wait until that day. Changes, instead of sitting and waiting, it is better to give it a go!"

"Give it a go!"

Jiang Tian's face darkened slightly, and he was secretly annoyed.

If it wasn't for Su Wan's face, he might have reconsidered this refinement, but since the matter has come to this point, he can only take one step at a time.

"I hope nothing will go wrong!" Jiang Tian let out a sulking breath, and after weighing for a while, he didn't forcefully stop him.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Jiang, for your success!"

Pozu Yanluo's face was overjoyed, and she couldn't wait to activate the restraining formation to suppress Xuanyan, and officially started the refining process.

"East, west, south, and north four formations, help me extract Xuanyan and gradually refine it!"


Following the order of the formation, the five women played out one after another formulas, using the power of numerous magic circles to suppress the "Four Spirits Profound Flame".


Strands of slender, dusty red flames were drawn out, and slowly swept towards the center of the formation under the wrapping and confinement of heavy spiritual power.

Pozu Yanluo used his essence and blood to blend into the patterns below his body, and urged the power of the stars to prop up several spiritual barriers outside his body, using these powers to slowly accept the red flames.

Bang bang...crack...rumble!

Although the red flame silk is as thin as dust, the power contained in it cannot be underestimated. The moment Fang touched it, the spiritual power barriers trembled violently, as if raindrops were dripping on the calm water, causing red ripples.

The intertwined spirit patterns in the spiritual power barrier seemed to be unable to withstand the impact of the flames, and they were broken inch by inch. However, under the continuous infusion of the power of the magic circle, new spirit patterns were formed rapidly, constantly replenishing and consuming the flames. shock.

Jiang Tian folded his arms and watched outside the formation, frowning greatly.

The refining process was more complicated and slower than he had imagined. Although he was extremely cautious, it was only now that he realized that he still overestimated Yan Luo Pozu's methods.

"Four positions, take it!"

As soon as the four flame threads were pulled out, Pozu Yanluo issued an order to signal the four parties to suspend casting spells.

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