Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 5020 Restraint

"I see!"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, thoughtfully.

These giant wooden stakes, including the aura emanating from the huge wooden door before, are exactly the same as the psychic liquid in this secluded spring, and can even resist the detection of "Phantom Eye", and its source is obviously in this secluded spring.

But when he looked carefully for a moment, he found that something was wrong!

"Hey, how did this happen?"

Jiang Tian took a few steps forward and came to the edge of the Youquan to check carefully, and found that the spiritual liquid in the pool and those giant wooden stakes were not poured in one direction, but formed a subtle cycle with each wooden stake!


Jiang Tian glanced around Youquan with doubts. All the huge piles that restrained the warriors were constantly circulating with the spiritual fluid of Youquan, coming and going.

However, the few free wooden piles are not in this situation, and their connection with the Youquan seems to be interrupted.

The spiritual liquid in the pool did not fill it, and no spiritual liquid on the wooden stake returned to the pool.

Jiang Tian glanced around and immediately understood.

"I understand! The spiritual power and vitality of the blood of these trapped warriors flow into the deep spring through the wooden stakes, and the psychic liquid in the deep spring will also flow into their bodies, eroding their physical bodies and transformation!”

"It's so weird!"

"Then what effect will these spiritual liquids have after entering the body?"

Wei Feng and Wei Yu glanced at the warriors on the wooden stakes with horror on their faces. It seemed that they were lifeless and had long been turned into corpses.

This kind of transformation is obviously not beneficial to these warriors themselves, but a fatal encounter. What is the intention of the owner of the Nether Spring Land to set up such a strange formation? "

"Martial arts are amazing. No matter what purpose they have, they are obviously some shady and evil techniques!"

Jiang Tian slowly exhaled a sigh of relief, his eyes shining with cold light!

Although he hasn't met the owner of Youquan yet, he believes that the other person on the seventh or eighth level may be the mysterious Black Spirit Lord!

Jiang Tian suppressed the thoughts in his heart, raised his hand and gently tapped it in the air, and drew out a few drops of mysterious spiritual liquid from the quiet spring.


Wisps of gray smoke rose from his fingertips, and this spiritual liquid had a strong corrosive effect.

This scene made the three companions' eyes twitch and their expressions change, but it actually had little impact on Jiang Tian.

This level of corrosive power is not enough to threaten his "Tyrannosaurus Combat Body" in a short period of time.

But there is no doubt that whether it is the quiet spring, these mysterious wooden piles or even the previous wooden door, there is some kind of secret hidden in it, and it is definitely an extraordinary existence!

"The world is unpredictable and God's will is unpredictable. Now that you have encountered it, I will do my best to help you escape!"

Jiang Tian slowly let out a sullen breath, raised his hand and waved forward gently.


Waves of purple flames swept out, intending to incinerate the bodies of these warriors and free them from this tragic experience.

But what happened next surprised him!


Before the purple flames could touch their bodies, they were forcibly pushed away by the layer of black and gray spiritual light!

"Huh?" Jiang Tian frowned and flicked out a few purple-gold thunderbolts.

This is not ordinary thunder power, but the "Purple Golden Thunder" that he has been practicing for a long time.

Hiss... boom!

The purple golden lightning struck the surface of the black-gray spiritual light and was also blocked, unable to touch the bodies of those warriors at all.

"As expected!"

Although Jiang Tian was a little surprised, he was not too surprised.

The situation before him was exactly the same as when he broke open the wooden door. These wooden piles and black and gray spiritual energy were not afraid of attacks by ordinary methods such as fire and thunder.

Jiang Tian smiled coldly and summoned the "Three Lives Dao Wood". Before he could activate it, there was a violent reaction in this space!


Hundreds of giant piles began to tremble inexplicably, making uneasy movements, and a rich black-gray spiritual light escaped from them, covering the bodies of those warriors layer by layer, obviously to strengthen their defenses.

"Oh?" Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly and the sneer on his lips became thicker.


With a wave of his right hand, a purple-white halo bloomed on the surface of the "Sansheng Dao Wood"!

The halo spread rapidly, sweeping across the void like a destructive force. Wherever it went, the black-gray aura collapsed layer by layer like paper paste, completely unable to stop its attack.


Hundreds of wooden stakes trembled more and more violently, and the layers of changes gathered into a dull roar, as if a terrifying giant beast was going crazy.

"Sansheng Daomu, come back!"

With a big wave of Jiang Tian's hand, the light of the "Sansheng Dao Wood" soared, and purple and white halos swayed one after another, completely dispelling the black and gray aura.

The purple-white halo directly bombarded the surface of the giant pile, and a scene that surprised him appeared!

Whoosh whoosh!

The evil spirit patterns on the surface of the giant pile seemed to come alive, and they squirmed quickly towards the purple-white halo, but when the two sides came into contact, these spirit patterns were broken inch by inch, and they were completely restrained!

"too strong!"

"I really didn't expect that the 'Sansheng Daomu' could suppress this weird existence!"

Wei Feng and Wei Yu's spirits were greatly lifted, and most of the panic in their hearts disappeared immediately.

"Can ignore all kinds of means, but be easily crushed by the 'three-life dao wood', what kind of existence are these wooden stakes?"

Su Wan wanted to step forward and examine it carefully to resolve her doubts, but after all she didn't dare to act recklessly.

Not to mention these evil wooden stakes, the black-gray aura they emit alone can not fear Jiang Tian's fire, thunder, or even sword attack. Such a powerful and strange existence is obviously not something she can handle.

Bang bang bang...crack...boom!

"Three Lives Dao Wood" continued to exert its power, and the purple and white halos continued to impact. The giant piles around gradually began to be unable to withstand it, and exploded one after another.

At the same time as the huge pile exploded, those warriors were also liberated, and their bodies turned into fly ash one by one and were annihilated out of thin air!


"They have fallen for a long time, and all that is left is a body that has been eroded and transformed by the spring!"

"The owner of Youquan is really hurtful!"

The three companions all sighed.

But the scene in front of him surprised Jiang Tian.

He originally thought that these giant piles would not be damaged, and planned to leave a few of them for further study, but he did not expect that they would be so vulnerable to the "Three Lives Dao Wood".

This made him quite puzzled!

When he cracked the wooden door before, looking at the various magical powers of the strange vine, he felt as if he had encountered an existence that was not inferior to the "Taiyi Spirit Wood" and "Three Lives Dao Wood", but now it is not the case.

The strange vines on the wooden door behaved quite differently from the giant pile, which also left a lot of doubts and suspense in his mind.

"This is definitely not an ordinary wood-attributed spiritual object, it must have some origins!"

Jiang Tian murmured to himself, but obviously no one could answer this question.

Seeing those wooden stakes all burst, together with the bodies of those fallen warriors collapsed and annihilated, he could only suppress the distracting thoughts in his heart and looked at the mysterious giant pool opposite.

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