Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 5075 Holy Treasure vs. Holy Treasure

"Damn it! Wasn't this rare treasure destroyed thousands of years ago?"

Ancestor Wufeng shouted sternly, with a hint of panic in his voice.

His cultivation background is extremely rich and has almost no flaws, but the "Splitting Wind Halberd" is one of the few existences that he is afraid of!

This holy treasure can easily suppress his "Ultimate Spiritual Heavenly Wind" and is simply his nemesis.

Without this treasure, he would not be afraid of Da Si Tian, ​​but with this rare treasure, the situation has changed dramatically.

Ancestor Wufeng's eyes were beating wildly, and he was filled with incomparable fear in his heart.

But what really made him angry was not the magic weapon itself, but its origin!

This treasure is nothing else, it is the treasure at the bottom of the box of his mentor who taught him back then. It was originally intended to be passed on to him after he entered the star realm, but not long after his master made this wish, he encountered a powerful enemy and fell and died.

He did not witness that battle with his own eyes, but according to the rumors at the time, his master exploded and died, and the holy treasure was also said to have been damaged and disappeared.

"It turned out that you were responsible for the downfall of the family teacher back then!"

"Si Tianjian has beheaded countless people, maybe your master is among them?"

Da Sitian shook his head and sneered, as if he didn't care about it.

"Die to me!"

Wufeng Patriarch roared furiously, opened his mouth and swallowed, all the "Extreme Ling Tianfeng" rolled back, and his aura also began to climb rapidly, reaching a dreadful height!

"Can it still be used like this?"

The corner of Da Sitian's eyes twitched, but then his face darkened, and he swung the Splitting Wind Halberd and slashed out.



A roar of fury and despair resounded from the sky above Tianzhu Peak, and immediately after that, the entire hall exploded.

From Patriarch Wufeng down, several elders and core disciples have all fallen!


After the main hall collapsed, an invisible wave rippled out, and the prohibition circle covering the entire Windless Mountain was extinguished.


"The power of restraint has disappeared!"

"Look over there, what's happening there?"

Jiang Tian and his three companions, who were fleeing, saw something strange on Tianzhu Peak. Jiang Tian frowned, suddenly having a bad premonition.


Hum rumble!

Before he had time to think about it, he immediately used the "Empty Transformation Formation" and brought his companions to the front of Tianzhu Peak.

At this time, a large amount of shattered crumbs were still flying randomly in the air, billowing smoke and dust rippling in all directions, and the extremely pure wind spiritual power crazily permeated the void, stirring up waves of spiritual power and violent hurricanes.

"What an amazing wind spirit power!"

"Isn't this place called 'No Wind'? Why did the wind power reappear?"

Wei Feng and Wei Yu were astonished, but also deeply puzzled.

"Obviously, a major change has occurred here!" Su Wan glanced at the frenzied scene around her, feeling very uneasy in her heart.


With a big wave of Jiang Tian's hand, he swept away the violent waves of spiritual power in the void, and found an old man in silver robe standing on the ruins of the bursting hall, holding a silver halberd in his hand and looking at him coldly, with a hideous look on his face .

"Si Tianjian Da Si Tian!"


"It's them again!"

"Damn it!"

The expressions of the three companions all changed!

"Jiang Tian, ​​you're finally here, it's not in vain for me to wait for you!"

"From the lower realm to the upper realm, Si Tianjian really lingers!" Jiang Tian looked at him coldly and said in a deep voice.

"Leaving aside the account that you severely injured our Sitian supervisor, Sitian, do you know who the big Sitian you beheaded is?"

"Who cares who he is? I won't offend people if they don't offend me. If they offend me, I will pay back ten times and a hundred times!" Jiang Tian said coldly.

"Extremely arrogant! Let me tell you, that man's name is Lou Xuan, and he is my clan brother Lou Jin. No matter in public or private life, I will kill you to avenge him!"

"Kill me? Huh, I'm afraid you don't have the ability!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, not caring.

The same Da Sitian, Yan Jin's aura is not much stronger than Lou Xuan's before, so he is not a threat to him.

And what he relied on was probably the silver halberd in his hand. He could tell at a glance that it was a holy treasure and exuded a terrifying aura!

"You are still so arrogant when you are about to die. I think you will not cry until you see the coffin! Your companions are very good. One time!"

"court death!"

Jiang Tian shouted loudly and used the "Tyrannosaurus Fighting Strike" to blast out suddenly.

Click... boom!

Although Jiang Tian took action quickly, the opponent's reaction was not slow either. At the same time as he took action, he swung the "Splitting Wind Halberd" towards him.

Tsk... bang... boom!

The slender silver light flashed suddenly, as if a silver ray or the edge of a huge silver blade cut across, hit the Zijin fist shadow fiercely, and erupted with a loud noise!

Rumble, rumble!

Purple, gold, and silver spiritual light surged crazily, and the three-color spiritual power raged crazily, and a section of the top of Tianzhu Peak was instantly wiped out!


"Oh my God!"

"The power of one blow is so amazing, it is worthy of being a holy treasure!"

The three companions exclaimed in unison and subconsciously hid behind Jiang Tian.

Although they wanted to help Jiang Tian, ​​they knew that they were definitely not able to get involved in the fight in front of them.

It's okay if they don't take action, but once they do, they will only drag Jiang Tian back, making it difficult for him to take care of himself.

"Jiang Tian, ​​die!"


Da Sitian wielded the Wind-Splitting Halberd and slashed out again, the silver light piercing the void and emitting a terrifying and ear-piercing scream!

"Holy Treasure? Hmph!"

Jiang Tian shouted coldly, held his right hand in the air, and a cloud-gray strange umbrella suddenly appeared.

"Baiting the Sky Umbrella?" Yan Jin's face darkened, and he was instantly irritated, "Impossible! Isn't this treasure already damaged, how could it appear in your hands in good condition?"

"Is it a surprise?"

Jiang Tian gently shook the Heaven-Deceiving Umbrella, and a cloud-grey halo rippled out, easily neutralizing the opponent's attack.

The hundreds of feet long silver slender light lost its power when it touched the cloud-gray halo, as if it was just an ordinary silver light, slipping past Jiang Tian and his companions!


After the silver light passed by Jiang Tian and his companions, it exploded into the void in front of them, setting off a terrifying wave of spiritual power.

"Impossible! According to Si Tianjian's spiritual treasure induction, the Heaven-Deceiving Umbrella has obviously been damaged. How did you repair it?"

Lou Jin shouted loudly, unable to believe the scene in front of him.

The holy treasure is not an ordinary magic weapon. Once it is damaged, it is almost impossible to repair it. Even a very high-level weapon refining master cannot do anything.

Of course, there are no wonders in the world of martial arts, and there are exceptions to everything!

It cannot be ruled out that some powerful or geeks with great attainments will find another way to repair it, but in any case, it is impossible to restore it to such a state in such a short period of time.

The Bullying Umbrella in front of him looks almost in good condition, and its power and aura haven't dropped significantly, which is an irrefutable proof that it can defuse the attack of "Splitting Wind Halberd".

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