Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 5234 Secret Recommendation Order

These remnant treasures in front of him are almost all of the holy level. Obviously, only those of the same level can enter the old man's eyes. Among the holy treasures, space and time magic weapons are rarer than the last. If there are such magic weapons, he will naturally keep them for himself. I will never give it to the other party.

"Among the holy treasures of time, the most famous one I know is the 'Original Holy Bell'. Unfortunately, that rare treasure disappeared hundreds of thousands of years ago. Naturally, I don't expect to get it from fellow Taoists." If you could give me a few space magic weapons to choose from, that would be a good choice."

The old man's face was full of self-deprecation, and his words were full of ridicule and contempt. It was obvious that he did not expect Jiang Tian to give him such a surprise.

Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered.

Treasures of this level and attribute are all extremely valuable and rare in quantity, making them rare.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to meet your request, but with some flexibility, we may both be able to get a more satisfactory result."

Jiang Tian turned his right hand and took out a strange-looking treasure.

"Huh? This is..." Looking at this treasure, the old man's smile gradually faded away. He looked at the treasure carefully, then raised his head and looked at Jiang Tian repeatedly, his expression gradually becoming serious.

"Why, is this treasure inaccessible to Your Majesty's eyes?" Jiang Tian asked with a smile.

"Fellow Taoist, you are joking. If I am not mistaken, this treasure seems to be..." The old man's eyes twitched and he hesitated, as if he was a little afraid.

"What do you suspect?" Jiang Tian looked at the other party with a half-smile.

The old man took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Deception Umbrella!"

"Haha, fellow Taoist, your eyesight is quite good. This remnant treasure is indeed the 'Deception Umbrella'." Jiang Tian nodded lightly and did not deny it.

"It is indeed it! But how is it possible? Isn't this treasure in the hands of the powerful Si Tianjian?"

The old man looked at Jiang Tian with shock on his face, almost as if he was in a dream.

"Now that fellow Taoist has recognized it, I have nothing to hide. Although the Deception Umbrella is not a pure space magic weapon, it contains powerful space restriction power. It was extremely powerful when it was at its peak. Although it has fallen into a broken piece now, The power of the treasure is still very considerable, I wonder if this treasure can be seen by fellow Taoists?"

"This..." The old man hesitated, he was really shocked by this treasure.

The reason that shocked him was not the Deception itself.

For him who is well-informed, such a holy treasure is not a bizarre existence even if it is in perfect condition. What really shocked him was the origin of this treasure.

Everyone in the martial arts world knows that the Bullying Umbrella is Si Tianjian's treasure, and Si Tianjian's treasure is naturally in the hands of Si Tianjian's strong men and will never fall into the hands of others easily.

At this moment, he even doubted whether the other party was from Si Tianjian, but if that was the case, the other party would not need to come to him to seek the treasure.

As a cross-domain force, Si Tianjian itself has a huge refining system and a huge amount of resources. From refining to repairing various magic weapons, it does not require any external force. In comparison, forces like the Dingsheng Weapon Refining Industry only Just a tiny ant.

The old man's thoughts were rolling, and he stared deeply at Jiang Tian, ​​as if he wanted to see him through.

The person who had seemed naive and self-righteous in his eyes just now was actually full of mystery at this moment.

"Why, can't you?" Jiang Tian asked lightly.

The old man took the bullying umbrella and looked at it repeatedly.

Although this is already a broken treasure, its value is beyond imagination.

Every sacred treasure from Si Tianjian has secret techniques and imprints embedded in it. Even if the magic treasure is taken away for a moment, it can be easily regained by just pressing the secrets.

This method makes the already powerful Si Tianjian warriors often invincible, and also makes their treasures rarely stray and lost.

And this Heaven-Deceiving Umbrella was not only snatched away, but also turned into a mutilated treasure, apparently damaged by a power that overridden it.

"I'm a little curious, how did you get this treasure?"

"Is this related to what we are talking about?" Jiang Tian asked without answering.

"Ahem, I'm talking too much!" The old man smiled awkwardly, and his eyes fell on the Heaven-Deceiving Umbrella again, "Although this treasure has been damaged, it is indeed of some use to me, so I accepted it. Regarding what fellow Taoist asked for, For the matter, the old man should do his best to help."

"Thank you!"

"Fellow Taoist, you're welcome!"

The old man put away the Heaven-Deceiving Umbrella, turned over his hand and took out a token, rubbed it with his fingers and injected a drop of blood essence into it.

"This is our bank's secret recommendation order. With this token, you can exchange for the assistance of an Weapon Master at any branch of the Central Region Weapon Refining Union!"

"The Weapon Refining Alliance?"

"That's right! The Central Territory Artifact Refining Alliance is an alliance jointly established by all the instrument refining masters, weapon refining firms, aristocratic families, and sects. It brings together the highest level senior instrument refining masters in the Central Territory and has absorbed a large number of weapon refining experts. Wizards, only they can solve your problems!”

The old man moved it gently, and the token resonated with the secret magic circle set up in the Dingsheng Refining Shop. At the same time, it emitted a deep and mysterious aura and projected the five golden lights of the "Central Domain Refining Alliance" There is a number below the big character that circulates, "Xuanzi, No. 27,477."

"This is my rank in the Central Region Artifact Refining Alliance. I am ashamed to say that my level is not low, but within the Artifact Refining Alliance it is barely in the middle and lower reaches. For a weapon refining master like me, there are few people in the alliance. It is said to be twenty or thirty thousand, and each weapon refiner can only use this secret order once within ten years. It contains not only the mark of my spiritual power, but also the brand of the prosperous weapon refiner. It is almost impossible for outsiders to do it. If there is a bold forger, he will be held accountable and suppressed by the entire Weapon Refining Alliance!"

There are different levels of weapon refiners within the Central Region Artifact Refining Union. From high to low, they are divided into four levels: heaven, earth, Xuan, and Huang. The word "Xuan" means that the old man's internal level in the Artifact Refining Union is "Xuan" level.

"Where is the nearest branch of the Refining Alliance?"

Without further investigation, Jiang Tian was already convinced of the effectiveness of this token. This small token contained various special prohibition methods, and its refining difficulty was probably no less than that of a quasi-sacred treasure.

It is not difficult to see from his skill in weapon refining that this object is extremely difficult to imitate, and no warrior has spent a huge amount of money to refine such a "device" that does not have any offensive and defensive effects.

"More than three million miles away in the southeast, there is a branch of the Artifact Refining Alliance in Tianzhu Mountain. The level of the artifact refining masters in charge is far above me!"

Jiang Tian frowned slightly: "In that case, can the weapon refiners there refine a treasure at the level of an immortal treasure?"

"Absolutely impossible!" The old man shook his head and sighed, "Fellow Taoists must also know about the situation of the Immortal Treasure. Even the senior refining masters of the Refining Alliance cannot refine the Immortal Treasure. Even with the combined efforts of many refining masters, It’s also difficult to refine an immortal treasure, it requires chance and luck, and it’s not as simple as you think!”

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