Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 5306 Dragon Spirit Blood Orb

Hiss... Boom!

In a blink of an eye, the phantoms of the three giant dragons were entangled and exploded, turning into strands of dragon blood essence and fused into the purple "giant dragon".


Jiang Tian raised his hand, and the blood vision contracted sharply, pouring into his body.


A deep roar followed, and the impact of physical advancement was almost unstoppable, but he pressed it down forcefully, and stepped forward to get in front of Long Kai and the others.

At this moment, the cultivation base of the three people who had been devoured by the blood vision had fallen to the early stage of the star realm.

Not to mention Jiang Tian in such a realm, but Su Wan, Wei Feng, and Wei Yu would be able to destroy them with just a lift of their hands.

"You can die!"

"Damn it!"



Bang bang bang... Boom!

Jiang Tian slapped three palms in a row, and the two dragon geniuses exploded into a blood mist, but Long Kai did not fall, but his cultivation base was crippled and he was seriously injured.


The low roar sounded again, and Jiang Tian's physical bottleneck could no longer be suppressed. He urged the Dragon Clan to "transform", removed the power of confinement, and took a step to the height of the valley to continue advancing.

"The following is up to you!"

"Young master, don't worry!"

Wei Feng and Wei Yu rushed over immediately, put away the storage rings left by the two dragon geniuses, and watched Long Kai closely.

Su Wan let out a long breath of sullen air, with deep fear still remaining in her heart.

She couldn't judge whether this shot would affect Jiang Tian's advancement, but with the nourishment of the dragon blood of those three people, it must be able to make up for it.

Although the immediate crisis has passed, potential dangers may still come at any time, so she still dare not take it lightly.

"The two younger sisters are optimistic about him, we can't let our guard down yet!"

"Sister Su Wan, we listen to you!"

The three of them didn't dare to leave too far, Wei Yu took care of Long Kai, Su Wan and Wei Feng were nearby to protect Jiang Tian.

Roar... Boom!

The phantom of the purple dragon that disappeared once again reappeared, and the situation in the sky was changing, and the purple dragon summoned the giant pillar of spiritual energy to pour down.

The dragon blood of the three opponents merged into the body, and the effect was extraordinary!

The purple light all over Jiang Tian's body soared, and phantoms of purple scales flashed one after another, and merged into his body at an astonishing speed.

"Balong battle body, charge me!"


Accompanied by bursts of mighty roars, Jiang Tian's body climbed steadily, and under Long Kai's horrified gaze, he completely broke through the bottleneck and stood on the eighth floor!

Ho Ho Ho... Boom!

The violent roar of the dragon swayed in the sky, shaking all directions!

At this moment, on a certain giant peak in the depths of the Yunyuan Mountain Range, many Dragon Clan powerhouses and talented warriors watched from afar.

Several elders of the dragon clan cast spells and watched through the thick fog, and they were shocked by the sight they saw!

"What an amazing vision, what happened there?"

"It seems that someone is advancing, which clan genius could it be?"

"Such a strange vision, could it be those top monsters?"

"I don't see it. Those people have been retreating in the clan all the time. Who will go to the outer area to break through?"

"That's weird!"

The dragon warriors kept guessing, and even the elders were extremely puzzled.

"Everyone, the movement over there is extremely unusual, and I think it is necessary to go and investigate!" A silver-robed elder said with a frown.

"No, the situation is not right!" Another silver-robed old man with red scales on his forehead and a black complexion shrunk his eyes, and his face became very ugly.

"Ten elders, what's wrong?"

Everyone was puzzled and hurriedly asked.

"Judging from the scene over there, Long Kai and the others are afraid that... the situation is not good!"

"Long Kai?"

"What does it have to do with him?"

"Could it be that he is advancing? But this vision is completely wrong!"

The companions were extremely surprised and were a little confused for a while.

They are very clear about Long Kai's bloodline, even if they really break through to the advanced level, it will not be like this, and it is even more impossible to cause such a violent vision. Although the vision at the end of the line of sight is too far to see clearly, it is obviously not It was Long Kai who made the noise.

The silver-robed old man said in a deep voice: "Long Kai is out on errands today, and he went in that direction!"

"Even so, it doesn't necessarily have to do with Long Kai, does it?"

"Yeah, maybe it's just a coincidence?"

Several colleagues looked at the black-faced elder with red scales on his forehead with complicated eyes, and there was a complicated look in his eyes.

Long Kai is none other than the son of the Tenth Elder. Although he has always been talented and talented, he is not considered the top among his peers. If he wanted to make a ranking, Long Kai would barely be in the top ten. .

They are also the elders of the Dragon Clan in the Yunyuan Mountain Range. They also have heirs under their knees, and their talents and aptitudes are not inferior to those of Long Kai. With continuous growth, these young people will one day become high-ranking members of the family, and one day they will inevitably compete fiercely for the power of the family. Under this premise, they naturally don't want the ten elder's son to dominate and trample their heirs underfoot.

And the vision they saw at this moment obviously exceeded Long Kai's expected level, which made them feel deeply uneasy!

It's just that they didn't understand the true meaning of the words of the ten elders.

"Coincidence?" The tenth elder's face became more and more ugly, and he spread his right hand, and took out a green bead decorated with red scales.


"This is... Long Kai's Dragon Spirit Blood Orb?"

"How can it be?"


They are all too familiar with this kind of thing. Among the dragon clan in the Yunyuan Mountains, from the elders down to the ordinary disciples, they will all leave a spirit bead infused with dragon blood in the clan, called the Dragon Spirit Blood Bead.

Its function is equivalent to the soul orb of a human warrior, and it can sense the state of the owner of the blood bead. Once a fall or a major accident occurs, this orb will respond and produce various visions.

Lines of sight converged on this dragon spirit blood bead, and the cracks on its surface were clearly visible. What was even more shocking was that the blood essence contained in it was rapidly dissipating, and it was about to disappear.

This means that Longkai has been severely injured, and may even have fallen!

"Impossible! Long Kai's talent is strong, his aptitude is monstrous, and he has a strong leapfrog combat power. The ordinary star river realm can't help him at all, and he can't fall easily!"

"Ten elders calm down, there must be something wrong with the induction of the Dragon Spirit Blood Orb!"

"Long Kai's blood is strong, so he won't die so easily!"

"Maybe it's just an injury, or something happened?"

Everyone spoke words of comfort one after another, and their mood became extremely complicated.

The occurrence of this situation in the Dragon Spirit Blood Bead means that Long Kai has already fallen in all likelihood. Although they are competing for their offspring and are afraid of each other, they are all of the same clan after all. If Long Kai falls, it means that their offspring will also die. Being under a huge threat made them empathize with each other, and a strong fear arose in their hearts.


Before the words were finished, the dragon spirit blood bead in the hands of the ten elders suddenly burst open!

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